3 Post – 274 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I may or may not be any number of unfathomable beings.

Account migration from after learning the admins of that instance are wankers.

That's what the difficulty settings are for. No joke. Nearly any trash build can cruise through the easy difficulties with no more than a basic understanding of how turn based combat operates, and you'll need to be a sweatlord with three spreadsheets open to reliably pose a threat to the hardest difficulty. Personally, I like to play in the middle but still overoptimize my party, so the early game is a challenge and then I just completely steamroll the final third of the game once we really get cooking with mythic levels.

If you already know DnD then you can play pathfinder with minimal confusion. An hour's worth of reading a couple good build guides will give you a good idea where the differences lie and why certain choices are commonly made (Point-Blank/Precise Shot feats for instance). If you don't already know DnD and you're coming from something like Pillars of Eternity or Divinity Original Sin, you might have a little bit of a rough landing. But that's what a wiki is for, or just straight up following a build guide if you're timid.

Wrath of the Righteous is hands down a better game than Baldur's Gate 3 in every observable metric except for graphics and I will gladly die on this hill.

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Somebody got smacked because they were told that this was a safe area to be in. Then they get hit, and are blamed for not being careful enough in the area they were told was safe to be in.

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It sounds by all accounts like he went over to Russia and just continued being the exact same man that he was back home. And the Russians of the time loved him.

I aspire to have principles that I stick to with the gusto that Cassius Clay exhibited. I didn't even know about Clay's Battalion but I believe it on sight because that sounds like exactly what he would do in that situation.

Cassius Marcellus Clay was the son of one of the wealthiest slave owners in America and grew up to be the single most influential and most dangerous abolitionist in American history. He had so many duels with slavers, and won so many of them, that he became statistically the most dangerous duelist to ever exist in North America.

When his cousin, Kentucky senator Henry Clay ran for president, Cassius wanted to come campaign for him down South. Henry vetoed this out of concerns that Cassius would come down south and duel so many slave owners to the death that it could be considered election interference.

The Fat Electrician has an excellent video on the life and times of Clay, I highly recommend it. And if you're wondering, yes, Muhammad Ali was named after this Cassius Clay.

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And that's assuming the headline you're reading even has any bearing on the actual article, or that the article itself is factual, both of which are increasingly more common worries now.

No probably about it, he's come right out and said so.

It's almost like when someone completely guts a project in order to intentionally make it fail, the project is likely to fail.

For comparison, take a look at the Netherlands, who implemented the idea successfully.

By being there you're already involved whether you want to be or not. You're in it now and you're expected to make a choice. Failure to choose is also one of the choices.

The lever operator can't be at fault, or to blame, for the situation - but they are absolutely involved. That's the point of the exercise. From the moment you notice the trolley tracks and the lever you are now entwined with the fates of the people that are here, and the trolley problem will force you to choose a bad solution that you won't feel good about - because there are no good solutions. It's the Kobayashi Maru of psychological exercises.

Mercy got that Glock delivered straight from the angry hands of God and it shows

How about three casinos, two casino holding companies and a hotel?

I'm pretty sure if you handed me all those I would be actually incapable of fucking them over as hard as Trump did. Like, even if I actively tried. He is such poison to everything that the buildings that print money with no effort just stopped printing money under his command.

This, but no /s. He's evaporated $35 billion from Twitter and is convincing conservatives to buy electric vehicles. I might like him about as much as I'd like a tick on my nutsack, but he is accomplishing things that align with my goals.

If you tried working at your company for a week with no paperwork or spreadsheets you'd realize their necessity pretty quick. You are a bureaucromancer. Very little gets done, and none of it on budget, without you playing with spreadsheets all day.

Soldiers might fight a war, but logistics wins one. It's no different for business.

Neat, can't wait to miss it.

Starfield has fundamental issues that no amount of modding or DLC is going to repair. I don't think I've ever been less excited for a content update for a game I own.

Yes, but it isn't just :chicken: or something like you'd see in Discord. It's unicode, so it's actually U+1F414. Egg is U+1F95A.

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They fully expect to roll into a city in a fleet of lifted F250's and drive a herd of fleeing vegans before them without having to lift a finger. The fact that liberals can and will defend their homes isn't an idea that's crossed their mind. The things that "country folks" believe about "city folks" would boggle the mind.

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You hang out in the wrong liberal circles, then. We may be pacifists but we are not helpless. I won't throw the first punch to someone else but if they bring it to me you can be damn sure that I'm going to throw the last one, or die trying.

many of them are young, have lots of experience with firearms, and know how to coordinate.

So emulate them. A threat is on the horizon. Will you see it coming and lay down for it? Or will you prepare yourself? Your people may need you.

Kendrick said he did because it's already been a meme since 2018 when Drake was fucking around with Mille Bobbie Brown when she was 14

Fake news, the JD stands for Jorkin DePeanus

I got mine smack in the middle of a boss fight in Remnant 2 lol, but my build is stupidly tanky enough that I was able alt-tab close it fast enough to not even die. Felt a little proud of that.

