Can you drive a manual transmission? to – 393 points –

And where are you from? And how old? Not "do you" but just if you know how.

I'm in the US, mid 30s and can (and do) drive a manual transmission.


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Agree that fun driving is essentially over, but I don't think automatic cars are as common outside North America.

In Europe ~80% of cars have manual transmission, mainly due to the (in the past) better fuel efficiency.

Modern automatic cars have often slightly better fuel efficiency, but they cost quite a bit more to buy and maintain, and very nearly everyone knows how to drive stick, so people usually don't bother.

Edit: As we stop having fun driving cars, should we finally also say goodbye to race biking, and fun motorcycling, once and for all?

Disagree that fun driving is over. Have you driven a tesla?

I have not.

Do they somehow make it fun to be queueing at a busy intersection?

Is driving 70km/h behind a truck somehow a blast if you're in a Tesla?

If so I'll make it a priority to try one out ASAP!

Are manuals fun in those instances?

No car is fun in those instances. But that is how we spend the majority of our time on the road.

Hence, "fun driving is over".

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