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I have way too little knowledge about the genre in general but there was something oddly satisfying about the Service Weapon a.k.a. Director’s Gun from the Federal Bureau od Control..

But I am guessing the part of using it as a game mechanic makes a big difference, there were plenty cool looking things in movies or series — but this one just jumped first to my mind.

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Can I grab this one?

I have created quite a few for people and my designs were successful at landing well with employers.

Firstly, most of the time luck is a deciding factor and there is no brute forcing through it, so stay strong and keep searching. There can be a lot of mind games around the recruitation process.

It is easier to explain how to improve a resume based on any input as a base, but it is good to have two versions, one lighter and the other one more strict / professional.

When people were spreading wide nets during the job hunting, that was a minimum — you should present a vibe that at least kinda matches the position. Good to have a printed versions and digital, PDF file is a solid choice.

For some positions, where you are any type of a representative, taking care of customers is one of your main tasks — consider a resume with a picture.

It should not be a factor but obviously, it is. And please don’t have a “zombie” or any “gangsta” face. Terrible picture is worse than no picture.

Another baseline is one page only. If you have a valuable list of actual experiences for more than one page you really don’t need to write a resume most of the time and even if you do, there is a way to compress the education or work history sections to provide a full picture and add some detail for the last or two most recent positions.

Yes, one page, really.

Two most important aspects to really pour your time and efforts into:

  1. Proofreading. Check it 20 times, seriously. I saw so many resumes thrown into the bin just because there were two spelling errors in two words in the first line of text. Check it one more time, check if your email and phone number are valid and don’t use silly email addresses (in 99% of the cases). Give it to a partner, friend, parent, sibling — ask them to check if anything is or feels wrong. If you are — for any reason — making your resume in language you don’t know, use a professional help, don’t use automatic translators etc.
  2. Design. Whether it is good margins, readable lists, using font sizes to guide the eye of the reader, sure it is not about using every option in your text editor, don’t go crazy with fonts — styles and amount, if you know what are you doing, one is the perfect amount and two is actual maximum. Well constructed page can attract recruiters or employers and makes your resume stand out or hold the focus for those crucial five minutes.

Don’t use any “crazy” paper, especially with glitter or colored, paper weight can help tho, you don’t want a flimsy napkin or so stiff paper that you could kill with it.

If you are making copies, check if they are good and readable. Please, don’t let it get bent, wet or stained. Have a folder or something to protect it during the transport.

They will often treat it like shit or write on it but deliver it in a neat condition.

If your country requires for legal reasons any clauses to be present — check the official, most recent guidelines.

I hope this will anyhow help you achieve your goals or at least, get you started.

Oh, something I actually know something about as I was working with people choosing pictures for the gravestones and/or funerals..

There are no strict rules, but I always saw the tendency for going with voices of the family “he looks really handsome on this one”, “yeah, that’s her face, you know, she always looked like this during the fall, her favorite part of the year” and so on.. This might not be helpful but the best one is the one representing the connection as much as possible.

I have this strong feeling after so many of those — sometimes very unpleasant — talks, that anyone that has to choose, already made that choice internally, they mostly just don’t want to make it officially, as it is making the loss and whole situation even more real.

It is mainly for everyone mourning, a form of expressing how they want and need to remember this person. I would go with the one that pulls the string inside “yeah, that’s them, that’s how I see them”.. Most often, that picture was actually making people smile, cheer up, even if through the tears, that was the sign for me that we have the best one.

For me it always just felt very close to “I am here” / “I am done” / “I am late” / “I am fine” — not as description of a place but state.

All the quirks, weirdnesses and exceptions are the best / most fun parts of any language. Close second, how it constantly evolves and where the words originated from.

Screwdriver bits, any type of storage — drives or pendrives, PSUs.

Coffee, some snacks (like cheap/unknown brands of chips or chocolate) can be really terrible, even some spices.


— wherever you go, whatever you do, you create this one and only shape that has never existed in any time and space. Science is baffled by those shapes, as they are constantly popping into existence everywhere.

Theoretically they can be morphing from Anteyouzoids™ and even into Postyouzoids™ — those require further research.

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Bunny Lake Is Missing (1965) — hard to say anything without spoiling the plot

Blair Witch Project (1999) — I just admire how great idea / concept extended beyond the movie itself. No-one can ever watch it again for a first time during ‘99 but it is iconic and great as a case study of having almost no budget and making something really impactful / special

Her (2013) — this one is my answer for the same question but asked in 2061..

