1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I opened jerboa and this was the top of my feed. I was extremely confused for much longer than I'd like to admit.


Hear me out! I have always been an avid reader, get very sucked into plots. I got diagnosed with ADHD in June. Since I've been medicated I've read $15,000 worth of library books. A little of that amount was before June, but most has been since then.

I will walk around the house making food while reading. If I am doing something that requires my hands then it's a podcast or audiobook. This all being said a lot has been manga or graphic novels but there have been days when I read 10+ books.

Probably doesn't sound like the worst problem but it's something that has started to impact my life in ways I did not expect.

Thanks for reading!

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When I use my phone hotspot it is named RCMP Surveillance Horse #69

One of my favourites is from a movie!


One specific family member, hope that's okay. But I could never tell my mom about when I was molested on a work trip with her ex-partners company. One of the families took in troubled boys and I woke up in the cabin with him in my bed. Hands in my clothes and drunk as hell. I beat him so bad. One of the other actual children of employees woke up and helped pull me off him and got him out of there. We never talked about it. I don't know what he(the helper) knew at the time. What I do know is if I ever tell my mother this she will drive and she will one hundred percent kill the people who brought that monster into my life. And I love her too much to put her through that (both having to hear it, and the murder, and the subsequent jail time).

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Well I love you and I'm proud of you for being you (=

World War II: The Sequel "Let's Gidderdone Right"

That's exactly what I thought.. it's just empathy with extra steps?

It was, but I am actually doing really well now, generally. Stable and supportive partner. Love and joy on the daily!

Have some health issues but I feel like who doesn't these days? It does make having friends a struggle but I have a lot of.. acquaintances and small relationships can be fulfilling, in their own way.

Generally great relationships with my family, minus several humans who have been downgraded to biological associates.

On the whole pretty excellent and like to think I'm doing as well for those around me as I can despite my limitations.

Sorry, unsuspecting victims, for the wall of text, the word vomit needed out, I suppose.

You're an amazing beautiful being and I love you forever! 🫀🫀🫀

Apparently you need to wear safety glasses to cut it because the maggots leap at you, while the cheese weeps salty tears.

Who'll stop Lorraine?

I thought it was about a lady who fell down a hill.

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I didn't mind a good infobot in a niche sub, but moving exclusively to lemmy has made me realize just how insidious the bots and sponsored content are over there. I felt attacked, for lack of a better word, by them even if I wasn't interacting with them.

I wonder how much of reddit is dark internet and how much is real users, and how expotentially that might grow. It should be interesting to observe the collapse at any rate.

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Since you stipulated our species, to me, the answer is an external threat to the whole. Aliens, higher or lower dimensional creatures, cryptids, flame unicorns sharting lava, even angels or demons if we want to get real wild.

Even just the threat of an existential terror such as these and probably a lot I missed, (feel free to add to the list! Feed me your existential threats!) has the potential to bring the species together to fight on a larger scale.

However this doesn't eliminate war just moves the focus. So I'm not sure if I've answered your question or not but I had fun doing it!

Okay, so my partner is just recently divorced from his years-estranged wife. He does not know if he wants to get married again, but I do. In loving him and being loved by him I found the reason people would want to tie their lives so fully with another's. You are theirs and they are yours.

This bothered me for a long time, and I promise I'm coming to something (that I think might be) relevant to your situation.

I read a book.. where the crawdads sing? I'm pretty sure. Anyhow a line in the book rang true with me, "we are married like wolves and geese are married" and I love that so much.

So, while you cannot marry her in a legal sense, you can be romantic as fuck.

Also! Just thought of this while typing. Do a commitment ceremony, nothing legal obviously but maybe do a cool cultural marriage ceremony like jumping over a broom around a fire or any of the myriad other marriage ceremonies other cultures use.

Anyhow I'm sorry she's having a hard time and I wish you and yours (and theirs (= ) all the very best. I can imagine a poly relationship could be difficult at times but it sounds like you're doing all the right things.

Stay awesome!

Hey me too! I had friends and family asking me how I got through the days and now we all read a lot and have many plants.

I have some glass ones I found in my local dollar store, they're wonderful

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Dns blockers for the wiiiiin!

