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As someone who got a physics degree and knows some shit, the first couple seasons are not too bad. The physics/math jokes are mostly fairly accurate, and those shows happened as nerd culture was getting mainstreamed. The first Avengers movie were several years away. I can't really say whether the series had a part in this mainstreaming, but at the least it was in the Zeitgeist.

I grew up in the north Italian province. Being a nerd didn't make you an outcast, but definitely an odd one.

The first couple seasons came out while I was doing my bachelor (i.e. the equivalent of undergrad) and with its caricature of some quirks I could recognize in many of my friends and colleagues, it made me feel at least acknowledged.

Then it got progressively worse as they kept looking for more and more ways to drag it on, lost those qualities I found positive, and I really gave up not too long after that.

Edit: I still need to point out that Star Trek TNG is peak comfort TV, together with maybe The West Wing or some Doctor Who.

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We don't need that, we already have Scandinavia.

The whole "Apple products are great because they control both software and hardware" always made about as much sense to me as someone claiming "this product is secure because we invented our own secret encryption".

Agree that fun driving is essentially over, but I don't think automatic cars are as common outside North America.

In Europe ~80% of cars have manual transmission, mainly due to the (in the past) better fuel efficiency.

Modern automatic cars have often slightly better fuel efficiency, but they cost quite a bit more to buy and maintain, and very nearly everyone knows how to drive stick, so people usually don't bother.

Edit: As we stop having fun driving cars, should we finally also say goodbye to race biking, and fun motorcycling, once and for all?

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Not necessarily. There's tons of antisemitism in The American Fascist Party the GOP, but they're 100% on the side of the Israeli government.

The conservative brain works in mysterious ways. Some support Israel because of some end-times prophecy nonsense, some think that every Jew that moves to Israel is one less Jew in their way. Others just decided they hate Muslims more than Jew.

In fact, equating Judaism and the Israeli government is arguably a kind of antisemitism itself

That's a different thing. You can oppose Israel without being an antisemite, but it's trickier to explain how you can be an antisemite without opposing Israel. Hating all Jews while somehow militarily supporting those Jews. While it can be explained (see above) you have to admit it is rather counterintuitive.

And anyway I would not expect GOP dynamics to easily translate to the AFD.

Yeah, because Italians totally have no idea how to build a car.

Edit: a gentle reminder that e.g. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, Pagani, Ducati, Dallara and DeTomaso come from exactly the same area as Parmigiano, Bolognese sauce, Parma ham, lasagne, and Bologna sausage.

Italy does not, indeed, have too much to offer with respect to computers and the internet.

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The problem with that is the power consumption. It adds up.

The proprietary version of Inkscape would be Adobe Illustrator, I guess.

Never used it though.

Oh, I can confirm I have met a person in Belgium who could only drive automatic.

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VS Code is mostly open source though, with an independent build being circulated under the name "VS Codium". Some proprietary Microsoft extensions will however refuse to run on it out of spite though.

Somehow that still makes sense.

Good enough.

Sorry Jared, I got confused there for a moment.

No car is fun in those instances. But that is how we spend the majority of our time on the road.

Hence, "fun driving is over".

I am... Confused about your request. Why can't you also have the same on your phone? Are you still using popmail? Sounds like simply setting your accounts to IMAP should solve your problem.

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You can get e.g. pylance to work if you trick it:

So, at least in that instance, it's just Microsoft being a little petty.

I don't find it at all annoying to keep NewPipe up to date.

I think you may need to take a look at Obtainium.

There are still fun cars. It's getting incredibily difficult to have fun driving them.

Honestly, I lived in Antwerp for a while... I think the transmission is the least of their problems.

You can definitely mount a windows share on a linux machine. I was doing it at my last job, because it allows you to do anything on it transparently as if its part of the local filesystem.

Here instructions from the Ubuntu wiki, most things should carry over to most other distros.

I have not.

Do they somehow make it fun to be queueing at a busy intersection?

Is driving 70km/h behind a truck somehow a blast if you're in a Tesla?

If so I'll make it a priority to try one out ASAP!

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