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There should be a special division in all patenting offices called Burning With Fire ™

Yup, when I was talking with a few different Microsoft representatives, they just straightforwardly stated that they don’t focus at all on punishing or pushing consequences for “obtained/purchased windows instances via any existing alternative/not supported ways” when it comes to private/home users.

They surely and happily will put the idea of buying a key or official upgrade from their certified resellers locally or online on the table.

It is quite a different story with larger organizations and companies.

Of course all this info is based on just a few talks during the last decade and with incoming subscription (ugh) model a lot will change, I guess.

There is no one-fits-all golden answer when it comes to sleeping but reducing heavy foods, any stress and overstimulation for at least two hours before planned bed time can help or be at least some form of a start..

If it is a problem with falling asleep, when you are lying for some prolonged time already — try standing up, doing some simple stretches, maybe drink water, slowly walk around, visit the bathroom and empty your bladder (don’t turn on too many lights etc.), you can even try some breathing exercises and then just try again.

Many people have a big problem with proper “coming back from work”, like reading some work related e-mails or chats / groups and so on — this can really harm your night / resting time. Make a holy boundary, cut-off time for those things or just fully turn off your phone and put it out of reach. If there are things like plans for the next day, some project that you need to do or a big deadline, physically write all this stuff that occupies your mind, “do the laundry, take the trash in the morning, call the manager and reply to X and Y about Z” — whatever fits your bill, write it down, put it on your desk or on a fridge — make sure that you feel it, do it slowly, be like “I am securing my plans because they are important to me and now there is no need to keep them in my mind, they will wait for me in the morning, right here” or something close to that.

Hey there! They are simply being inclusive, blind people are potential customers too and should not miss on any “opportunities”..

I don’t want to sound judgemental or anything, but how about making this decision at the point of your life when you are not getting drunk to even consider this option?

Because obviously, I don’t know the effects of this decision and no one else here could fully know, but I am sure, the best, most healthy decisions are made from a proper starting position.

..with great form and a lot of style — no room for doubts here.

That’s why falling in love is a very slippery road — in the emotional sense. If you fall, you will finally hit something, that’s how it works in nature.

Loving someone or building a solid relation based on love with someone is so much harder and not so automatic as falling, it requires committing and communicating — learning a difference is a key to not fall but to be more aware of the process and ones deeper emotions, especially someone else’s.

My guess is that’s why it is easier for so many people to love animals because they don’t fall in love with them, they just feel the love and act accordingly.

— Obviously, all this is a giant oversimplification because this is just a simple comment on the internet, not reality.

We are sorry for your inconvenience. We are working hard on adjusting and improving the user experience.

Would it be any better if the search results were read or presented by our totally not Scarlett Johansson Virtual Assistant®?

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This is one of the most influential games ever for so many different reasons.. I am definitely a big fan and have a lot of great memories with the classic one on NES, especially the 1v1 mode. It was a pure joy to play with my uncle, brother, friends or mom, she preferred Battle City tho!

This was long time ago, now if I play, I go for the Tetris Effect — which doesn’t change the main formula, it mostly builds around it or plays with it.

One of — counterintuitively — not so many games that you can just keep playing to get better at them, as your brain rewires itself and conscious decision making process goes into the deep, unconscious brain backroom magic. Of course to be the best there is a lot of technical knowledge or some tactical aspects but the base gameplay loop just keeps you in self-learning mode or more often than not, in the flow state.

Yeah, major bullet dodged there. Just when I started actually appreciating Figma and heard about the Adobe plans, I automatically felt like I just need to hate Figma to not get used to it too much — just in case.

Affinity is great and gets better, Figma stays great and gets better, for now at least, all fine with me. No Adobe logo anywhere in sight — good news for me.

Did you mean “When did FatTony replaced Google” or do you wish to show the results for “Will FatTony also replace Google?”

Showing one result:

  • Around 15:00 UTC, Thursday, 23rd of May, 2024
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Field tested solutions are highly recommended. Use well defined and structured sorting system, consider color coded bracelets and / or separated thematic areas.

For me the amazing part was somehow pacing. Every single time I felt like I am starting to cruise through levels, I was knocked down really hard.. and my brain exploded more than a few times.

Stunningly, this created one of the best mechanics for me — “if it was too easy, you probably missed a valuable lesson there”.

