sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]

@sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]
0 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

This profile is hentai-free, looking for it? Leave. hentai-free

This might be a cop-out, but I'm absolutely sick of paying rent, and the open source alternatives aren't great

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What a charming person, I would love to run him over with a steamroller. ::: spoiler spoiler gayroller-2000 :::

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I live in the US and it's pretty bad for LGBT people here. I don't feel the need to cheerlead US interventions because they have a coat of rainbow paint.

The (any) is so you can use every neo pronoun on me

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'pretending' to be trans for 3 years in effectively a private instance to do what exactly? make you feel weird when we finally federate?

People get mad because they see hexbear users having fun with emojis instead of writing a bunch of words to say nothing. I spoiler tag my emojis in other Lemmy's as a result.

::: spoiler spoiler

I am being censored by the emoji/civility cop in my head. 1984 :::

Didn't realize that being ace was a thing, people keep assuring me that sexual attraction "naturally" happened

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People from unfederated instances responding to hexbear comments with ridiculous bullshit- but they don't show up on our end. eat my shit and hair bigot

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They do, the comment is ridiculous. However this person is clearly not invested in what's good for trans people because they immediately misgendered me in their reply

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a fish, swimming in water, asking if the person sitting on the shore is wet

big fan of the old school blob emoji with cat ears meow-floppy

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I've fully replaced reddit/Twitter for scrolling a while ago- I don't even bother with other social media at this point.

I was worried it would be annoying having to deal with a bunch of liberals after federation, but it's been pretty funny on balance. Sorry about the enormous emojis though, I try to spoiler tag those now.

how I sleep after calling for violence against shithead transphobes niko-sleep sleepi

"those things" are individual works of art that can get assembled like hieroglyphics to express things which are difficult to put into words ::: spoiler spoiler freeze-peachfash-bash miku-gun liberty-weeping :::

Hexbear is the free speech instance, only there can you say what should really happen to landlords and cops.

It's short for asexual, which is a spectrum of not feeling sexual attraction. Personally I still have a sex drive, and seek out relationships, but I really don't feel sexual attraction to people, I have to like them for other reasons. I even routinely go on dates with friends who are poly- but it's just to be friends.

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I just use stremio and I can stream while I torrent, for free.

It really is just barely beneath the surface in the more lib instances. But then rather than deal with it they just play telephone to make it about how we're actually the problem

I feel like there's a lot of people along for the ride when it comes to these narratives- like people who will seriously believe some military guy that spent the last two decades airstriking muslim weddings when he says with a straight face that he's really concerned about the freedom of east Turkistan

The vaush meme subreddit creeped me out.

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Absolutely wild that things escalated from a "reset" of relations with russia to the maidan coup in like 4 years, I honestly wish I knew more of what was going on there.

The observed baseline for libs on reddit is defending obama-drone as if it's a left wing position because the republicans are 'worse', with lots of unexamined western chauvinism piled on top, and hostile debate-me-debate-me misogyny if you push back on it.

Obama was president when NATO returned the slave trade to Libya- to quote his secretary of state Hillary Clinton: "we came, we saw, he died". I'm sure you have all sorts of state-approved positions on Americas state enemies, but that's the historical reality you're whitewashing.

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I personally don't have a problem with communists. But

Sounds like you have a problem with communists, or do you think that the country with the biggest army, police force, and imprisoned population (disproportionately of racial minorities) is somehow not authoritarian?

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it's perfect thank you

::: spoiler spoiler feinberg-sicko

I gratuitously use cat emoji don't worry. It's not the same without blobby though. blob-on-fire

196 had extreme crossover with the vaush sub, I think mods too? Either way I got banned for shittalking NATO there over 3 years ago and haven't bothered to check in since.

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I mean one on one, to most outside observers that looks like a date. I've run into problems before I really figured things out when I was trying to be friends with people, only to have enraged exes jumping to all sorts of conclusions.

The NATO intervention in Yugoslavia was hardly to prevent a genocide unless you believe the US suddenly started caring about Muslim life - and then went on to maraud across the middle east leaving a trail of bodies in its wake.

There's documented accounts of displaced Romani having to pretend to be Kosavar Albanians because there was zero humanitarian aid available for people not of the chosen ethnic group of the day.

One of the most interesting facets of the NATO air campaign is how they managed to demolish all the state owned factories and infrastructure, but leave the ones owned by westerners.

There's also another issue with what NATO did to Serbia - Kosovo voted to unilaterally secede. I can think of at least one other prominent example where another territory did just that and it is seen as totally illegitimate by basically everyone in the west. Which is it?

The Taliban harbored al-Qaeda which used Afghanistan as its base of operations when it coordinate the 9/11 and 7/7 terrorist attacks. So yes.

The US was their first backers, getting 9/11'd was just blowback for shitty decisions made decades ago, and murdering a bunch of Afghanis and Iraqis was hardly defensive. We totally had troops guarding poppy fields and oil derricks for like 2 decades after as a part of that "defensive" operation.

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If you have made the transition from developer to manager, then please let me know your experiences in the comments below.

I thought about this, but changed my pronouns and started HRT instead and I've been much happier.

please get rid of the only reason I even open that shithole, I'm begging you

It's that brazenness which makes me feel compelled to respond. If you live in the US, claim to be on the left and can't even call for an end to your own government for its crimes I have no interest in your contributions.

The Democrats have been active participants in that though. They've been in power since 2020 and they fucked around making up excuses about imaginary roadblocks (like the parliamentarian) to doing shit people actually wanted. Their inaction and abject failure has hurt a lot of people who voted for Democrats in real ways and that's why people are losing faith in governance, among many, many other things.

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The US is not without its flaws, but we are a democracy.

We literally had a bunch of unelected people in robes declare the president, just over 2 decades ago.

Our representatives in federal, state, and local governments are democratically elected and ideally should represent the majority of the population.

ideally should is doing a lot of lifting in that sentence- They don't. Local governments are often dominated by landlord interests, as well as homeowners- that's often accomplished by systematically disenfranchising renters.

Again, the unelected people in robes declared that money is speech, not only swaying elections but allowing influence to be bought directly. How is that a democracy?

You seem to be conflating the concept of 'democracy' with the freedom to spend money however it may hurt someone else structurally. That's pretty authoritarian if you're someone without money.

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I would make the case that the supreme court has never been anything other than a reactionary institution, and it sounds like you agree.

I would go on to point out that the rights 'won' by the supreme court are ephemeral and can be snatched away at any moment-

Take some of the examples of 'liberal' rulings- Roe vs wade came about the whole question of abortion from a liberal angle of privacy. Rather than simply providing a universal standard of prenatal healthcare to people, they opted for this sideshow. It's never been about life, maternal mortality is ridiculously high in the the US, it's about maintaining the profitable status quo.

The gay marriage ruling is another example of how worthless rights won by supreme court are- and how we should expect them to be retracted at any moment.

3d electronics is holding together more things than you might think

How exactly has the democracy prevented that? The American 'democracy' has overseen many genocides in its past, I don't see this as a deviation from form. I've pretty sure I'd be on the chopping block too, but the key distinction is I'm not putting my faith in voting as a preventative measure for that

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I legit don't care if we lose it at this point because it seems like it's been pretty worthless all along. At least as a democracy for anyone other than slave/property owners.

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Hell yeah, good choice penguin-dance

CW: Worst mistake?

Obama: Probably failing to plan for the day after, what I think was the right thing to do, in intervening in Libya.

From the article you just posted, I clicked the link to read what he actually said, and I read it as he expressed regret for not intervening more!

It's like criminals expressing regret for getting caught.

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