Science rule

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one time in middle school i prayed for an xbox and a couple weeks later a boy who had a crush on me (but i didnt know that at the time) gave me his old original xbox and fable: tlc as he upgraded to a newer xbox. so ya religion is pretty nifty 😎

i also prayed that my school would burn down in the middle of the night multiple times but that never happened but at least i had an xbox

I've been praying Jesus would just fuck Satan and get it over with. The sexual tension is way too high.

they should take inspiration from all the fan fiction of Good Omens!

What do you really think was going down there before the 3rd day?

I think god is just handing out Xboxes instead of granting prayers

now that u mention it i can't think of a single other prayer i ever made getting answered so you might be right

maybe god is just sponsored by microsoft (this existence brought to you by: Xbox Game Pass)

That isn't how religion works though.

You just got to steal the xbox, then pray for forgiveness.

i've had my eye on the Steam Deck lately, will keep this in mind 🤔

You could just convince the pope to call for a holy war, that way you don't even have to ask for forgiveness when you take a nonbeliever's steam desk.

He knew you wanted a xbox because he was stalking you.

lol i honestly never thought about that

we went to a really small school (when i was in middle school there were like 15 students in the middle school and high school grades all combined, by the time i was in 12th there were 4 high school students all in different grades) so if i had to guess and give him the benefit of the doubt i'd guess that because we lived in such a small community and probably had a lot of mutual friends and connections, he probably just knew enough about me to know that i was into video games and my family was too poor to buy consoles/computers so i was still playing on a PS1 that my older siblings got for Christmas once while everyone else my age were on or moving to PS4 and (i think) Xbox One