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Clickbait, he tweeted “inaccuracy in the ASUS router tool” later on.

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I mistook this for abolishing the monarchy. THAT would have been wild.

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The amoeba has a chef’s hat, this goes deeper.

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Several vampires and highlanders just woke up with a lot of their cash missing.

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#we are praying lol

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Should be a rule if you post a story about a law that doesn’t include a link to the actual law you should post the link.

For anyone with questions - it’s not a long read, I do have more questions after reading. Like why was a full part about Taiwan residency? I read through it twice and didn’t understand why there exclusively.

I see what you’re saying except the Colorado constitution says they have to put the Primary winner’s name on the ballot: 1-4-104

The names of the nominees shall be printed on the official ballot prepared for the ensuing general election.

So allowing someone who is ineligible to be on the general ballot would just set it up to have to ignore the State’s constitution.

I mean it’s the best thing for police Hollywood has ever done. The inverse is wait 24 hours to file a missing person report.

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The article says it’s because he is past the deadline to withdraw from his candidacy as an Assemblyman and can’t appear on two ballots simultaneously.

It’s also a character in some of their games! 😅

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upload all the movie films that I downloaded to try to make this right.


Sounds more like a vacation than living there. I think I’d like a beach house but probably wouldn’t after a month or two.

Well there’s a finite amount, unless they give it a big jump, then they could slash it repeatedly.

I know you said years but the oldest link there looks like it’s late ‘22. Did you mean that one or longer than 13 months ago?

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Sad, he probably would’ve broken 2 hours.

Right, what’s ‘Dutch’?

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New horror unlocked; medical care professionals injecting saline instead of pain meds. Complain of pain, anesthesiologist concludes I’m either faking or resistant. So either I wither in pain or they up the dosage. Let’s say the latter happens once or twice and then at shift change the new nurse isn’t a druggie piece of shit and gives the adjusted dosage in full and I overdose, maybe die.

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My bet is they’re in prison/jail and don’t know they won.

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If ‘Christian’ were it’s own label it would nearly double the ‘Nones’. Nones = 28% Protestant = 24% Catholics = 23% Total of the two Christian groups reported = 47% That is just adding the highest reporting sects of Christianity, there’s probably a few % points that could be added in there as well.

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💙 🤍 🩷 💙 🤍



All fights end up on the ground. Judo excels at getting them there faster and BJJ at ending it once horizontal.

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From what I’ve read about their Daily Active Users they’re going to be overstaffed soon. No hate but they exploded and when things settle they might not need as much staff. Thoughts?

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I hear what you’re saying, but if I may provide an extreme example… Try wearing a sauvastika in the western world these days and what do you think the response will be? Once a symbol of abundance and prosperity became the most prominent hateful symbol for generations. Decades after the annihilation of Nazi Germany and the swastika is still given their interpretation. I don’t have an answer as to how to prevent this from happening all over again like it is to a lesser degree with vocabulary such as this is describing.

This isn’t unique to AI, like most LLM programs it’s just accomplishing it faster and on a larger scale. Personally think if you want privacy you should limit the personal things you post to what you’re okay with being out there and form habits such as waiting until home from vacation to post pictures.

Decent job by the bot but what’s missing is Bellows is Maine’s SoS who decided to remove Trump from that state’s primary ballot, pending a decision by the Maine Superior Court.

That’s their point.

Plenty of fish in the sea my bass*

The article states: “Deflation is bad for the economy because consumers and companies may put off purchases or investments in anticipation of prices falling further. That in turn could further slow the economy, and create a vicious cycle.” China has a robust export business, let’s say you wanted a toaster to buy, you don’t need it you just want it, and this month it’s $12, but you remember seeing it for $15 last month and $21 the month before. So you wait and next month it’s $10. Now since you aren’t in a hurry to get this item why not wait and see how low it goes? Meanwhile Mr toaster salesman’s pulling his hair out because he can’t slash prices to get rid of this inventory fast enough. Or something like that. Now the Chinese government can do several things to go back into the inflation level, one of which is just print money. They also say in the article that they would rather see prices rise naturally and they believe that’s what will happen.

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The deterrent is the uncertainty of who may and may not have a gun on them. A lot of self defense is making yourself a harder target, the knowledge that a firearm might come into play and the victim may be proficient at using it makes anyone and everyone a harder target. It doesn’t mean desperate criminals won’t still make a move, but it should decrease the number of crimes attempted.

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I used to work EMS 12 hour shifts 6-6. At one point management decided to stagger base start times. Some 6-6, others 7-7 & 8-8. So when someone flips their car and flies out at 5:45 they don’t have to wait for all the available service to finish their shift change, when the 8-8 team has 2 hours left they can get to the patient and back to base without extending their duty day too far.

Many of the workers who went 8-8 hated it. They complained nonstop about how it ruined their whole day since day shift they are headed out the door before the fam eats breakfast and get home after dinner. Same for night shift, rush through dinner or miss dinner and breakfast with the family.

Personally I enjoyed the 7-7/8-8 shifts more but enough people bitched enough they changed all but 1 base back to 6-6.

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Blonde jokes have that as well. Why did the Blonde wear a tight skirt? To keep her legs closed.

And yet they still claimed an average of $180,000,000 a year the past 5 years that people didn’t spend.

I’m with you this is something Starbucks probably doesn’t engineer, it’s just people being dumb.

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In Artillery you call it bracketing/straddling.

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What if I did middle out?

My favorite part was they’re still discussing it and say Richard’s been in there for hours, meaning they’ve been occupied for hours optimizing. 😂

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Yeah but tell me more about this stuffed waffle maker. I have never heard of these and as I type I realize I sound like the shill part two.. still curious though, does it make like a waffle sandwich?

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When my kid did a play in middle school “The Little Mermaid” either there was an approved videographer or none were allowed, either way parents were told if they took cell phone footage the school would be sued.

I wonder if that kind of thing should fall under educational purposes?

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When a headline like this says first I think it either means first test vehicle and it’ll be years before it’s available to the public or first brand, which is what I’d rather be hearing about. Article starts off saying “the first mass-produced electric vehicle (EV) with a sodium-ion battery”. If they buried that I’d say it was a clickbait headline but this way it seems pretty up front they’re just shortening for length. In my opinion. 🙂

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Well they lost both engines. Hopefully that’s what they focus on in the investigation.

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If it’s a code brown and the mens/womens room is closed who wouldn’t use the other bathroom?

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More affordable and better job opportunities is a stretch. I would research where you want to live, once you have a few locations picked out. Find a way to spend some time there to be certain you enjoy the climate, social life, and entertainment. Then start job hunting in those areas, unless you can already remote work, and pick one that works for you in terms of finances, work life balance, and is commutable. Once you have a job offer in hand plan your move. Personally I would rent for a bit before buying a house, who knows maybe you end up hating the hot summers of the South, or the fridged windy winters of the Midwest. After renting for a little (and finances allowing) think about buying a place to settle down in.

That should cover the basics but I did just do that from memory. Anyone think of any more tips let em loose.

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This is hilarious.