Did Trump let Americans die purely for political purposes?

Captain_Patchy@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 360 points –
Did Trump let Americans die purely for political purposes?

of at least a half-million Americans is to argue — nonsensically — that the virus came out of the Wuhan virology lab and therefore something, something, something Trump is not responsible. He’s doing this with House Oversight Committee hearings this week.


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No, he didn't "let people die".

He actively contributed to those deaths.

Right wing media spent the entire pandemic fighting against distancing, masks, vaccines, against science. And pretending horse dewormer was a miracle solution for everything. But it turns out reality isn't a political opinion, and millions of people died because of those lies.

When humanity was fighting against covid, Republicans were fighting on the virus' side

But at the very beginning, there was one moment where they said we didn't need masks, so all of your points are refuted! /s

I know you're being sarcastic but I still want to punch you. So fucking sick of that shit.

In general, we were lucky that the epidemic wasn't something worse. Imagine the governmental failure during an Ebola pandemic.

Thanks Obama for making us not have to deal with that.

And for having a pandemic response team/office, which Trump dismantled...6 months before COVID hit.

Something worse is coming, and based on what happened this time, I'm terrified.

it happens at least once every hundred years, doesn't mean it won't happen sooner but it will happen again

Will we ever be far enough removed from the pandemic that we can talk about how the federal government lied and ignored 100+ years worth of science on the efficacy of masking (including effective mask mandates during the "Spanish"/Kansas flu pandemic), without being accused of being an antivax conspiracy theorist?

I'm vaxed, waxed and ready to party, but it is a stone cold fact that they told people not to wear masks - and caused untold numbers of deaths - because they didn't want the general public to reduce the current supply.

(Fauci also did an absolutely horrendous, I mean historically awful job dealing with the AIDS crisis, but I guess that's for another time.)

It was a mistake. They screwed up. Talk about it all you want and learn from it. Don't use it to justify not wearing a mask ever again regardless of all evidence presented.

I know you are not saying that.

My problem is the second part of that, so I have no issue with you.

I get frustrated trying to figure how this should go in the future because on the one hand infantilizing the citizenry is acting in bad faith. On the other hand, I lot of people seem to be incapable of critical thinking. The answer is probably somewhere between those extremes but I am not sure where.