
0 Post – 165 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

If you aren't anti-oppression or anti-apartheid you aren't progressive

137 more...

Wait until you find out the actual death toll is likely 200,000+ over the last 8 months.

The 37,000 number is only bodies that have been identified, cases of starvation and disease are also excluded.

What happens outside of school when boys are faced with a much more relaxed dress code, you still going to victim blame and blame the outfit?

15 more...

The link doesn't work dude, and I've seen images and then an identical image of a dog at the vets that was clearly the image used to generation the propaganda image. If the image isn't verified by multiple large organisations like the UN then it means jack shit on the post ai internet.

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Old.reddit still works

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What do you mean war, the west bank is not controlled by hamas.

This is brutalisation by an occupying force on a population living in an Israeli controlled Bantustan.

The opposition is just as genocidal and 90% of Jewish Israelis(80% of the population) believe appropriate or not enough force is being used.

Elections won't change a thing.

A uniform doesn't stop that through, someone who is distracted by girls will continue to be distracted by girls no matter what they are wearing. Same goes for the other way around.

I've seen them on this platform dude but nice miss

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Spaces do not allow the viewer of code to choose how wide the indents are, this is dictated by the developer.

Most IDEs allow users to customise how many spaces to display tab indents as. Doing so the other way around may cause issues with languages based on whitespaces such as python.

The actual death toll is likely 200,000+ over the last 8 months.

The 37,000 number is only bodies that have been identified, cases of starvation and disease are also excluded.

"The entire population in Gaza is experiencing high levels of acute food shortage, with around 1.1 million people or half the population living through catastrophic food insecurity, according to the report by the UN-backed Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC)."

And this is from march!!!

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Get fdroid and download newpipe or alternative if you want to keep an app for YouTube without ads.

Alternative web front ends also exist if you are okay with watching videos in a mobile browser. I use an invidious instance, pick one that's close to you here. Other front ends also exist.

Alternative video platforms such as LBRY also exist and I've found a few youtubers I watched on it.

Absolutely take it as an opportunity to reduce your video content consumption. I like the invidious solution because I don't get notifications and it takes a bit more effort to manually open the link in the web client so I tend not to watch videos I'm only half interested in.

Edit: froid => fdroid

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I did but my problem is I, as many other think school should be prepare kids and young adults for life.

And if school is meant to prepare you for adult life, it should somewhat emulate adult life in a safe setting. In which case talking about life outside is relevant.

Alternatively you're advocating for school to be more like prison lite where we can take control away from kids and young adults. Where they can't decide for themselves what to wear and they need to be protected from their uges because we think they should be considered guilty before they do anything because we think they can't resist and we refuse to teach them.

If governments around the world can consider 16 old enough to enlist and learn how to use and be responsible for a firearm then schools should consider that age old enough and responsible enough to act appropriately around women no matter how they are dressed.

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That's like you're opinion dude.

But anyways my point still stands until some independent large organisations like the UN verify the images we'll never know.

Edit: correction, more bombs dropped in 1 year of the war

Israel has dropped more bombs in this latest "offensive" than in the US did in the entire war in Afghanistan.

More restraint my hole.

Also Israel has no right to preemptive self defence because this level of damage and the threat Israel faces would not meet the Caroline test.

Palestine has the right to resist occupation under the Geneva convention but I don't see any Zionists making sure that right isn't trampled on.

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Dude I went to a catholic school with uniforms, it doesn't stop you getting distracted.

I think all it did was give me a low level thing for tights 😅

Also in the "outside world" you aren't truely free, there is public indecency laws at the very least.

1 more...

Fuck that shit.

  • You can do language codes in the URL to serve different versions of content
  • If your browser can do TLS then it should be able to handle gzip content or alternatively if the internet didn't allow cookies and scripting in your browser then it would have been safe to use TLSs built in compression

Check out the Gemini protocol if you want to see that a lot of HTTP spec stuff is completely unnecessary

8 more...

The person above me made a grammatical error. I didn't call them out nor do I think it voids an otherwise perfectly coherent statement. This is because I'm not a cunt.

Also can you point out what I misspelt, my phone's dictionary isnt't complaining. Thank you.

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Ah yes the unbiased Jerusalem post

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You misunderstand me. I don't think its not the best solution.

I think uniform is a solution you think we have to a problem you think exists.

For as long as we've had young people in general education we have anecdotes of them being distracted because the way we do education is boring, it's never going to be solved unless there is reform.

Being distracted by their peers clothes is not a real problem it's just a type of distraction and I've told you that uniform doesn't stop this distraction. The actual solution is to massively increase the education budgets and nearly do a historical tutorage system for each child where they advance at their own speed with expert teachers in very small class sizes of 1-3. But this will probably never happen.

