6 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you're at least a 4/10 woman or an 8/10 man, they are pretty effective. For the rest of us, not so much.

Article author seems to have completely fabricated the "10 more". There are no quotes from anyone even hinting at more whistleblowers existing, let alone ten more.

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Web of trust is the solution. Show me vote totals that only count people I trust, 90% of people they trust, 81% of people they trust, etc. (0.9 multiplier should be configurable if possible!)

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My proposal is for a mandated label on software and hardware to indicate that it will stop working when some online service goes offline.

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Students don't know what files and folders are, professors say A whole generation has grown up with powerful search functions, and don't think about computers the same way.

Apparently this has become a widespread problem in colleges starting in the last decade.

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I am sad that the current generation of federated social media/networks still doesn't have much, if any, implementation of web of trust functionality. I believe that's the only solution to bots/AI/etc content in the future. Show me content from people/accounts/profiles I trust, and accounts they trust, etc. When I see spam or scams or other misbehavior, show me the trust chain connecting me to it so I can sever it at the appropriate level instead of having to block individual accounts. (e.g. "sorry mom, you've trusted too many political frauds, I'm going to stop trusting people you trust")

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you’re mad that someone dared stand up to Gaben and his monopoly

And you can tell that by how much they complain(ed) about Itch, GoG, Desura, and other competitors, right?

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upset that it needs you to login to a specific server before it will let you stream music from other unrelated servers


You're no more stuck with Windows than a Mac user is stuck on a Mac.

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fluid includes both liquids and gasses.

Almost all mobile-only games from mobile-only game developers and advertised in mobile-only environments are trash. Look for mobile games related to other gaming environments or advertising channels. Android games through Humble Bundle are great (although they don't do mobile-only bundles any more?). Android ports of PC or Switch games tend to be pretty good. Open source Android games run the gamut of quality, but the ways they are bad are the same ways open source PC games are bad, not the very different set of ways that mobile games are bad (microtransactions, ads, etc).

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Sadly the checkout dialog has CORS violations that they probably don't care to fix.

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at ‘’. (Reason: Credential is not supported if the CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ is ‘*’).

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at ‘’. (Reason: Credential is not supported if the CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ is ‘*’).

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at ‘,%22n%22:0,%22f%22:712,%22dn%22:712,%22dne%22:712,%22c%22:712,%22s%22:712,%22ce%22:712,%22rq%22:712,%22rp%22:712,%22rpe%22:712,%22xx%22:1056,%22ds%22:1057,%22de%22:1059,%22dc%22:1428,%22l%22:1428,%22le%22:1429%7D,%22navigation%22:%7B%7D%7D&fcp=963’. (Reason: Credential is not supported if the CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ is ‘*’).

Who runs their email servers? You can outsource fediverse server hosting too...

The same way anyone else for whom English is a second or third language function in society.

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And, since we don't own or use any Haier appliances, we aren't subject to their TOS.

  • "I don't want to see content from this person", legit
  • "I don't want to get notifications about this person's content", legit
  • "I don't want this person's content to be able to link to my profile or use my name", dubious
  • "I want this person to have to log out to see my content", nonsense
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I'm going to click the [-] thread collapse button on Lemmy 50 times in the next ten minutes.

Most people who "self host" things are still doing it on a server somewhere outside their home. Could be a VPS, a cloud instance, colocated bare metal, ...

No. I predict we would revert to the status quo of 20-100 years ago, with very affordable state-run schools providing excellent education, and high price private schools catering to the rich. Cheap schools got expensive because we allowed the for-profit student loan industry to run wild.

There are many other countries, including some with some shared legal history with the US, where civil fines are proportional to the income and/or wealth of the person. Rich people get four or five or six figure traffic tickets, etc.

That's not true, it's just very computationally expensive to make it secure and private. There are cryptographic solutions these problems.

That area of the chart is for people with really repetitive jobs/hobbies. There are MANY jobs where you do the same 5-10 minute thing 50x a day.

a lot of the invisible language used through game design from that era, I do not understand. There are many things that the game didn’t explain, and I assume they were just understood by players

A lot of the UI/UX and game mechanics from HOMM3 were taken from Sid Meier's games, like Colonization and Civilization. When you say you didn't understand stuff in HOMM3, I want to ask if you've played CIV6 or CIV5 or other modern games in that same genre? If not, you're going to be confused by them regardless of whether you're starting with CIV1 or HOMM3 or CIV6.

Games where there's no way to tell how to beat a level without encountering each of the surprise traps and then trying again are not "difficult". They are an entirely different category much closer to "tedious".

But there’s nothing stopping you from actually reading boss patterns and dodging them.

Is there enough information to do this on the first time through, if you have enough skill? Or is it necessary to try and fail multiple times to see and learn each pattern?

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If you loan someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it.

(I propose replacing $20 with one day of your wages/salary, to keep up with your life situation and inflation)

The unnamed language that is compiled by cc.

To elaborate... C[++] is really two different languages, with mostly distinct feature sets, handled in most cases by different compilers, interpreters, parsers, etc.

The unnamed language with keywords like #ifdef and #include which produces text output is a templating system that is functionally independent of the unnamed language with keywords like for and unsigned which actually compiles to a binary.

You can use cpp to run all the logic and conditionals in that first language to produce output, even if you replace the second language with something else like python or assembly.

You can use cc to compile that second language from source to binary, without support from the preprocessor.

That second language, the one that cc understands and compiles, does not have the ability to import functions or values or whatever from other files.

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Since... about a decade ago? Noise cancellation/reduction has been an available feature in earmuffs marketed to firearms users for a while now.

It's not just about openid/identity/authentication. It's also about syndication and subscription. For forums to fill the niche reddit fills, we would have needed much better tooling around things like RSS/Atom, to allow people to see and interact with content from many forums in a consolidated interface.

I think many of those people are conflating subreddit moderators with reddit site moderators/admins. On many platforms, "mods" refers to the top level people.

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I expect most clients, including the official web client, to have "meta-community" support soon, which will include the ability to meta together communities with the same name on different instances.

Using a “laundry basket with a search robot” IS inherently a worse way to store data than a “file system with hierarchy”.

Nested folders are reliable and predictable.

Tagging is also a good option.

Relying on search that is likely to fail in predictable ways is an awful way to do anything serious. And therein lies the problem... These people have mostly never done serious work with a computer before, that other people rely on. As soon as someone else stands to lose money or fail a class because you can't find a file, the distinction will come into sharp focus.

In many parts of the US, not sure about Texas, child support is based on the parent(s)'(s) income/wealth. The same should apply here, but for the drunk driver's income/wealth.

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They can't afford to do anything that would lose them a large slice of viewers. Same reason websites still support IE.

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Most of my motivation here was recurring conversations with friends and colleagues and strangers about how much time I put into making small contributions to open source projects.

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The ointment for my overnight dry eyes is half petroleum jelly half mineral oil. I can and have used Vaseline (which is almost entirely petroleum jelly) in a pinch.

Web of trust solves this problem, until people start intentionally trusting AIs as much as they do other humans, at which point it's no longer a problem. is a great wiki hosting community

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Nah, you'd just get a preprocessor like C/C++ to do #include for you prior to compiling.