He's also so so funny! I expected a dark humour but he is so sharp and witty.

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Don't forget about virtual influencers which is a horror show I just learned about!

I was lucky enough to already be seeing a psychiatrist, and during one appointment I mentioned I was feeling attacked by memes that a friend had been sharing, specifically the ADHD ones. He asked me to show them to him and after three he handed me paperwork to fill out, a questionnaire for my mom and one for me, and then the next appointment he looked at the paperwork for about three minutes and asked if I had any issues with trying a new medication. That was June, and other than my other health issues, life is so much different than I ever thought it could be.

For me personally, I used to have really bad heartburn until I started using straws pretty much exclusively. Rarely do I get heartburn anymore and I also don't belch as much either, which I was doing a lot of as well.

I do use metal or glass straws exclusively though, even in the car I have some in a case in the cubby so I don't have to use those awful paper straws if I am ever forced to grab food in the car.

That is exactly how I know ! Glad my library system isn't the only one that does that.

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Welcome to the eternal now! You've been here all along!

eXistenz is really great I highly recommend!

I'm on disability and cannot. But thanks.

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Dave was bragging to his boss one day, "You know, I know everyone there is to know. Just name someone, anyone, and I know them."

Tired of his boasting, his boss called his bluff, "OK, Dave, how about Tom Cruise?"

"No dramas boss, Tom and I are old friends, and I can prove it." So Dave and his boss fly out to Hollywood and knock on Tom Cruise's door, and Tom Cruise shouts,

"Dave! What's happening? Great to see you! Come on in for a beer!"

Although impressed, Dave's boss is still skeptical. After they leave Cruise's house, he tells Dave that he thinks him knowing Cruise was just lucky.

"No, no, just name anyone else," Dave says.

"President Obama," his boss quickly retorts.

"Yup," Dave says, "Old buddies, let's fly out to Washington," and off they go.

At the White House, Obama spots Dave on the tour and motions him and his boss over, saying, "Dave, what a surprise, I was just on my way to a meeting, but you and your friend come on in and let's have a beer first and catch up."

Well, the boss is very shaken by now but still not totally convinced. After they leave the White House grounds he expresses his doubts to Dave, who again implores him to name anyone else.

"Pope Francis," his boss replies.

"Sure!" says Dave. "I've known the Pope for years." So off they fly to Rome.

Dave and his boss are assembled with the masses at the Vatican's St. Peter's Square when Dave says, "This will never work. I can't catch the Pope's eye among all these people. Tell you what, I know all the guards so let me just go upstairs and I'll come out on the balcony with the Pope." He disappears into the crowd headed towards the Vatican.

Sure enough, half an hour later Dave emerges with the Pope on the balcony, but by the time Dave returns, he finds that his boss has had a heart attack and is surrounded by paramedics.

Making his way to his boss' side, Dave asks him, "What happened?"

His boss looks up and says, "It was the final straw... you and the Pope came out on to the balcony and the man next to me said, 'Who the fuck is that on the balcony with Dave?'

I tried an air raid siren one and it helped a bit.

But maybe like an actual alarm clock not just an alarm on my phone.... Hmmm thanks !

Oh they absolutely do care, you're exactly who they want the data from. The "average person" is a goldmine for data collection. They profit massively from your existence and you should definitely care at least a little about that.

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You didn't, sorry if it came off that way, it's my innate passive aggressive Canadianness, comes out sooo hard in text form.

I'm also sometimes a dick so that doesn't help either heh !

I think if I were rich I'd just buy books and then I wouldn't be rich anymore.

Wyrmwood! Australian zombie movie. Hilariously ridiculous!

Hey man I feel you. I should have added that I live rural and they are working cats as well as pets.

I'm sorry I caused you such anger.

Be well.

Whoa I have not but that sounds intense. You should try blowing stuff up with your mind.

Mmmh that sounds lovely but I unfortunately do not have that luxury as I do not live in the same town as my library.

I have tried several different ways, and I will try the alarm again since you've suggested it - thank you by the way - but I often get laser focused in such a way that I don't hear my partner speaking when he's beside me on the couch.

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The mulch. We feed the trees and fungi.

A good brie or manchego will get me everytime!