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My town changed our insurance from a decent PPO to a HSA and didn’t grandfather in the current membership. So everyone eligible to retire retired so they can keep their PPO. We had over 15 people leave. It was great for Overtime not great for personal life. I am a firefighter.

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Super low bar… There has never been a president in my lifetime that has been on the side of the people of the United States. Biden says he is pro union but time and again backs management over labor. Obviously he is the lesser of two evils but it’s so broken that we keep getting these Boomers again and again that get money from billionaires while the middle class gets crushed.

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For me Brazilian jiu Jitsu got me in great shape and the grind of it helped me get into hard workouts too. I don’t enjoy lifting or doing cardio but I love the after reward. Jiu jitsu definitely helped me know I could push past what I thought was a limit.

It’s a typo I meant to write public service but I have been responding so much I can’t even find the comment to edit it.

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It sure would but then what will happen to all their billionaire friends? We can’t expect them to have only one yacht! The real kick in the dick was they made the FD go on it but management and town hall staff got to keep the good health plan.

Cool let’s not have cops

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Considering all the derailments we have had this year and “big train” cutting staffing I would imagine this isn’t happening or we will have 3 MCIs a year.

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I think the comments got fucked up I was replying to a comment below.

After the amadou diallo shooting the NYPD knee jerk response was to increase the trigger pull pressure of their pistols so it would be harder to pull the trigger. So instead of better training and use of force tactics they just made it harder to shoot. And that in turn makes it easier to miss and hit bystanders. A perfect example of the terrible policy to breeds bad cops.

Lol no shit RIP my comment karma too, feels like Reddit.

Taco has entered the chat.

Hopefully but they gotta get those stock buy backs for the board.

At least 2-3 times a day, I love their technology, the aqueducts the roads and the stone work. I love to think about post empire when the Germans Gauls and British were living around their ruins unable to build structures like they could. I think about the citizens and how similar their lives are to ours then how drastically it changed post empire. I think about how awful it must have been to be a slave in that time.

I got hooked on rome from Dan carlins hard core history series on the fall of the republic and he did another one on Cesar in Gaul.

Again preaching to the choir over worked and riddled w PTSD obviously the result is domestic violence and other unsafe behaviors. I mean the 1% monsters like this fellow.

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No I understood what you said and I agree with you. I am aware that I get treated differently. However I have noticed that a lot of the younger cops that I see interact with minority populations much better than older “salty” cops and they gives me hope. There are real assholes too, my hope is things get better. Because I see the cops treat scumbag white people the same way they treat scumbag black people.

1% monsters like Jenkins 40% that beat their families can and should fuck themselves. I am referring to the corruption and actively destroying the communities they work in not just home life.

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So this way not only will petty crimes not get solved but the bigger crimes will also go unsolved.

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Yea I have been saying that the entire time and getting downvoted to hell. My opinion is one of the big problems are cops don’t think of themselves as part of the community so by kicking them out of restaurants will only make them feel like less of a part of the community. I am done responding to these comments everyone seems to be a expert lawyer and city planner that has extensive experience dealing w the public.

Yea man I typoed biblical it was supposed to be just public service I don’t believe in god or the Bible.

What do you do for work, and how much time do you spend in depressed areas? I have seen babies shaken to death mothers cutting their wrists while their children are in the next room, people placing gasoline bombs in banks around town, a guy set his ex wife’s house on fire with her in it, a guy shot in the stomach for the cash in his register, a pregnant woman stabbed in the belly 9 times by a stalker abd Countless other awful things and for these reasons I am glad cops are working. Obviously there are douche bags. But the real world is really hard and at times evil. So without police and the idea of punishment I think it would be chaotic. There has to be a better way to deliver public safety and I am on board with it but for now it’s better than nothing.

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Never in my above posts did I say the police are perfect and nothing needs to change I too have had dealings with some real shit police. Even if you cut the budget in half you are going to have a really hard time funding and finding people like social workers that want to do that job at 3am. I am all for it though if it’s possible. I am getting crushed because I said not all cops are monsters I definitely think the system needs to change.

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So you won’t call them if someone steals your car or assaults you?

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I’m not sure you know what I am arguing I never said I want more police or harsher sentences this is arguing in a vacuum all I said in most of these replies was it’s counter productive to not allow police in your restaurant.