And here, right in the middle of the wild internet jungle vastness, we can observe a very interesting, quite uncommon specimen. They are prepared well enough for interactions and don’t seek a vent point for illusory vengeances or endless technicalities on every possible occasion; their skillful bag of tricks contains open mindedness and respectful responses. They can commit their precious energy to this hard process of making the day of the entire herd easier and more positive. Look at them go!

That was my exact reaction when I found out how this amazing IP was taken away from the original creators.. Pain, sadness.. Only shivers helped me a tiny bit.

Arvi created something special, where every bit of that frustration pays off at least tenfold.

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Based on your valuable input, we have adjusted the search results.

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  1. Cool idea for a book or a movie
  2. Club 27 resolution
  3. Unreleased X-Files episode
  4. Stillbirth and early neonatal deaths theoretical explanation

Well, as the devs wanted the visual feeling of the game to resemble a painting — then it only fits to say “there are no mistakes here, just happy accidents”..

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6 different guns in a such compact form factor for a price of not dying while being chosen to actually use it, with a tiny little perk on the side of automagically becoming the Director of the Bureau with the side hustle of talking with Paranatural Entities/The Board — how’s that too chonky?

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For now, my favorite one was for Christmas — “On behalf of CyberLife I want to wish you very happy holidays. I hope Santa will bring you a CyberLife android soon!”.

This is one of the better thought through and well designed game menus, or even menu experience — perfectly fitting for the overall game vibe.

I have this neighbor. He is like 70+ yo, after a stroke and a heart attack, barely talks and walks..

Somehow, this guy still has some slapping sense of humor. How come he pulls it off and most people I briefly checked online history of can’t and more often than not are the same people talking “everyone is just too serious nowadays”, “no-one can get a good joke anymore, huh?” or “why they banned me? Again!”..

I am not saying this about OP, but I am starting to notice a trend.

Plus, yeah, being able to read the room (this in itself can be 10 times harder online), knowing your range and type of humor you operate with can definitely help. And sometimes.. sometimes it just doesn’t land at all — best lesson to improve or learn something. On the other hand, not everything and not every occasion or room has to be a comedic scene.

"The feeling hit me like a point blank shot straight in the face."

You might be missing quite a few points in general but I think, I can see where you are coming from..

Yet, there is, at least for me, a big difference in:

Apollo: oh we have some fun icons, people love them, maybe they would pay a little to unlock more and have fun with them, or even better, enjoy the premium subscription and have even more useful stuff

Reddit: well, other apps were selling shit like this and people loved it and payed money for it, we want that money, let’s block what we already have and see what will happen..

— yup, this sounds about right in my imagination

This is a fantastic timeline if you want to go into details.

Hopefully you and the friend will get better.

As hard as it is in a situation like this, it is really important to understand own boundaries and if this was too much for you, respect your boundaries — in the beginning you might feel really torn, like you are betraying a friendship or leaving someone in need alone.

Additionally, your reaction might send a signal for them to seek help, it doesn’t have to but it just might be enough of a nudge in situation like this.

Bottom line is, if this decision was made from the position of respecting your current boundaries then whatever comes next is the best possible scenario in the long run.

Stay safe.

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Coming hot this season — original, analog and interactive GIFs, no electricity needed and now you can customize your paper grammage for optimal viewing pleasure!

Frame by frame and instant rewind options included for free!

You can rest now..

Same unfortunately goes for a big chunk of the law on a global scale.. Constant progress, new possibilities and technologies, changes in general are really outpacing some dusted and constantly abused solutions. Every second goes by and any “somehow still holding” relic is under more pressure. As a species we can have some really great ideas but the long-term planning or future-proofing is still not our strongest suit.

I don’t want to fuck up your depression status or anything like that, but being this honest with yourself sounds sort of cool.. in a way.. you know?

It sounds like a beginning of something or.. a wave.

I would mostly do more of what I am already doing, spending as much time as possible surrounded by nature, for me personally — woods. Or, riding my bike even more.. Learning and reading even more, plus programming level 9000 on the side.

I could visit Iceland and Japan without overthinking it too much..

Oh! If this “needs are met” applies to others too, then I could spend more time with people that are now grinding hard all this working or parenting life. If it doesn’t apply — then I could try to do my best that it would.

TRUE ::: spoiler but up to 2.95×10^20^ :::

I would just wait for techmoan or crinacle to test it and explain what is what, probably some sort of a cash grab is the correct answer but.. maybe?

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