
2 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That widely depends on what you are using it for. I think it’s amazing.

I can buy a computer for $500 with 8 cores, 32GB ram, 512GB NVME storage. I can install free open source linux distribution on it that manages virtual machines. It can run dozens of containerized free/open source applications on it.

Then, i can use my domain name and freely available services like letsencrypt and cloudflare to make it securely available on the internet.

Internet is what you make of it, always has been.

If you only rely to 3rd party websites then you’re missing out on a lot of usability.

I guess it depends on when you stared using it.

Today, a lot if people take a lot of things for granted.

I still remember the days of waiting for a website to load, making myself coffee while it’s loading.

Now i can stream realtime 4k video of my house on my phone, served by my computer.

I can game with friends conencted to my voice chat server that i own and has awesome voice quality and low latency.

I can have all my files available wherever i am, instantly.

I can forget my phone and my laptop, login to my server at a friend’s computer and do whatever i need to do.

All that wouldn’t be possible if the internet was stuck in the 90’s.

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According to JerryRigEverything, they actually run you through a mac mini on their server farm. He said he has info about that confirmed by the devs. Not sure what’s true, but i usually trust him, seems like a good guy.

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Can you elaborate what does self respect have to do with my post?

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  1. I have no idea how to do that, it affects my proffesional life as well. Any advice on some guides?
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Ok i will add them sorry :|

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That’s exactly how i feel, apart from the premium androids, because even though i paid the premium price, it never felt as a good phone. Fast, maybe, well built, not really, and the apps are the same no matter what you paid so it kind of feels like you got ripped off.

I’m salty as hell because deep down i really want android phones to be great.

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Noted. Pushed twice on edit. Took some skill to find the return button tho.

I find the keyboard much better than gboard. I don’t use autocorrect tho.

Stock apps are one of the things that kept me. I didn’t have to search the play store for an app, it was already there. I use imap for mail, and the mail app is the best app i ever used on any mobile device. Paid apps included.

There is adblock for safari

Background sync works a lot better for me than on Android. I never have to worry about syncing photos or files, while on Android it would stop and i wouldn’t notice for weeks that my photos disn’t sync.

Apps are more expensive, but better as well. There are apps that are the same as on Android but pricier on iOS, i agree there.

I don’t use a filesystem on any computer, or should i say built-in storage. Everything is connected to my home server and that part works as intended.

For that part, the Apple website has an actual user documentation for iOS and MacOS and it’s good. Not the best, but far better than anything available for Android.

You have to actually give it a try. It isn’t like android. It requiers some adaptation. That said, i understand if someone found their OS of choice and doesn’t consider anything else, i just never was in that postition with Android.

Not true, sorry. Using self hosted cloud and it works perfectly.

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Whole point of the post is to get opinions from other people. There is no story, just my general observations about the software/hardware

I agree with the chilling, i think most people are on some death rampage to money and that makes them angry and irrational

I’m not hosting a lot, just things i wanted to have in order to replace having a pc with installed apps. I want stuff to be a available on a web browser.

Some of the things i host:

NGINX Proxy manager - pretty much required Joplin - notes, apps for all platforms available Wiki.js - to replace Joplin, i don’t like installed apps HomeAssistant - home automation Mealie - converted my family paper cookbook Paperless-ngx - documents organization Mumble - voice chat server for gaming and meetings NextCloud - pretty much self explanatory Jellyfin - i want to be able to play media that is stored on the NAS, family photos, videos MQTT - self explanatory ZigbeeToMQTT - connect zigbee devices to MQTT Grafana - pretty graphs WireGuard - VPN access Trillium - to replace joplin for actual note taking Homepage - to display and organize all services VS Code Server - self explanatory OctoPrint - printer management Whoogle - i don’t like ads and “algorithms”

My total TDP is 15 watts. Idle is about 5W. I can’t imagine what i would do with a higher power consuming machine, it wouldn’t be financially feasible.

I would agree but then again i tried to repair some other brands hardware and it was even more difficult. At least with apple you know what to expect. Try to repair an Acer laptop in the EU, good luck with the local “official” repair guys

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Yeah, i get that, sorry.

I wanted to write a quick post about this but then got carried away.

I had a pleasure of replacing a CPU on an Acer laptop. It refused to work. I have it on video, 3 or 5 minutes after boot (can’t remember, but it was consistent) it would shut down.

Later, i found out that even though you can replace the CPU in that laptop, Intel has made it so that if that unit wasn’t configured with that CPU when you bought it, it would simply shut down after X minutes.

Can’t recall the name for that “feature” unfortunately.

I think all major brands are going in that direction. I work in electronics repair (not consumer electronics) and it used to be “a thing” to have schematics available for a device you are repairing. Not anymore, and for a long time.

