π•Ύπ–•π–Žπ–ˆπ–ž π•Ώπ–šπ–“π–†

@π•Ύπ–•π–Žπ–ˆπ–ž π•Ώπ–šπ–“π–†@lemmy.world
58 Post – 263 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

"Consumeth thou mine shortened legwear." - Bartholomew, Son of Simp

But then the results of that would be rigged, too.

Speaking of abusive owner, I saw a Cybertruck in the wild for the first time today. Pictures and videos don't do justice to how fucking atrocious those things are.

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Here's the seat tether

And here's his harness

Any harness will do, really. We don't even use the harness outside of the car. He does pretty well just being walked on his collar. He only ever pulls if he sees a squirrel. That's one area where we're working on training lol

I would be totally unsurprised to find out there's some pit in there. He came from a shelter, and all the local shelters have tons of pits. His history before the shelter is a big question mark.

Depends on what I need to return to baseline.

  • Need to cry to just get it out? Moon Song by Phoebe Bridgers
  • Need to scream at everything? Monkey Wrench by Foo Fighters
  • Need to just piss and moan for fourteen minutes? Beach Life-in-Death by Car Seat Headrest
  • Need to feel calm again? Literally the entirety of Loveless by My Bloody Valentine
  • Need something to lift me up so I can wear a happy face? Don't Stop by Fleetwood Mac

Brb bouta put some lemon in my milk.

By that logic, we should then remove all barriers to run. If a convicted criminal can run, there's no reason a 28 year old with no criminal background can't.

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  • His name is Sherlock.
  • He's a year old.
  • He weighs about 70 pounds/~32 kg.
  • He's a mix adopted from a local shelter. Google Lens calls him a Dutch Shepherd. Might have a little pit in him. Gonna get a DNA kit for him.
  • He has XXXL ears. Everyone comments on how oversized his ears are.
  • He gives the softest, sweetest kisses.
  • He does not like walks or new people or new places.
  • He loves other dogs.
  • He doesn't understand the cat. Or his boundaries.
  • He pooped in the car once.
  • If left to his own devices, he will eat all the grass in the yard. The concept of not eating too much fiber at once is one he can't digest.
  • Despite not loving new people, he does warm up to you fairly quick. It took 20 minutes of my in-laws being around before he got lovey dovey on them.
  • He doesn't like bones that much. He'd rather have a cloth toy he can pull apart thread by thread.
  • His two favorite places in the world are 1) Daycare, and 2) Wherever mom is sitting. I'm the spare lol
  • I wanted to name him Rye Bread because of the color of his coat. My sister in law has a dog named Tater and my brother's dog is named Biscuit so I thought going with the theme of carbs would be cute. But he responds to Sherlock and that just makes handling him a million times easier so we stuck with that.

Here he is peeping out the window with the aforementioned cat:

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Car enthusiasts: Check out this list of mods that's so long it'd need legal paper to print out. I even have stickers with the chassis code on it and a Japanese license plate on the front so you know it's JDM.

Mechanics: I drive a stock 2000 Crown Victoria.

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You know who doesn't make enough money? The people who control more housing than they can live in, and who, instead of selling that extra housing, exploit the basic human need for shelter, and we as a society just seriously undervalue how important this role is.

Edit: Storytime, kids. I'll spoiler it so it doesn't take up a ton of room.

::: spoiler Fuck landlords In 2017, my wife and I rented a house from a nice lady. She was pretty cool. Her husband was on deployment or something. Anyway, we signed a second year with her because we liked her and the location. She sold the house to her mother-in-law about 4 months into that second lease. And that's where it went downhill.

The first summer, the 20+ year old air conditioner went out. The first landlord immediately had someone at the house to check it out. The next summer, when it happened again, the temperature soared to 110Β°F for the following four days...and at no point after being notified did the second landlord have a repairman out. And we texted her each morning asking for an update. We drove 3 hours to my parents' house to use their pool. We bought a window AC for the bedroom so we could sleep. It was a nightmare. It turned out to be a fix that took an hour and cost her $125. She made up some bullshit excuse but I know she didn't want to pay the weekend rate for the repairman and that's why she was willing to let us suffer, despite the fact we were paying $1,100 a month to live there. When she came over with the repairman, it was 93Β° in the house and the bitch had the audacity to say, "Wow, it's hot in here." YA FUCKING THINK?

