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Meta has no interest in being part of the fediverse, it only wants to eliminate any posible competition.

The usual MO of buying the competitors isn't posible on the fediverse, so the way to do it is embrace, extend and extinguish

Defederating is important because is Metastasis is allowed in the fediverse it will consume the fediverse, and then we'll be right back at the corporate social media we're trying to break away from, with the surveillance, ads and nazis being welcome as long as it's profitable

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No, he didn't "let people die".

He actively contributed to those deaths.

Right wing media spent the entire pandemic fighting against distancing, masks, vaccines, against science. And pretending horse dewormer was a miracle solution for everything. But it turns out reality isn't a political opinion, and millions of people died because of those lies.

When humanity was fighting against covid, Republicans were fighting on the virus' side

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But we still check every time, just in case

That's assuming you'll meet literally every person on earth

Let's say you will have a meaningful interaction with 1000 people ever, 1% of that leaves you with 10

If you're not bi make it 5 before you even start considering wether you also find those people attractive back, if they're single and in the right age range

So get that confidence back down. Statistics are a bitch

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(But that's not mastodon's fault)

I was disgusted by the XML at first, but it's a readable query returning a sane JSON object.

Meanwhile, I'm mantaining Java code where the SQL is a perfectly square wall of text, and some insane mofo decided the way to read the resulting list of Object[] 🤮 is getting each column by index... so I'd switch to SQXMLL in a heartbeat.

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"You only have another 2 or 3 months of unconditional support for your genocide before we start calling you out"

I used to get myself into traps like that a lot, "I need to get that impossible achievement", "I need to play only at the highest difficulty", "I need to get 200% completion".

At the end of the day video games are just toys, play them as you like and if you're not enjoying it just do something else instead. After I realized that games are fun again.

This ghost achievement in particular is a very hard challenge run, the kind of thing you go for after you finished the game and want more with an extra twist, trying to force it on your first time playing is guaranteed to be frustrating

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Refusing to make a choice is still a choice.

The only options are: status quo that doesn't do the bare minimum against genocide, or an actual fascist who is literally promising to do more genocide.

Yes I know that both options are terrible and the system is fucking garbage, but if you refuse to vote for the lesser evil you're not taking some moral high road, you're just enabling the worst evil

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Don't make "hit" the new "slammed".

The headline makes it sound like a fistfight, turns out it was just one post on the TwitterButDumber site

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Taylor Swift turned me into a newt!!

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A more honest headline:

Our corporate overlords don't like unions and environmentalists, so we're gonna pit those groups against each other.

Free guns for the babies?? Get outta here with that commie shit, those lazy babies have to pull themselves by their bootstraps and get a second job to pay for their gun loans

I got better though

TLDR: privacy law won't pass because it would limit the government's right to buy "commercially available data" on anyone without a warrant

This includes location data collected from cell phones that are capable in many cases of tracking people’s physical whereabouts almost constantly. The data is purportedly gathered for advertising purposes...

A government that actually cares about privacy wouldn't be debating 'should we be able to buy that data', it would be asking the real question 'why the fuck is it legal to collect and sell that data?'

Even if we pretend that data will only ever be used for ads, it's still not fucking OK for advertisers to stalk everyone everywhere 24/7 (and every use other than ad stuff is probably worse)

A more educated populace benefits everyone.

Except Republicans. They "love the poorly educated"

Ironically that trump quote is a perfect description of Trump's government



Yes I know that both options are terrible and the system is fucking garbage, but if you refuse to vote for the lesser evil you're not taking some moral high road, you're just enabling the worst evil

Real life the board game©

Cops can’t stop you because you were on your way to a bank, just because they feel you might want to rob it.

LOL Sure, in theory they can't, but in reality cops do stop people for any made up reason and they can also shoot you for any made up reason without consequence.

And "pro-life" people will support every cop that kills a pregnant woman on that highway.

You wouldn't download a car dank meme

(Not if it's an HP printer)

Our planet is on fire. The Nazis are back. Most of us are wage slaves. Women are going to prison over their physiology. Multiple nations are currently at risk of being wiped off the map...

Conservatives care about all of those actually relevant things, but they're trying to make them even worse.

Of course that wouldn't be very popular, so instead they just scream about what's in people's pants and their voters eat it up

Only OK if you also jerk off onto the pizza

With the way every site is these days, removing adblock is worse than not functioning

They can also make artificial diamonds that are good enough for jewelry, the perception that lab made diamond is different/worse than diamonds pulled from the ground is just propaganda to keep the artificial scarcity

trump might be president in 2024. That sucks, but most of the damage has already been done (supreme court, senate, etc).

It's very optimistic of you to assume the damage is already done when he's literally promising to replace the entire government with loyalists and weaponize the judiciary system against all the "vermin" as soon as he's reelected.

Might as well show the dems that they have to run a candidate that supports the rights of civilians all around the globe

Except by then there won't be any more elections

The movies did a great job at presenting thanos as an extremist that sincerely wants the greater good by questionable means, but it falls apart because his grand plan is just so stupid. The only way to reconcile the sympathetic character with the dumb plan is to point out he's "THANOS THE MAD TITAN", not "THANOS THE TITAN THAT FULLY CONSIDERS THE CONSEQUENCES OF HIS ACTIONS"

Would have been much better if they just kept his original motivation from the comics: Death is a hot lady and horny thanos does the snap as a gift to her

And if they did manage to impeach Biden over whatever they're making up this time... so what?

45's first impeachment did nothing, so couldn't the sane people in the government just ignore a hypothetical biden impeachment and continue business as usual?

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It's not one sentence "no taxation without representation", it's the two groups of people "no taxation" and "without representation"

The twin's name?

Albert Einstein.

The chad slacker represents all the people stuck in bs jobs, where the only purpose is making some rich asshole richer, and the only reward for hard work is more bs work.

If you have a job where you do something meaningful and get properly rewarded, great, you're right for enjoying that and not wanting to slack. Most of us slackers are jealous

In a few billion years when the sun swallows the earth. Getting surprise cremated at that moment would be anticlimactic. And kinda redundant

Pointing out that the Democrats are bad is not the same as saying 'both sides are the same'. Sure, Biden is infinitely better than the alternative, but it would be really nice to have some actually good options instead of just lesser evil

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Lol the trump x Haley comparison is irrelevant

First because she never really had a chance to win the primaries against the maga cult

And second because even if she did, being part of the republican party these days is more than enough reason to assume she's a fascist asshole. Does it matter if she's a slightly less bad fascist asshole? (And if you wanna reduce it to "everyone I don't like is all the same" that's fine with me)

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The US government being useless against megacorps is not a bug, it's a feature

Mind elaborating a little more? Why do you think limiting violent abusers' access to murder toys is bad?