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Yeah it looks like i need new friends, but that gets kinda hard when you’re older

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  1. No why?
  2. Ok, i didn’t take any writing classes
  3. What does that have to do with a device? To each their own, but i wouldn’t choose my daily drivers based on a company. We almost all drive gas cars, and big oil=bad, same with a lot of other stuff in our life but people are somehow really worried about their phone brand
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I prefer my own intelligence even if flawed. I think that’s the beauty of it. Nothing against AI, but i don’t like the idea of running thoughts through an AI for a post on the internet, feels weird.

I would love to try a Pixel, unfortunately it’s not sold in my area and i wouldn’t have any support if something went bad with it. The best phone i had was a Nokia, and it was the phone with the worst hardware, but the stock Android experience was beautiful.

Isn’t it a company’s whole point of existence in this economy to gain profit?

Alright, yeah, i tend to overthink stuff to the point of not actually doing the thing i wanted. Thanks for the push!

That is also a fine approach, didn’t think of that. I never worked with Proxmox, and had no idea i can run containers directly on it. How would restoring a container work in that case?

Example, i purchase another machine, install fresh proxmox on it, can i simply restore the containers from the original machine without any additional configuration?

I’m using 2GB RAM at this moment, not accounting for Jellyfin and Nextcloud, and i don’t have info about their load because they’re on a windows server. That’s all running bare metal.

The offsite NAS is at my office, and is serving my office needs daily, i just added a backup of my home server to it.

Do you have any idea how much cores/ram should i leave to Proxmox?

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Thanks for the input. Do you think i will be running out of RAM in that configuration, like other commenters noted?

The reason I’d like to have two separate VMs is easier backups/restores, that way i don’t have to care about the phisycal machine, if i want to move to something else i only have to restore the VM.

As for the backups, i have one local backup on a separate machine (NAS) that gets backed up to an external drive, then another dedicated backup NAS that backups the first NAS and is otherwise disconnected from the internet, local network and power (turns on only once a week to backup), then another backup that backups the backup NAS to an off-site NAS, that also has an external drive making daily backups. Is that ok?

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I don’t know about the support part, i was on call with support for the first few days about basic functionality regarding the phone and the laptop and they were very polite and helpful.

Also, there’s a easily accessible user manual for every device and every function on their website, something that can’t be said for a lot of other brands.

I’m using nextcloud and synology drive (both available from the internet) with SMB fall-back through wireguard in case i need access to other folders on the server.

Unfortunately security updates are really low on the update tree. I am glad that they exist, don’t get me wrong, but i would much rather want an actual update along with the security update, that brings in new features, fixes bugs etc.

As for a midrange phone, you can buy a non-pro iPhone from a last generation for a steep discount in comparison with the latest model. Not for £250 though. There’s also the SE phone that’s the cheapest if you don’t need all the bells and whistles.

I would disagree that (every) cheap phone is usable. Depends on what you do with it. If it’s for making calls and texting, then fine, but i don’t think anyone uses their phone just for that nowadays. Usable as in it powers on and accepts input, yes, but usable as in using it daily for a few years… Not so much.

Some of my colleagues have cheap androids from their employer as a work phone and they are absolute trash, waste of energy and resources.

Don’t get me wrong, people who can’t afford an expensive phone have options now that didn’t exist before the advent of Xiaomi and i’m very glad for that. But i think it’s wasteful (resource-wise) for a company to provide cheap androids that break after a year only to replace them with another cheap android for one more year. That helps noone, just generates more e-waste.

I guess if that particular app doesn’t work then it doesn’t. But i have zero issues with syncing the Bitwarden vault, or Synology drive, Nextcloud, or Synology Photos. Maybe the issue is with Syncthing.

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I gave up with trying to have serious conversations about not-serious topics with people in my life, it isn’t worth the time. I would much rather enjoy a meal or a drink and talk about something that actually requires some critical thinking than to just have piss contest on whose phone is better or whose car is faster, if you know what i mean.

I think there’s a good reason behind the sales numbers, to be honest.

I guess what i wanted to ask by creating the post is exactly what you are saying.

Why would you want to jailbreak a phone or sideload apps? Maybe you don’t have to? I was blown away by the amount of apps and features baked into the iOS and macOS, i had no idea that was the case.

And you can’t even know if you don’t try. Look at the amount of people saying, for example, you can’t have adblock on safari (you can), or that there are no automations on ios (there are).

I’m not trying to preach or to convert anyone, i’m just saying that i’ve been living under a rock and didn’t know about any features the ios/macos offer.

Also, apple products work just fine, sometimes better, with non-apple hardware and software.

Bluetooth devices especially.

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No need to wonder! Better to cut them off and sleep calmly if you ask me.

I am really into tech but the phone is the only part that i really don’t want to fiddle with.

Seems like i can’t find the eddit button anywhere

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Couldn’t find it on Memmy, but Voyager has it so now i fixed it a bit.

I don’t really care what others think about companies, but when people i hang out with start judging me based on their views about some company, that gets weird

Have you tried WiFiMan?

That article will be really helpful as it isn’t my first language so the thought/text conversion works a bit differently for me. Thank you!