That August, we got a ton of rain. It made a ton of bugs come out. Some of which dropped in on us and killed the yard. She was FURIOUS about this. Then bitched at us about not trimming the trees either (we weren't obliged in the lease agreement to trim trees). She had a lawn care expert come by and tried to get him to lay into us. His response was actually, "We've had a lot of rain. They had no way to see this coming. Lots of people in town have been dealing with this." It shut her up. The next spring, I overseeded the shit out of the yard and it bounced right back.

So we informed her three months early we would not be staying for a third year. We bought a condo that summer. Then we sold it in 2022 and bought a house. And stg she is two houses down from us. It took us four months of putting in offers to get one accepted and now we have to live next to the bitch. I'm sure she doesn't recognize us, but hey, axes and trees and remembering and all that. Anyway, she's like 75 so I'm sure in the next 10 years she'll croak and then we'll have yet another rent house in the neighborhood because greedy heirs don't want to sell.


He was the kind of guy who would tell you exactly what he was going to do to score on you, then execute. Again and again. Can you imagine how demoralizing that'd be? This guy tells you how he's going to beat you, and you're powerless to stop him. You have to stand there and watch the man toss it in.

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My wife and I bought a house with two GIANT trees in the backyard. At least sixty feet tall, four feet across. They were probably planted when the house was built in '72.

One month in, one of them dies. It cost $2,700 to remove it and leave the stump.

Then in March this year the OTHER ONE FUCKING DIES TOO. We went ahead and had the stumps ground this time. $4,400.

I spent $7,100 to have a backyard with 0 trees and 2 mounds where I would rather have trees. Fucking NOTHING to show for all that money. Those trees were gorgeous. I was pretty devastated when we had to have the second one cut down.

Apart from the trees, we have had:

  • A 50 year old toilet flush valve break ($35 plus the time it took me to repair the toilet because I do not want to figure out how to get rid of an old toilet);
  • The garbage disposal fail ($300 for a new disposal; $450 for the plumber because I got in over my head);
  • The gas valve on the heater break ($840 plus a weekend of it being 45Β° in my house before anyone in town could come with the part)
  • A garage door that hangs up as it closes. I'm gonna ignore that one for as long as I can and just pull it down while it closes for now. Maybe I'll get the hardware to convert it to a manual door while I'm young enough to pull it up and down.

I'd still rather own, but man, the cons go hard.

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Got daym goblins stole mah moonshine.

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He knows this. I used to listen to his show. And in all my time listening to him, he never took on a caller who was making nine bucks an hour and struggling to make ends meet. His most frequent type of caller is a straight late twenties couple who make $140k a year, who owe maybe $25k in credit cards, and whose obvious answer to fixing the problem is to sell the thousand dollar car payment for something more basic and eat out less often. Because he knows if minimum wage workers get past the screeners, there's nothing he can do to help. That's a systemic problem and he knows he's part of it. What's he gonna tell them? Go get a better job? Cool. If everyone does that, there won't be any of those jobs for 90% of them, one, and two, there won't be anyone working those important low wage jobs. Someone's gotta flip the burgers. Someone's gotta stock the shelves. The problem is systemic. And the answer is fuck the rich.

And the users on beehaw are free to create accounts on other instances if they want. Your prison metaphor is a bad one.

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Alzheimer's. The thing I fear most is that I will die surrounded by a bunch of people I don't know, feeling scared and alone. I'm terrified of forgetting who my loved ones and my family are. I don't want to go like that.

This is where physician assisted suicide has a really strong case.

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Can't be here for a long time.

Forced to be here for a good time.

This whole time, I thought their intentions were puree.

I'll see myself out.

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I get that it's just a shitpost, but the doctor who gets paid $200k a year has a much better chance of giving a shit about the financial hardship a medical emergency can bring to a patient than the capitalist executives at the top of hospital administrations and insurance companies who get multi-million dollar bonuses each year. Your doctor is just another cog in a machine. I'd argue most doctors do not take joy in knowing how pricey these things are, but they don't set the prices, unless they are also part of the group running the show.

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Now do it in reverse:

Pidgey Lv 100

Guarados Lv 20

Pidgey used Peck

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Then (and I cannot emphasize this enough) I'd waddle away.

Car guy checking in. I think Teslas are cool and all, but trains are the future. I want trains to be so good that people would rather take them so that people like me, who care a lot about driving, get to drive. And people who would rather read a book or play a game while commuting aren't forced to drive when they clearly don't want to.

