What's a seemingly harmless habit of yours that you struggle to break?

mayflower@lemmy.ml to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 85 points –

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Hear me out! I have always been an avid reader, get very sucked into plots. I got diagnosed with ADHD in June. Since I've been medicated I've read $15,000 worth of library books. A little of that amount was before June, but most has been since then.

I will walk around the house making food while reading. If I am doing something that requires my hands then it's a podcast or audiobook. This all being said a lot has been manga or graphic novels but there have been days when I read 10+ books.

Probably doesn't sound like the worst problem but it's something that has started to impact my life in ways I did not expect.

Thanks for reading!

I haven't done the math on "value" read, but I do 15-20 hours of audiobook (because 2x speed) on work days. It definitely can make finding new reads a challenge.

some libraries include that fun little stat on your slips.

That's kind of cool. I'd need to combine a lot of different sources to get a number, though. I use all of Libby and Hoopla from my library, a scribd subscription (sorry, everand, I guess now), Audible, and Apple Books to handle my audiobook needs (and more for ebooks, though I have less time for that).

That is exactly how I know ! Glad my library system isn't the only one that does that.

you've 'spent' as much on books in five months as i have in, like, twenty years. but i don't always actually check books out. i often just go there (it's only a block away), grab a book, find a sofa to sit on, and read it.. cover-to-cover, then put it back where i found it.

Mmmh that sounds lovely but I unfortunately do not have that luxury as I do not live in the same town as my library.

I've been sucked into a depression fueled reading hole where I just read and lay in bed for several days. What's weird though is after a couple of days I start to narrate my dreams and if long enough it begins to make its way into my waking life?

Ever experienced anything like this?

Whoa I have not but that sounds intense. You should try blowing stuff up with your mind.

You could try set a countdown on your phone to snap you out of it after an hour or so.

I have tried several different ways, and I will try the alarm again since you've suggested it - thank you by the way - but I often get laser focused in such a way that I don't hear my partner speaking when he's beside me on the couch.

That's fair. You could try one of those classic bell-based alarm clocks, that shit will jolt even the most concentrated of people

I tried an air raid siren one and it helped a bit.

But maybe like an actual alarm clock not just an alarm on my phone.... Hmmm thanks !

Yeah there's something about phone speakers that just never does the job for me. I dunno, the alarm sounds just lack...presence. I use a bell-based alarm clock to wake me up and when that thing goes off, you're getting the fuck up no matter how deep a sleep you're in. Phone alarms? I've slept through too many to count.

Obviously your use case is different, I'm just thinking if it can snap out a deep sleeper like me, it might help break your hyperfocus too.

How do people like you find the time to work?

I'm on disability and cannot. But thanks.

Ah okay, I figured it had to be a situation like that. Although I was hoping you were just rich, lol.

Sorry to hear that. I hope I didn't offend you.

You didn't, sorry if it came off that way, it's my innate passive aggressive Canadianness, comes out sooo hard in text form.

I'm also sometimes a dick so that doesn't help either heh !

I think if I were rich I'd just buy books and then I wouldn't be rich anymore.

Haha that would be an incredible consumption of books in that case 😅