The death toll was frozen for weeks and 1.1 million people have been experiencing acute famine as well as the entire 2.3 million having no access to healthcare in the middle of an active genocide. The official estimates are incredibly low.

I accept the official death count but to ignore what they aren't counting, which I've listed above also does a disservice to the realities on the ground.

Israel doesn't represent every Jew that ever lived around the world.

Yes I support the Warsaw uprising.

Yes I support the dismantlement of apartheid states.

These are not conflicting stances.

If the oppressed become an oppressor my stance can change on them. Not taking the side of the oppressed while they are being oppressed is cowardly and indirectly supports the status quo/the oppressor.

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Capitalism has been also associated with stagnation(recessions, austerity, stagflation or economies such as Japan's), hunger(poverty, famines), neighbours turning neighbours to secret police(Americans reporting people who have gotten abortions), and at least 20 year wide gap in the mindsets of people compared to their western peers(read this one as conservative Americans and other similar countries vs more liberal and social democracy style countries). It's inherently violent(state violence eg. police in protecting property), authoritarian ideology. Facisms rising popularity in the developed world is a feature of capatilim.

They also pledged or gave $2 mil to Israel recently

It's not really the extremes, it's exactly what you were calling for. You called for uniforms which is taking agency away from young people and you said that it is the duty of schools to protect (I assume only the male) students from distractions which involves punishing the girls and assuming the boys are guaranteed to be guilty of this crime of distraction.

Not gun lisences, im talking about joiming the military. A lot of countries have 16 or younger as enlisting age as well as children younger than that in cadets organisations.

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People don't want windows either, they just use it because it came preinstalled.

Yes there are people who will never install any alternative OS for themselves but there are plenty of people who would if they knew about other viable options.

I'm willing to bet most Linux users used to be windows users at some point. So its not futile to evangelise.

Also pick a noob distribution/flavour such as pop_os and the installation is no different than installing windows. Download your browser, steam and office tools and just use it.

Whatever you can get second hand

5 more...

Gonna add on to this, most people are right in saying get a low amp charger(amps are the more important that volts afaik) 1A is easiest to source but did see a .5A one time. Don't leave charging at 100% for long periods of time.

What is missing from the comments IMO is anyone talking about how you use your phone. Minimise screen time and bloated software that is always running/sending data. Lineage (or graphene OS since you're on a pixel) with no google apps will prolong your battery. For now I've just got some banking apps, molly(signal fork), jerboa and slack on my phone. My 3000mAh battery from 2016 is now lasting over 24 hours instead of less than 8 hours when using mainstream social media apps.

If you murder me then go into hiding should the state execute you're entire family because someone needs punished to ensure it doesn't happen again?

Roof knocking my hole, they told Palestinian people what street to evacuate on and then killed like 150 people who tried to evacuate using that road. Never mind them bombing Gaza's borders so they can't escape that way and caused shells to fall on other sovereign nations which started returning fire, escalating this whole shitfest even further.

Vim/neovim with plugins does exactly the same but uses less system resources. Lunarvim is a good place to start for a preconfigured neovim IDE.

Emacs will also be similar but I'm not as familiar with it.

I mean if you think apartheid south Africa, Jim crow laws and indiscriminate killing of second class citizens by the police or army are issues deserving of nuanced debate you need to take a look at yourself.

I mean that is sort of the definition of justified but it's being misused here, it just means having a good reason. Everyone is ignoring how subjective it is though. Bob may consider his life above others, so for him staying alive is a good enough reason to commit murder. Jane and a jury are very likely to disagree.

Different language needs to be used I think to avoid the issues people have with the concept of violent resistance.

Peace isn't an option because injustice still happens under peace time. Liberation is a better solution for the oppressed.

So now we've got:

Liberation of oppressed peoples from oppression is always justified.

This focuses more on the end goal than the action that resistance implies. Liberation can still involve violent resistance and that's okay. You can be on the side of righteousness and still do what is morally wrong, this is true of all movements.

We have to agree that liberation from oppression is always morally good and we have to apply it to all cases. So if we don't look at the Palestinian struggle the same way we'd look at indigenous issues in north America or apartheid SA, we'd be hypocrites.

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Don't tell me you think the Nazi party were socialist because it was in their name?

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So you're for liberation of all oppressed peoples except in this one instance......and we're the braindead ones?

You download it either way

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How far behind do you think Linux gaming is?

Check protondb, I'd be surprised if you couldn't play 9 out of your 10 most played games.

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More than 700 Palestinian children and more than 400 women have been killed in the last 8 days by Israel, this is far from self defence or proportional.

Edit: Israel has now inflicted over 2000 deaths and injured over 9000 others

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Do you mean the civilians at the festival that the IDF admitted to killing on the 6th?