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Joined 6 months ago

The real issue is almost certainly that Hey doesn’t want to pay Apple 30% so you can’t do anything without an external subscription and they don’t allow you to pay with In App Payments/Subscriptions.

This guys entire marketing plan is generating controversy.

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It’s a strengthening of the courts - or returning to their previous strength before the law took effect.

With the bill’s passage into law, the High Court may no longer strike down administrative decisions that are deemed “extremely unreasonable,” beyond the scope of what a responsible and reasonable authority would undertake. The standard may no longer be applied to decisions made by the prime minister, the cabinet as a whole, or any specific minister. It also bars its use against a minister’s decision not to use his or her authority, and on ministers’ appointments of government workers.

Rwanda, Serbia, Armenia, and still ongoing that everyone is ignoring, the Rohingya, Uyghurs and Sudan.

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The latter is the big one.

Defending this lawsuit will cost them more money than they made bussing migrants, even if they win.

Which will make all of them think twice about doing it - or at the very least charge Texas much, much more money.

Believe it or not, this consolidation is almost certainly because of (good) regulation not capitalism.

The costs of building a new air frame are gigantic - the regulatory aspect in all countries is also gigantic. The barriers to entry are gargantuan - and the scale you need to be profitable is extreme.

But those regulations save lives. But they also keep competitors out.

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They cut supply in like September. They were all fighting for market share still, largely driven by Samsung, hence the low prices.

Server shipments were way down because everyone overbought in 2021/2022.

The NAND market has always been an antitrust shit show.

They can pinpoint you almost as well on 4G. This is not a good reason to not use 5G.

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More accurately, it’s mostly because they’re doing it against their will. You get a bus load of people with no support system who don’t want to be here but can’t afford to get anywhere else.

The reason they should stop is it’s inhumane, not that we in NYC can’t handle more people.

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Sadly, even with the most recent conflict, that’s almost certainly not true.

Israel has special visa/work permit/asylum process for LGBT Palestinians. I would bet there’s more gay and out Palestinians in Israel than there are in Palestine.

Gaza/Hamas are especially awful relative to the West Bank.

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Who wants to bet 100% of these people are anti-Erdogan?

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Sometimes I want to see things besides hard left politics, Linux and furries. And a huge helping of divorced-from-reality beyond-left opinions from .ml and whatever hexbear is.

And I know I can block all those communities, but you’re not left with a ton once you do. Those demographics are dramatically over represented on lemmy.

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They also drastically cut supply.

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Despots all over the world apparently think it’s time to go shopping for more land that they don’t own.

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I mean… maybe? I don’t actually care. My MIL will absolutely get tricked into downloading some spyware or scam app from some shady 3rd party App Store if they existed.

The walled garden approach isn’t for everyone - but I don’t actually mind it at all.

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As much as I hate to admit it, I’m considering it too - not instead, but also. I haven’t been back since Apollo died but Lemmy just doesn’t have the diversity of interests and niche communities yet. It feels really one dimensional sometimes.

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Every single one of those apps supports in app payments/subscriptions. You can subscribe directly from the app.

So, no, you don’t.

And if Hey added that, they would be fine.

This is the reason Apple didn’t lose their antitrust cases - they apply their rules pretty uniformly unlike Google which made all sorts of exceptions and side deals.

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Not really. All of the super high accuracy requires fairly specific circumstances that broadly don’t exist in the real world today.

And if they did, they’d be able to pinpoint your location just as well over 4G.

They can track you to within 100ft easily on 4G today.

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That’s actually a really great point that was hitting on something I felt but didn’t understand about my interactions and I think it really sums it up. It feels like every community is a general community here - explaining how technology works on reddit to someone on a general purpose sub was expected, but here you get people posting clickbaity anti-capitalist anti-tech shit in tech communities that are factually wrong and getting absurd upvotes and agreement from people who agree with the politics and that’s all.

Go tweak your power and fan settings. 100w at idle is way too much unless it’s 15 years old.

Fans, especially small ones are very sneaky energy hogs. Turn them waaay down.

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Your comparison of Bombardier is a good one - but not so much for you. Bombardier was losing money on the A220 nee C Series and was going to lose more even without the ITC decisions. They had no manufacturing scale and didn't have the money to build it - those A220s are now being built in Mobile, Alabama, alongside the rest of the A320 family.

