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Joined 9 months ago

Yeah malware is bad. It does however become amusing to see people use whataboutism not because they care, but to downplay what X group is doing. So more comes across as approval due to not condemning the act but more reactionary response to being upset X group is being made to look bad.

That usually when whataboutism gets brought, since it draws in people who actually don't care about the concern that is brought up but more a defensive concern.

That looks awesome. That is going to be my next skateboard game.

Yes very important. I miss it when it isn't there.

This shows the power of steam reviews with it being driven by the actual community. People tried to downplay and belittle its effectiveness, but it being front and center on the store page does have more impact than there would be without steam reviews. If there were no steam reviews the PSN requirement would have been pushed through with it being easier to ignore some random internet comments on social media than a store page.

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I just want a nice story driven single player game from Valve again that isn't VR.

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Them not bother with Linux says all there is to say about their anti trust cases. Only thing that bothers them about monopolies is that they arent one, and even when there is an opportunity to enter into a market where there is no competitors they don't want to bother investing in it. They don't care about open platforms or investing in it first.

It's why they were late to getting a hold of PC distribution. And in the unlikely event Linux OS takes off be complaining about Steam's presence there.

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I don't even trust that they will leave the servers up so people can play online so 40% off is still to high. Even 70%.

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It really is quite something seeing people so concerned on behalf Google's revenue streams, and dedicating such passionate advocacy for them.

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Having a years old steam account with a clean record then getting flagged as a cheater must suck when you weren't even trying to cheat. Even if Valve plans to reverse it your account potentially not getting reversed would be a tough pill to swallow during the wait. Shitty situation.

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Steam library

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The real cool people rock vanilla skins.

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Yeah, in the Steam Deck interview with ign they even mentioned how Steam Deck can play games from other stores mentioning even Epic. Any absence or ease of use issues is due to the other companies not bothering to support Linux themselves and requiring the community to figure things out with an example being heroic launcher.

Basically the writer is an idiot. As Valve has said repeatedly it's a PC... Embarrassing prompt from a site with pcgame in it.

There comes a price point where it'll push more people to wait for discounts, and when that happens it makes it more likely those people will end up waiting even longer as the hype dies down.

There's stuff like inflation and so on, but it's also affected people's buying power which will lead to them starting to cut down luxury goods.

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I love that steam reviews can make companies take notice and is harder to shove away compared to other types of reviews with how it's always there on the store page.

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Successful launch and so much good will burned in a few days because of greedy MBAs proposing their "brilliant" profit guaranteed extraction strategy.

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Gaming is of upmost importance to the health of a nation. Future wars will be done through esports.

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I use the protondb badges extension deck loader. Quite convenient.

Yay. Denuvo moving to subscription has been one of the rare times subscription has been a benefit to consumers.

Buggy unoptimized releases has also trained more people to wait, and enough people have been burned by supposed publishers that can be trusted.

Is it that expensive to just keep a database of codes that can be redeemed for people who haven't migrated yet? Like humble bundle keeping track of what you buy? Or even lemmy with comments linked to users?

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What browser? It works for Firefox on my PC and mobile.

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I like the controller support and streamlining of Linux working compared to stuff like heroic launcher.

That the police can even be weaponized against random people by random people is so messed up. There needs to be a restructuring.

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Yep, would get this over the meta headsets that I have stayed away from if it got full PC support. Until then just going to wait to see if Valve releases anything new.

They tried thinking about it and decided nah.

Patient gaming for the win.

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Some of things I hate like extra launchers and DRM are still kind of good that Valve even gives people who publish there to have the flexibility to do whatever they want. Same goes for publishing of "crap" games. With Valve being the dominant one in the PC space being super draconian would be a bad thing, since just as they could go the good route for consumers they could go the bad route too. So the kind of "hands off " approach is a good one even if it doesn't always work out for us.

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They seem to use the extra money to try to create new product categories too. Failed with the steam machine and steam controller, but that laid the way for steam input so people didn't have to mess with potentially sketchy software anymore for non Xbox controllers. And explored VR and tried a different take on the Steam machine with the Steam Deck the next go around.

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YouTube is unwatchable for me without sponsorblock so I've liked the newpipe forks that include. And on desktop I love freetube because it goes further and lets me block channels.

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Yeah, I knew of lemmy long before any protests, but it was more linked as a back up sub for like the rom sub in case a ban happened. But, activity was pretty nonexistent compared to now. For lemmy this is a success with it leading to many more consistent users of the platform.

Thank you Android Firefox.

Yep, Pixel is the best phone to get the most Google free experience for those that seek it.

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Enshitification of DRM with denuvo going subscription model has become an unexpected ally in DRM getting removed even if it doesn't get cracked.

Yep, opened a ticket with Ubisoft and completed the process. Didn't take long. Everyone who has a copy of the crew. Or I guess used to before it got revoked should do it.

I didn't know anything about rwby but decided to check out a clip after the closure announcement.

It went from the running animation looks terrible to being blown away by the moves being chained together to form an incredible sequence. Amazing fight choreography that makes me want to check out the series.

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I decided to wait for Valve standalone. Even if it never comes out I'd rather keep waiting than get a meta headset.

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Silver lining is players can finally be free instead of constantly being strung along year after year wondering if this is the year it will come out.

If 2025 deadline is met then will probably be 2026-2027 for PC release.

Ubisoft is a good example because they have withheld their games from Steam so plenty of samples to look at to see how they priced games themselves.

Wonderful change. Simple solution is the best.