27 Post – 982 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Saying Linux is for sysadmins (or similar) is like saying Framework Laptop is only for repair technicians.

Oh shit, I wanted to steal a car but now because of this ban it will be illegal, how bad.

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By making us able to actually buy them, right? Right? 🫠

Man... My personal list of banned companies not to buy from is getting scary long.

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Spoiler: it's "just" a display. Bacteria are not doing any calculations. Unlike the crab computer.

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Decentralized network. Number of servers on the network: 1.

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That's just Bing down with all of it's puppets rebrands.

VSCode is the only Electron program I know of that does not feel like using McDonald's kiosk on virtual machine over remote desktop.

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Apple is to blame too. They created a device that gives them so much power to make such lockdowns possible in the first place. The only proper response from Apple should be "we would really like to do it, but we can't be sure users won't install those apps outside of our store".

Something like that should not be possible with universal computing devices. This is why freedom to install any OS you want on mobile devices is more important than ever.

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EU: You must have a consent if you want to process personal data.

Tech companies: Okey, so we are going to collect even more and annoy the user with consent popup every single time.

EU: You must not be the single provider of services for the hardware you sell, hardware and things it is connecti g to should be independent markets.

Tech companies: Remove any option to install an app or add-on, understood.

Unfortunately not Open Source:

I'll keep using NewPipe. Their software seems neat, I'll happly pay for it, but no way I'll do if there is licence like that.

Edit: They say the licence is only temporary. Let's keep an eye which one they'll choose later.

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Firefox even is hardcoded to present itself as "Chrome on Windows" when visiting Teams.

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  • IPv6, needed for modern Internet not to collapse, would make many other important things easier. Easier to become an ISP, to selfhost, to build P2P networks, etc.
  • GNU Taler, a payment protocol just look at it go:, or just imagine building a payment terminal of a Raspberry Pi
  • Matrix, to unify chat, conference and calling apps
  • some self-arranging darknet protocol becoming a norm like I2P, GNUNet or Yggdrasil, so we could have a backup when mass Internet blockage happen
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8GB of RAM is perfectly usable for basic things, but on a new computer, with that price, non-upgradable... ech...

There is an issue with monoculture of rendering engines. Developers assume every browser have the same things implemented and start to build around this assumption. Also Google can dictate how the web looks like.

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Buds can be used without an app, but they really should open source it if they really care about long term sustainability.

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CD is still the only way to buy a digital popular music in most countries.

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Also more things now call themselfs "open source" even not being like that. AnyType or Llama AI for example.

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It's always about the minority. Just because something fits 99% should not mean this is the only thing in existence, when other ways do not disturb. And one not fulfilled minority there, one not fulfilled there and soon we realise that almost everyone fit in some unfulfilled minority that is not dealed with.

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F-Droid supports adding third-party repos, no need to create another app, right? Right?

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Imagine phones coming with a clean Android with the ability to install Google Play Services like a normal app 😌.

And documention to port other operating systems or new Android versions.

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  • offline access and archival
  • use with multiple providers
  • seamless integration with contacts and calendar of any provider
  • better keyboard shortcuts
  • multiple windows
  • end2end encryption via PGP keys, can use same keys as the rest of the system
  • more lightweight on system resources
  • themes, I guess?

Just use some unknown program in binary form downloaded from random site that require adminstration access and God knows what it does, because Windows don't have an option or config file to change simple thing👌.

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No no, Truth Social doesn't need to federate. They want it to pushing it's source code as AGPL legally obligates it to.

She was a qwerty1 girl. He was a θⰼ💑ꙩ׳Ͳ📢🦀ԉ꠷ᵭϊ⒁㇃⛭🨪ǘ⭝ᴎІ"⚌⪆㉑┦🨰꒕𝌾㇀🤃Ȁ guy.

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They want a social network designed in a way that single company have all control that would be abused after gaining enough users and advertisers?

Okey, so Apple would have to make client apps to those services by themselfs... Oops! All proprietary.

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I think that Linux is the worst for middle-tier tech people.

For elderies, kids or someone that just visit social media, listen to music on Spotify and edit photos from vacations this it is perfect. They might learn where the app store is, how to open up menu and that's all.

For tech saavy, programmers, engineers I... don't really get how you can use Windows at all until you are forced by your environment. Going from Windows to Linux to do work is just like going from ChromeOS to MacOS.

But the worst would be the midtier, a friend who does a joke in "ohshit.exe" style, but don't know what is an executable. That has multiple free games from Epic Store he never plays but must be installed and work. That have bought Photoshop and "original" MS Office licence years ago for outdated version but keep it, because "original". And that has some amateur audio eqippment that even if Linux have build-in drivers for, would complain the .exe installer from that "download for free" website does not work.

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USB 2, 3 and 4 are not direct new versions depracating previous ones. Those are tiers, versions are reprecented after the point, like 3.1 is directly better than 3.0 .

USB 2 is not something that shouldn't be used because USB 3 exists. It is just simpler, just four pins, two for power and two for data, meanwhile USB 4 requires much more complex stuff. Just like new Intel i7 processor does not invalidate new Intel i3.

Still on a high-end phone 2.0 is bad, like putting i3 on high-end laptop.

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Then why do they tell everyone about it?

Seems like a way to pump the price up just by press and not actually wanting to anything.

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Green energy is still not free energy.

Every amout of green energy a crypto miner uses is less green energy for everything else. You take 3% (country consumption) of capacity from the green grid, you must up at least 3% the production in existing coal plants.

Linux kernel is really good at backwards compatibility, better than any other OS.

Software can be bad at being backwards compatible with older kernels, but you should be able to run newer ones.

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I would just donate that money to 7zip or PeaZip creators that would benefit everybody.
WinRar works good with .rar files because they created them just to sell buissness licences for something that can be as easly done with tar and gzip.

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Maybe not exaclly Linux, sorry for that, but it was first thing that get to my mind.
Web browsers really should be rewritten, be more modular and easier to modify. Web was supposed to be bulletproof and work even if some features are not present, but all websites are now based on assumptions all browsers have 99% of Chromium features implemented and won't work in any browser written from scratch now.

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DRM is not to stop pirates, but to show investors and licence holders you are trying to stop pirates.

Now imagine we only had Windows and no one would create such thing because Windows and it's programs does not have support.

Single reason why this is suspicious from the start:

Advertised not to check yourself, but your one-night partner. If it was advertised for self-check it would be bombed with lawsuit for fake medical advices.

Google Play Services and Google Play should be denominated to a normal, installable apps.

"Choose your web browser" should include "I'll install different one myself", as it also forces using Google Play for updates.

Webview should be installable.

Default messaging app should not have fixed links to Google's proprietary RCS servers (btw, RCS should be just build in to base Android).

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"His one leg is still more capable than regular person's two legs"

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Windows is the worst thing that ever happened to computer science.

And I don't exaclly mean the product itself, but the mindset and habits that came with it.

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