I am a huge advocate for social programs and I think it’s criminal that they are the first to go when the budget gets tight. I would love to see more social workers on scene but you are still going to want a cop there if the person get violent.

As for the police budget I would love to see it spent on useful training instead of tanks for barricaded suspects that never gets used.

Those cops making more than social workers are doing that with overtime on road jobs or filling vacant shifts. Any cop or firefighter making $150k a year is living at work.

I am sure not in a comment section this conversation would go a lot smoother.

That sucks man and I hate that that happens to you. I am not beating my chest for every cop but not all are animals and until people stop being awful to each other they are needed. I try to de escalate every scene I am on when I feel the cops are being assholes. Their job is almost impossible and unfortunately it attracts douche bags but also there are some great cops.

When did I say none?

I am not saying 99% are upstanding the 40% that abuse their families are monster. I am saying the 1% that are corrupt at work and using their power for personal gains.

I 100% agree I have met and delt with so many really shitty cops in my own time. Then factor in the 1% that are real monsters and I understand the way people feel. I train Jiu Jitsu with some amazing cops that are really trying to be better for their community and themselves. I am just defensive after reading all the comments.

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White suburban 40 year old that works public service in mixed cities with large populations of poor black white and Latino communities so I don’t live in a bubble. Most cops I work alongside seem to treat decent people decently. Again there have been some bad apples but it’s a work in progress.

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Unless you think every cop is a nazi then you get downvoted to hell… feels like old Reddit… good to be home.

I agree with you there too the cops need another layer especially for behavioral or psychological calls. But that’s a training and budget issue. Also I have been to so many crisis intervention calls as a paramedic and was thankful the cops were there because they patted down the pt and they had either a gun or a knife on them. Every municipality is complaining about their budget so I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for trained social workers thst want to respond to the shelter or nursing home at 4 am for the psych.

I like the idea of a new police force but what you are describing sounds like inanity. You had me until you make the punishments 10x the crime. What happens when someone make a honest mistake? Because they had a off day their lives are ruined. Even in this fantasy where the constitution no longer exists who would sign up for that job? You will have to pay $500k a year and have genius lawyer monks doing the job.

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Do you live in SF? Everyone I talk to thst lives there tells me that’s how it is. I don’t watch Fox News you can’t deny that city is in a crisis. I think the police as a institution needs a overhaul but you don’t do that by squeezing them out or spitting at them. That will only guarantee you get the wrong people applying for the job.

Even if I did believe that was a good thing it’s against the constitution to have 2 separate punishments. That said I think cops who fuck up should be tried in court like any other citizen. If you want change go apply to a department.

Yea I was too broad there when I said that However in my own experience I have seen even SOME -asshole cops be helpful.

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In a city where you can’t park your car in the street without the window being smashed or have a business without having homeless harass your customers I thought that you might want to be nice to the cops but I guess I am wrong.

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Damn you sure are painting with a broad brush. I have been replying to a lot of comments so if you read this reply in another comment sorry. I agree that the police need reform and I agree that it attracts a lot of the wrong type of people. I think their training is lacking in use of force and de escalation tactics. I think they should have more than 2 hrs a year of grappling training and a lot of departments are moving in the right direction.

I am sorry you have only had dealings with asshole cops because I know a lot of really good ones. Have a great day.

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From one white suburban 40 year old to another I understand what you’re saying and as I said before I have met plenty of wasps. I guess what I am trying to get across is that blanket hate for cops isn’t the answer. It’s a very hard job that they are not trained to do and it does attract assholes. But every encounter I have with a cop I start out just being friendly and the majority of the time they are friendly back. Also well aware of my white 6’2” privilege when dealing with them.

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That’s on the system not the individual officer.

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Bring on the down votes but my opinion is this will only make things worse. I think people should judge the police on a officer to officer basis. I work in public service and the majority of cops are really decent people who are trying to help. There are always bad seeds. Even if a cop is on a power trip if you ask them they will help you.

In my opinion the biggest problem w the police isn’t the officers it’s the training and culture. They have their hands tied w ridiculous use of force policies and almost no training. But bring on the hate and call me a fascist.

Edit: biblical service to public service. Jesus has no place in these streets.

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