That's a lot of dead for an interview to Lemmy – 144 points –

I presume all suicides?

4 suicides, 1 death from old age and one drowned in his own drool at the thought of liberal democracy being replaced by fascism.

Unfortunately, no Trumps were killed in the making of that interview.

Lemmy user appearing in comments to be offended on behalf of the dead people in




... man, this is kinda empty.

Because the attention-starved outragists are clicking on it, seeing my comment then leaving empty handed, seething through their nose rings 😂

It's okay, your lack of self esteem and need to attack people who display empathy has been noted so the comment wasn't a total waste.

Go back to exploding heads. I know you're bored in isolation but its the only logical thing to do with your thought-process.

I'm so confused, what are you on about.