1 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

To me it does, maybe your phone has automatic encryption. Maybe send.your passwords so we can see if its decrypting automatically or not /s

Full immunity to disease too he supposes, while injecting desinfectant and thinking about his triumph

It really sounds like you're 14.

I think you need to be a felon to go for president it seems

Its a Saudi Man right now in the UN Comission for Womens rights.


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Nature is already taking care of this.

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For real, this reads like an LLM post, which found out how it got broken.

And now your our messias, and tell us how to break the LLM with god.

Yeah haha.. They really think we would hat it if there is not a ear busting sound which tells you to buy sth for at least 5 sec.

The 5s black screen is automatically becoming a video

For real, how can you live in 2023 and seeing ads?

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What are you talking. his website released even data of the embassy he was granted asylum for few years. They then kicked him out.

You are talking shit my man.

This is fucked-up

Who just has one set of bedsheets anyway?

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Bro. What problem do you have with one of the most selling books worldwide?

Just for you to know, I dont want an answer and Id like you to know I still read Harry Potter and Im 25.

There was one time, not long ago, when Trump couldve released him.

But as the rest, what he did, Trum did shit.

She can!

Depends on how many planes are starting.

Nature and planes need to go into symbiosis so both can profit from each other!

I'm not sure. I'm worried that we're already in the feedback loop.

Why is he not President? Why is it just the two other fuxkers?

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The 10 year jail time is just for when you throw your cigarett butt on the ground, CEOs will pay max 3%, and because it was the first 5 times they get 2.5% less.

And in the end, the ceo promises (WITH CROSSED FINGERS!) he will never do it again, and just plants some trees.

So having US cemtral bank controlling the own currency.

Very well tgought through€ is if you get 1000€ every day for 3000 years.

Think about it.

Take out a calculator.

And than see, that I lied and its just 913.24€ every day for 3000 years.

Than think about WHO DA FUK needs money like this?

Mark has around 150 bio € so 150x3000= 450.000 years of 913.24€ EVERY FUKKING DAY.

Yeah, buy a reusable one, whats the fkin problem with this??

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This results in you boxing your mirror, right?

And american institutions.

Bro. Why do you think it was 160k ? Its from jesus his time

You forgot they drive on a fossil fueled pickup Truck.

I like to believe in nature and energy. I don't know, but this is is what we can "see" and detect. Its universal, the rules are real. And it is the cause of everything.

I feel like this image of "worshipping the sun" is kind of the most realistic in terms of cause and effect. Its the reason we live and can do stuff. Its the reason for any kind of life to be there and enjoy this expirience.

I mean, with the availible technology we are able to look into the outer space right till the nearest galaxy before the cosmic radiation and the big bang. We can detect the behaviour of the inside of colliding protons. We can adress almost every reaktion which happens to substantial energies, like gravitation, electro magnetic energy, strong and weak core forces (I believe its called, as Im not a english native).

And we still didn't find a "godlike" force, which is able to control what happens. Or that changes its behavior if you say nice words. Even if there is sth. but we can not detect its force in protons or in galaxies, or any kind of (right now) detectable frequencys. Why should I care for it? It clearly has no control over anything in this universe, so all the energy I put into the "believing" is kind of useless.

Of course if you belive in sth. You will put in the energy and kind of "manifest" it if you do it. But this is not because you convince a supernatural beeing to be kind with you. Its because we are a super complex "energy transformer" which are concious of its abilities to adjust our surroundings to our abilities.

And if sth happens by incident, there is always a plausible action which happened before.

It will probably mean, that there is nothing after this "expirience" and this is kind of creepy. But to be here and expirience it, this whole series of unprobabilities which bring me to generate pixels for you to read. From the first enzymes till now. All of this had to happen, for this exact moment.

Im happy that I can enjoy this life, and grateful for my intact body and the reason for me to have this is uncountable different probabilities.

But where it comes from, or where it will go. I dont know.

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What is this from?

And if they would offer a envoirementfriendly alternative, that nobody uses.

But let me tell you a non secret, they dont give a shit

Same. Taking a brake is easier for your brain. Stopped cigs like this.

If you tell yourself youll stop sth FOR EVER is hard to grasp for your mind.

Whats a tankie

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Everytime I install windows again for some reason, its always a fucked up hourlong shit. And after installing then comes the disableing of unnesessary bullshit it comea with.

Linux just works, I use Ubuntu because Im just a normal user, and I don't know why people even use windows.

You put it in a dryer when you washed it, or what?

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The US$?

And this takes more time than the wasted time on information in such videos

This is too real.

Drawing sth in a way that explains a picture I have in my brain in a very short timeframe.

Youre right, it is sorted automaticaly.

I mean, I like it that you not gwt killed from our megastate if you critisize it.

And I mean, I dont see how anybody is praising China ?

So I dont get your point, because the media we consume is mostly western, the politics and society is mostly western. Why should we critisize eastern megastates for it?

For real. If you have a monobrow, its the same line than on the mustache