You can play Doom using gut bacteria, but the framerate is atrocious to – 344 points –
You can play Doom using gut bacteria, but the framerate is atrocious

Not running the game's code on a biological computer (maybe that's next?) but showing the opening frame of the game rendered in bacteria is a good first step


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Spoiler: it's "just" a display. Bacteria are not doing any calculations. Unlike the crab computer.

The what now computer?

The researchers found that when two swarms of crabs collide, they merge and continue in a direction that is the sum of their velocities

I see this being incorporated into a maths lesson about vector addition.

They're made using these crabs.

Also called "soldier crabs"

Here's the summary for the wikipedia article you mentioned in your comment:

Mictyris guinotae is a species of soldier crab of genus Mictyris, endemic to the Ryukyu Islands of Japan. They were named after Danièle Guinot, a professor at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in France, and were first treated as a separate species in a tribute volume to Guinot.

^article^ ^|^ ^about^

Imagine living your entire live as a sentient being not knowing you're actually just a logic gate in a huge-ass computer.

That's basically reality for all of us right now

And then when AI researchers come along to make it so we don't have to be logic gates in that computer, we complain about "losing our jobs."

Well yeah because this is capitalism, and those lost jobs will be lost forever, and everyone who was working them will suddenly have no source of income with nothing to replace it. Instead of taking care of those people, they'll just be collateral damage.

Sounds like the problem is with our economic system. There are ways to fix that. Even ways to fix "capitalism" so that it isn't necessary, without changing the fundamental concepts of freedom and personal property that people are so worried about.