I do a lot of highway driving. It'll frequently tell me "in X miles take the exit towards [whatever]" but it will refuse to tell me what exit number I'm looking for until I'm within a mile or two of it. This is frequently a problem when I have exits with A/B/C branches which is often. I don't give a shit if I'm exiting towards I40, just tell me I'm exiting on 13B, and tell me that from the beginning.

It used to do this, it changed a couple years ago, and I've been pissed off about it every time I've had to drive somewhere since then.

It'll also randomly change voices on me, it'll flip flop constantly between the American accent and a thick British accent. No rhyme or reason to it either, it'll be a different voice on the same turn on a different day. Drives me nuts.

Bernie did it in 2010 for 8 and a half straight hours.

Bootstraps ran out back in the 60's, we've just been getting shoelaces

Pretty sure it does, actually. If I look up a route and my partner looks up the same route at the same time both from within our house, mine usually has about a 3-5 minute faster eta.

If it were anyone other than him, literally dropping dead in Congress because of the passion of your speech would be one of the most based things a politician could ever do.

But with Mitch you know he'd keel over arguing about how school kids don't actually need food.

From Updog, came many descendants. First was Deez, of the Nuts, soon eclipsed by their child Bofa Deez of the Nuts. From Bofa sprung the twins Ligma and Sugma. Some say their lineage continues to grow to this day.

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The tree of liberty must be refreshed, from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

-Thomas Jefferson

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I dream of an open source car. Something simple but reliable, say a legally-distinct 2004 Honda Accord, bog standard, no frills, no detail package options, just A Cheap Car with standardized parts and open source software. It's the only car the company makes, you can buy one for 10k or build your own for 6k out of parts and a couple months worth of weekends, car nerds will fork the software for infinite tuning customization, and it doesn't report your location back to headquarters. Parts are standardized across every car we've ever made so your local parts store will have them in stock. The new model year is the same car as last year, we just built some fresh ones for people to buy new.

I have no way of making this dream a reality. But I dream of it nonetheless. American car culture has gone off the rails, and the number of people I see already driving around old 5-owner Hondas and Toyotas and Buicks tells me that there is definitely a market for a cheap basic car that runs.

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That makes it no different than it already is, most of those dogs will "alert" whenever they're signaled regardless whether they smell anything. Information online suggests anywhere between a 26-44% positive ID rate though numbers on that seem a bit sketchy from different sources.

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🔫 I lied, I don't have Netflix, put your shoes back on. We're going to the crossroads

I had to know

Okay, respectable

so I asked the AI

loud buzzer noise

You have just been fed a complete fabrication that may or may not contain any factual information whatsoever. You have not asked a legal expert, or even a felon, you have asked the aggregate average of every person on the internet what their opinion is about pleading guilty, and this opinion was delivered to you by a word salad dispenser that has no idea what it is telling you. Do not take AI delivered information as fact. I repeat, Do not take AI delivered information as fact. AI will lie to you, boldly and confidently, about things that are obviously false. It will never tell you the truth because it does not know what the truth is. It may tell you the truth by accident, but it will never take pains to make sure it does so, and will freely and cheerfully invent BS information to fill in gaps.

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That's because it is! Just one of the thousands of many little ways the American Republicans have made life worse for everyone, including their own. Gerrymandering and tampering with voter registration are historically Republican strategies that serve no purpose other than voter disenfranchisement. They can't win a popular vote and they know it, so their best strategy is to prevent people from voting in the first place. Hence their history of arcane voter registration rules, disgustingly absurd gerrymandered districts, removal or last-minute changing of acceptable voting locations in Democratic areas, voter intimidation, even active voter endangerment via refusal of water bottles during summer heat - not as in they wouldn't give you water at the voting lcoation - no, you aren't allowed to have water, even if you brought your own, even if someone showed up and tried to donate water to you. They took it right out of our hands. Meanwhile we were standing in a line in a parking lot with no shade in 96F weather for multiple hours because local republican leadership also shut down all other democratic voting locations within an hour's drive.

It is disgustingly undemocratic, dangerous, abusive and frankly it's embarrassing. These are not politicians, these are spoiled little children stamping their feat and screaming "no, I get to be king, and you have to go home!" They actively will not associate with the word "democracy" anymore because it's too close to accidentally being called a Democrat.

If you've noticed Americans being a little more pissy than usual recently in the last several years, it's largely because people are starting to open their eyes to this truth. It's nothing new, but it is starting to get noticed. Trump flipped over a big ol' rock and suddenly everyone saw all the worms and slugs squirming underneath.

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Classic art converted into modern memes is my favorite weird niche of the internet

It would not be nearly the first time that Republicans shot down their own bill for no reason other than some Democrats said it was a good bill.

Cool. Excellent, even. This is big news.

But I don't need an announcement that you're going to be making an announcement. Just announce your progress. "I'm going to say something on Monday!" isn't news worthy, just tell me on Monday what he said.

This drives me absolutely nuts in news of all sorts.

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Well, for one thing, an M1 Abrams main battle tank has better front sightlines than most trucks on the road today.

And it isn't even that much more dangerous to get hit by because of the giant flat-face front impact planes of the trucks. Used to be if you got hit by a car it would roll you up over the hood, now you just die.

I have to imagine that will impact the testing and design at least somewhat.

Edit: fixed the image link

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