1 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

hiya! i'm skye!

i'm a hobbyist writer and sometimes web developer and sometimes bad pixel artist but mostly i just browse here for memes

literally during a conversation with Neil deGrasse Tyson, Ben Shapiro brought up trans people because of course he did i mean he seems obsessed with them, and while Neil's take on everything was generally a verbal shrug of the shoulders, paraphrasing: "Trans people exist and we should work to understand and accept them and we shouldn't legislate to restrict people's rights especially based on fear and made up nonsense" and Ben Shapiro smiled and said "Well if people want rights they should beat me in a debate" I'm sure he'd say he was joking but I'll probably never forget it, like wow Ben tell us how you really feel

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Image of AndrΓ© Cymone with the caption: If purchase isn't ownership, piracy isn't theft

one time in middle school i prayed for an xbox and a couple weeks later a boy who had a crush on me (but i didnt know that at the time) gave me his old original xbox and fable: tlc as he upgraded to a newer xbox. so ya religion is pretty nifty 😎

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i am too, memes are good, vibes are friendly, people are nice, happy to be here

i also prayed that my school would burn down in the middle of the night multiple times but that never happened but at least i had an xbox

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i don't remember voting (also idk who that is)

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why does it make me uncomfortable

it's like an uncanny valley fork

the Twitter subreddit has been constantly full of people complaining about the changes to Twitter for the last few months lol. i can't imagine having access to that and thinking that copying Twitter is a good idea or something that would be popular

i love grass 🌿🌿

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lol i just rewatched the blade runner episode of Bob's Burgers last night. i never saw the movie!

i honestly don't know the difference and can't banter with u about it lol

i was talking about weed

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at this rate the next meme i see is going to tell me to wake up from my coma

i'm trying

woa that's flippin wild im literally drinking coffee right now what are the odsd

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in the apartment i grew up in, we lived on the top floor. the ceiling started leaking in the middle of the living room, there was some kind of attic space above us but tenants weren't allowed up there. we reported the leak and no one came. we reported it again a few weeks later and maintenance came in a couple days after that, sawed through the ceiling, poked his head up there, looked around, then "fixed it" by using a nail gun to nail a piece of office ceiling tile over the hole he sawed. we were told he'd come back in eventually to repair it properly. we figured that was the best we were going to get so we didn't complain anymore and it stayed that way for like 6 years. it wasn't until i got a little older and started dating that one of my bfs fixed it for us

very true

i'm afraid i just pulled an all nighter and am deliriously tired so i can't think of anything else to say except SELL THEM TO WHO, BEN? FUCKING AQUAMAN?

i'm going to bed night night

my theory is that most users don't know or care about the api changes or the deaths of the third party apps. and most of the ones who do know dont care.

id also guess that a lot of people are hesitant to join the fediverse due to a choice paralysis, kinda similar to Linux distros. altho joining an instance is not actually all that complicated most people just dont want to have to bother making the choice of which one to join, and others cant be bothered to learn how instances work. ppl think it's complicated because it's different and new to them and ppl generally don't like change πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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dang i guess whatever data i have left that hasn't been sold by google and microsoft is gonna be sold by whoever makes these guys cuz i think they're cute

when we met, my bf never picked up any of my hints, and i gave him many. i mean we met online, had a lot in common, and got along really well right away. i mean he was exactly my type and i was very clear about that as we got to know each other lol. but i only hint at interest until i'm sure, and then i get direct, so i eventually asked him out. he seemed pretty embarrassed for not picking up on the hints afterward, especially the more direct ones, but i just thought he was pretty adorable for it. i've never really thought all men are necessarily bad at taking hints in particular i mean i have never put much thought into whether a particular gender is worse at picking up on hints but i'm a woman and i've dated and had situationships with men, women, enbies and more and and in hindsight i'd say i've been bad at picking up on hints and everyone's been bad at picking up on my hints so probably everyone's bad at it lol

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cutest little cowboy πŸ’œ

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." - Optimus Prime

I don't know if I'd consider it the worst crime ever committed in the history of the universe, but I would consider it very bad personally. I would personally value the life of that AI the same as I would value the life of a human, the same way I would value the life of anything sentient, so I would be against anyone treating an AI that way. Is it worse than genocides? idk maybe i don't feel qualified to quantify the moral weight of things so big, but ya i'd definitely care x3

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my new favorite exercise

looking fabulous thoooo

Are you saying that Ubisoft doesn't actually believe that people shouldn't own their games and that this was a hypothetical discussion that was taken out of context? Because my impression was that this was sort of a response to people complaining about subscription-based games and DRM content that makes the concept of owning games blurry.

