0 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

We really need to tax energy used by GPU-burning projects differently. AI training, blockchain, whatever. Such a wasteful endeavour.

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And half a dozen months ago they could have had a ceasefire to have them released, along with the ones that STILL aren't released.

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The actual video for your own judgement:

I'm not shocked an old man missed a prompt to speak in a low stakes phone call. Mid-sentence in a high-stakes optics-focused debate is the bigger gaffe, but equally normal for an old man.

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love that i switched to graphene. I was hesitant because ages ago i bricked a phone with a random ROM, but boy have things changed.

installing was seriously easy, like in a pinch my elderly parents could probably do it. the result worries better than stock Android imo

Really strongly recommend checking it out if you have a supported devices.

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Biden could, according to SCOTUS.

With the state of AI and computer vision, and legal requirements to disclose ads, i wonder if a ytdl + editing script will he the nicest way to watch at some point

People pretending east Jerusalem does not exist now? Illegal settlements are still illegal ...

Honestly either flag makes sense given the divide. Which state is Kansas city in?

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I hope this works out. Local news media outside of huge cities is 3 nextdoor posts in a trenchcoat.

UN veto power goes a long way.

Anecdotes so few and far between, meanwhile the anti-zionist movement is absolutely flooded with jewish voices. A narrative to dismiss protests, designed to resists hard the article you are ignoring here.

Love free speech, and the very normal relationship the US politicians have to its client state

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Definitely tea party roots, libertarians have been against it for ages.

Reagan really kicked is off on the trajectory of privatization, trusting corporations to bed good stewards of the people. It was a steady trajectory really kicked in to high gear with the recession since blood was on the water

Now the right hates any part of the government that doesn't hold a gun, and would rather drink poison than impede corporate profits.

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Is it war when one group is wholly reliant on another for access to food, water, communication, electricity and other forms of aid?

It's ridiculous to call this a war when there's such a dependency. Israel wants Palestinians in gaza over the southern border or dead, an ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Not to mention the West Bank, which is not controlled by Hamas, being a center of settler violence and concentration camps for Palestinians.

Some war.

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I found the game addictive enough i wasn't counting but am surprised it was that many! I kept doing runs long after too.

[obligatory suggestion to use Linux]

but yeah iot had become not optional in some spaces. tvs and cars are the big ones i can't stand

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I think it's more helpful to see Trump, Putin, whoever as the logical results of oligarchy, rather than 4 dimensional chess of Russia. Capital like strong men who defend the interest of capital, and don't like democracy because they aren't popular with the majority.

Most people don't have a political education nor do they follow political news. They vote based in vibes and a knee-jerk reaction to the party in power. You can launder a lot of self-destructive behavior in that recipe.

First, don't conflate Israel with Jews. It is a government not a religious authority, and using Judaism as a veil is deeply antisemitic.

Second, this is an infantile understanding of colonization. Shall we give Crimea back yo to the Greeks? They inhabited it 3,000 years ago. Clearly not, and if Greece invaded and exploited the land and the people we'd call them colonists.

This blood and soil logic is exactly what european nationalists use to expell Jews. Comically such advocates of this logic also rarely support returning land to indigenous peoples in the US...

" said epic gamer Cold_Brew_Enima, calling for genocide.

Also KDE here, but largely without modifications from defaults. I turn off a few things, but more or less it's exactly what i expect from a DE without taking up too many resources. I really buy in to the K-suite apps for almost everything too, so it all works together nicely.

Getting higher every day. Majority children.

Uncritical copaganda from NYT again. These changes are...fine, but don't get at the inherent risks of police surveillance and biometrics.

Its almost like the other democrats haven't been running for office and building name recognition. I wonder why OH YEAH, DNC thought a democratic process was too divisive and would make their octogenarian look bad. Based on the debate, they sure were right! Their candidate cant take 3 steps away from a teleprompter.

Polls are meant to be moved, any of those other candidates would be in a better position than Biden within a few months.

The best recruitment tool for Hamas is Israeli violence. Israel kills many civilians but a manageable number of Hamas. There are many Palestinians in prison camps with no trials, Hamas negotiates for their own.

Their calculus is one of triage, they want an effective fighting force to liberate Palestine and not become another West Bank (effectively dissolved with Palestinians treated like cattle). So the need for their organization takes priority over the general population.

They're right wing, imagine how MAGA types would respond to the US being occupied and genocided by China.

I don't disagree with any of this, but in this particular instance i do think it's simply a reflection of reality. Biden's whole strategy is win over dummy undecideds who can't tell him and Trump apart, rather than excite his base for a good turnout.

Fact is that strategy requires charisma, not brains. Biden's running a strategy on his weakness. It's doomed, which is impressive since Trump is so widely hated. Literally any other dem in there party is a better choice, save Jimmy Carter...

The US has two parties, one which is very nationalistic and loves cruelty, and one that is very bureaucratic and loves controlling information. This creates a bureaucratic structure which increases control over citizen info, in a way that presumably hurts another country and stifles progressive youth.

Best case scenario it's bought, or other platforms honor a number of steam purchases as a perk. But ultimately...poof

Luckily they make a lot, have relatively low operation costs, and are a private company that doesnt need to be enshitified for share holders

The archive includes copyrighted works. Often multiple copies of each work, across different formats.

i really sympathize with folks who go down an iot rabbit hole only to find it's a huge disaster.

Most iot use cases are incredibly simple, like turning on a light in the morning. implement should take a handful of minutes.

but the more complicated the technical debt, i imagine the less satisfying the whole experience is. it's a fun whimsical hobby that quickly becomes a farce.

Self hosting means having an application run on your own server. The easiest introduction is probably using raspberrypi to run something like Jellyfin

Wish it was my first day on lemmy too. Stick around, you'll see them soon enough

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This begs some reflection. what is a"job", functionally? What would be needed for losing it to be good?

I suspect a system with jobs would not eradicate jobs, just change them.

The US has truly been grifted by the "defense" industry for decades now. A lot of snake oil with no testing in real battle conditions

How useful is Israeli as an ally really? They threaten huge costly wars constantly, destabilize the region, and export right wingism. They're at best an R&D project of the department of defense.

Unfortunately the question isn't whether to fire him, but if he can win an election appearing as a sickly confused old man.

He spit in the face of an energized lefty base, so he is gambling the future of the country on low information Pennsylvanian voters in a popularity contest.

Woah, what an offensive categorization of the Israeli people.

They also want a new canal to undercut Egypt's suez.

Historical reason for the US supporting the creation of Israel ^^

Such a hater comment to make. Woof.

First, shitting on folks who are new to left politics and (god forbid) harbor excitement for these new insights. At least we have folks leaving comments like this to grind that eagerness out of them.

Then, it failed a narrow expectation you fully put on it. Maybe it was using an a medium to express an idea in a novel way. What a concept. Let's call it Art. It can be something other than homework.

You're allowed to not be into it and express why, and if you have ideas for improving it, even better. But essentially saying "I'm above the target audience and it's pointless", share something you made

NYT is being a bit opaque, mixing different types of protests. i think it's important to highlight these protests are about saving the hostages, not stopping genocide. a majority of Israelis people support the genocide/colonization. That's why they moved there.

Fun fact, it was quite common for people to live into their 80s in the past. The shorter life expectancy myth (1) comes with averaging age of death infant mortality, which was far higher and (2) the drop in life expectancy during industrialization.

A few thousand years ago we had a similar life expectancy and worked far less. There are other tradeoffs of course.