Is it time for 6G already? Traffic analysis says yep to – 158 points –
Mobile industry looks ahead to 6G as 5G evolution continues

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They can pinpoint you almost as well on 4G. This is not a good reason to not use 5G.

5G gives far greater accuracy tho

Not really. All of the super high accuracy requires fairly specific circumstances that broadly don’t exist in the real world today.

And if they did, they’d be able to pinpoint your location just as well over 4G.

They can track you to within 100ft easily on 4G today.

5g can reliably track location to within about 1m 4g is far less accurate 5g also makes it easyer due to heigher node density.

5G only has higher node density if you’re using mmWave, which is only happening in ultra dense places today, and mostly indoor/arena use - it isn’t very widely deployed.

5G might get you to within 50ft instead of 100ft, but it’s not getting you to 3ft of accuracy without mmWave, and that’s mostly because mmWave barely travels at all. You can’t be more than a couple hundred feet from the antenna and need unobstructed line of sight to it.

Yeah, when they implant it in your brain, the GPS signal knows which nostril you're breathing out of more. That's why I only use ancient WAP on my 1.7" screen. If it takes me 2 minutes to load a static webpage, my fbi agent will go insane and stop trying.