Because if this position doesn't really represent Ubisoft, then what should have been said is whatever does represent Ubisoft. Ideally they should agree that people have the right own the games they purchase.

In my opinion someone should generally own what they buy. That's why I like GOG, which distributes DRM free games, and part of why I often pirate games especially from large companies. In my opinion the take that people should only have a license representing permission to use a product that is actually owned by a company is delusional if not dystopian, and Ubisoft should be made fun of for having that position, and their games should be pirated.

Here's an explanation/rant/opinion I more or less agree with by Louis Rossmann if you're/anyone's interested

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the same thing happened with Mastodon for a while after Elon took over Twitter, lots of people posting Twitter news and talking about what has happening on Twitter. might be best to just wait it out πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

sounds like they might want to join a throuple! i was in a throuple once, we had arguments and disagreements all the time lol

i burned my hand but it was worth it

what if the whole universe is just the algorithm and data used to feed and LLM? we're all just chat gpt

(i don't know how LLMs work)

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yeah! prairie dogs gossip; crows tell stories, have communities, and some of them even seem to understand money; whales mourn the deaths of other whales

sentience is trippy, and it's always been questionable to me that we decided we're the only sentient life on the planet

i already get emotionally attached to, like, roombas and those suitcases that connect to your phone and follow you around, i can't wait to have a robo buddy

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same i don't get any of the memes in this thread lol

well actually nvm i scrolled through it again and saw loss so i do get 1 of them

i heard this too lol

specifically i heard that they see us as incompetent cats and want to take care of us x3

what's stopping them? UwU

yep! new episodes will be releasing weekly on Hulu starting July 24

and here's a trailer for the upcoming new season since im guessing you haven't seen it x3

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i'm going to grin and say checkmate the next time my bf and i

and i'm going to moan and say i'm cumming the next time i'm about to either beat someone or lose to someone in chess

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I got the Tin T2s years ago and they've been my fav way to listen casually since then!

Full sized headphones unfortunately give me headaches but I remember the Fostex T50rps fondly, I was never brave enough to try modding my headphones but what you've done sounds awesome!

I used to collect headphones but I moved across the entire US a couple years ago and I couldn't bring my collection with me and the hobby's just too expensive to get back into for me right now lol. Sony MDR 7506s were my fav for a while, but I only had room for my fav earbuds and one pair of headphones in my luggage and I ended up grabbing my Tin T2s, T3s, and T4s; Moondrop Starfields; and House of Marley Liberate Air and House of Marley Exodus. Exodus being the full sized headphones I decided to keep. Not the best sounding for my taste but I like the way they look more than any other headphones I had and since I do most of my listening through IEMs I decided that was good enough lol

Thanks for sharing, I love headphones

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lol fair's fair

tbh, i'd be surprised if most people ever even bothered to even open the reddiquette or terms of service or anything else. i'm not trying to put anyone down or be condescending -- i didn't read any of this when signing up either! i only knew about it because i read discussions about how votes should be used on reddit lol

it's true, most people are lazy and don't read and intuitively assume the downvote button is a dislike button. it's unfortunate, but i don't know if anything can reasonably be done about stuff like that because i don't think it's going to change that people don't read agreements or rules or guidelines before using a platform or program or service.

you're right according to official reddiquette. the intended use of the downvote button is to de-emphasize irrelevant content and content that otherwise doesn't contribute to the conversation

i have seen it argued that its intended use use doesn't matter versus how the majority of people actively use it, similar to language and symbols. usage evolves with time, so meaning evolves with it. personally i prefer the intended usage but i can see where ppl who make this argument are coming from.

the lemmy instance i joined doesn't have a downvote button at all!

edit: here's the official reddiquette archived on the wayback machine

In regard to voting:

Think before you downvote and take a moment to ensure you're downvoting someone because they are not contributing to the community dialogue or discussion. If you simply take a moment to stop, think and examine your reasons for downvoting, rather than doing so out of an emotional reaction, you will ensure that your downvotes are given for good reasons.

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