Their order book was relatively thin - Delta took a big gamble in exchange for the hefty discount that those planes would ever get built. It didn't look like it. Canada and Quebec already had two massive bailouts for bombardier, owned a big chunk of the program, and said they weren’t going to put more in.

That program had massive cost overruns and practically bankrupted all of Bombardier. They only survived because of Airbus. Before Airbus, the Federal Government and the Quebec Government already owned 50% of the C Series project. Because of the C Series, Bombardier is a shell of itself - they sold off all of their commercial plane operations (the CRJ, to Mitsubishi, who subsequently cancelled the whole thing), they sold off all their rail operations to Alstom. They only build business jets now.

It was also a massive strategic failure for Boeing - who could have bought the program instead, and been selling a fantastic small plane instead of Airbus.

But who else has tried to build a plane? How is the Sukhoi Superjet doing? How about the Mitsubishi SpaceJet?

China will eventually be able to build planes with their own engines - but that's only thanks to truly massive state resources, and a big dose of corporate espionage. And it still will probably be a commercial failure.

Because building commercial success in the airline industry is hard. The old adage of "how do you become a millionaire? Start with a billion dollars and buy an airline" applies to almost every part of the entire sector.

You can't sell a few planes and make money to build a bigger plane anymore. You have to invest tens/hundreds of billions of dollars and bet on long term success - and there aren't many people willing or able to make those bets, for the next pandemic, recession or 9/11 to kill your business even if you did everything else right.

Airbus was propped up for decades by the governments of Europe, Boeing too - and same with Embraer and Bombardier. But even the resources of small nation states aren't enough to compete with Boeing and Airbus on their turf. Canada didn't have pockets deep enough for it - and they're a reasonably wealthy country.

…yes they do. This is for vendors that use/enter into a business relationship with T-Mobile directly to send short codes or SMS. I.e. companies like Vonage and Twilio.

You can absolutely enforce fees against your direct customers for certain behaviors.

This would not work for messages received from other telcos

Should this link somewhere?

How could Intel gatekeep a standard that’s fairly open?

That’s funny. My experience with lemmy is it’s overwhelmingly leftist. And anything that doesn’t reinforce their worldview is heavily downvoted. Every liberal who isn’t hanging out on lemmygrad is called a liberal as a slur or a reactionary.

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Juniper did a pretty good job of that themselves over the last few years.

Good, they weren’t doing a great job. Maybe Google is going to move this in house.

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The F16/ to turkey was quid pro quo for Turkey to let Finland Sweden into nato. Which of course made the Greeks unhappy, so we sold them weapons so they weren’t unhappy and could defend against Turkish aggression. It also makes them a more capable ally.

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The issue is for the technically illiterate it’s often not nearly as intentional.

No one reads pop ups or warnings, they just click ok when they’re told.

My MIL was on her way to Home Depot to buy gift cards when my FIL called me because he couldn’t talk her out of it and thought I could.

She had clicked a popup and then called the number - then somehow googled for Apple support number and called another scam.

Literally anything that makes that more likely or easier is a net negative for a very sizeable percentage of users.

I am certainly a power user - but there aren’t really any android apps that I think I’m missing out on.

There’s 1/10th the spyware / garbage ware in the Apple Store vs Play store, and that’s before we get into 3rd party stores.

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lol. Tell that to the autocrat that consolidated all the power.

Change doesn’t happen in that party unless Xi says so. Same with Russia and Putin.

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they’re definitely not lying, promise, honest, no cap

It was the price of getting Finland Sweden into NATO unfortunately.

Well, you see, the 2,000lb bomb was heavy and the plane was tired of carrying it.

A middle class family couldn’t afford this much McDonald’s. They’d also have more taste and class than to serve this.

Agreed they could call many restaurants that offer catering. Or, he, his wife, or any of his adult children could have made a home cooked meal for stellar optics instead of this travesty.

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From two weeks ago. I don’t think he got to the 2023 apology yet.

Lemmy broadly is very group-think right now. There isn’t a large diversity of opinion yet; growth would be good - the real issue is when you have actually saturated a market, the only way to grow is through increasingly shitty things (see: reddit). Lemmy won’t have those same problems because the commercial model is so different (non-existent).

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I mean, the things he’s saying aren’t atrocious, you just don’t like or agree with them.

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No. Not until 1995. CBS was more or less its own thing until then.

CBS wasn’t owned by Westinghouse until 1995.

Taiwan numba 1