I have a 1997 Prelude Type SH manual. And I'm looking to replace my 2012 auto Civic with an 8th Gen Accord LX manual because I really missed driving stick daily and want a cheap manual I can daily.

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I used to have a Samsung Galaxy S4, and its main gimmick was the IR blaster that also made the phone a universal remote. Great way to mess with people when I was in college at parties muting the TV or slowly making it louder over the course of a long time.

My roomie and I also had the same exact TV, which made it fun to point the remote in her room and turn it off from time to time.

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Back in that day, before everything had an app, most notifications were important

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She hasn't stopped talking about them. I think I really made her feel special tonight.

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I don't want to kill, but if it comes down to them or me, I always pick me.

This is so cool, and the new flag is a great choice. It hides a map of Minnesota within itself and can be hung vertically and still look good.

I still liked this one most because I'm a huge symmetry fanboy

But this one was a very close second for me and I'm really happy the voters chose it this was chosen (my bad) over the other two. Guess I should have moved to Minnesota.

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The dollar got about 25% stronger...during the Great Depression. $100 in September 1929 had the same buying power as $79 in September 1935. Systems built on the concept of infinite growth do not like to shrink.

Once you find the right coffee, the right grind, and the right strength, black coffee is just [chef's kiss] awesome. If you don't like it black, you need to buy different coffee beans or you need to make your coffee different.

I buy an organic fair trade breakfast blend from a nearby grocery chain in whole bean form. I grind 25g coffee beans to 750 mL water. It's on the weaker side, yes, but it gives me two mugs of coffee that taste great (to me) and delivers the correct amount of caffeine that makes me feel alert, but not jittery. I also use a thermal carafe so the coffee left behind doesn't get burned. But I've also used a cheap coffee maker that I babysit until it's done brewing, at which point I turn it off. The second cup is just not terribly hot by the time I get to it, but if I wait too long, it's room temp (ew).

I like my coffee, but I've had thoughts of visiting local coffee shops to see what they have, too. I want to branch out a little.

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He takes offense with the word jiggles. He just dancin'.

Another part: Being gone for a week to recover means most people come back to a mountain of work because nobody could back them up because they're all also ungodly busy.

I said/did/wrote (in my personal journal) so much cringe shit as a teen. I am GLAD it's not out there on permanent record. I got my Facebook account when I was like 17. Well after all the other kids my age did (I'm 31 now). I stopped using it by 23. I usually just made witty quips about life in general on Facebook, never aired my dirty laundry or spilled my guts or called a girl a bitch for not wanting to go out with me. I did go through a tough breakup during this time in my life, but the most I ever did was quote Cee-Lo's "Fuck You."

Facebook being problematic for kids is nothing new, but now many adults are intimately aware of how bad it is because we were those kids.

I really feel for kids these days.

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I used to clean the stalls on the weekends for my uncle for some spending money when I was a kid. Great way to make a quick fifty bucks for a couple hours of work. The horses were all chill. They'd leave you alone and let you work. The one pony was a fucking piece of shit. You put him in a different stall or he'd get behind you and bite at your ass cheeks or your arms the whole time. Absolute rat bastard.

He also had a donkey that was the sweetest, neediest guy. He'd follow you along the fence begging for attention. Sometimes, I'd grab a few carrots just for him before heading over.

Someone out there made an HDMI adapter for the Wii. I hacked my Wii about ten years ago so I could load it up with emulators. Old 16 bit games look fantastic on my OLED.

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AI rice cooker, anyone?

Spoiler alert: the rice cooking function was analog the whole time.

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My favorite is Cardi B = Cardigan Backyardigan

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This makes me wonder how many Lemmy users have optical drives. I do.

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Guy asked a simple question. Don't be an asshole.

Hence, I provided a link to The Tor Project and the onion directly in the post.

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Let's run with a couple of facts here. The calorie you're referring to is a nutritional calorie, which is actually 1 kilocalorie. Let's also assume this is a 12 ounce can, which would weigh 355 grams. 140,000 kcal per 355 grams gives this drink an energy density of 394.37 kcal per gram. That's 1,650 kilojoules per gram.

The energy density of gasoline is 46.4 kJ per gram.

This stuff has about 35Β½ times the energy density of the stuff that power cars.

Sounds about right for the average American diet.

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