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Joined 12 months ago

Just judicial overlook.

Customer: Why is there so much latency over my tunnel from us-east to us-west?

Me: checks latency seems pretty normal, what's the issue?

Customer: The latency is too much. Why is it not as fast as us-east-1 to us-east-2?

Me: They are near each other. Us-West is across the entire United States

Customer: Make faster

Me: This is the speed of light. And over copper it's about 2/3 that

Customer: hmm are you sure that's as fast as it can go?

Me: Well, unless we change the laws of physics your not going to get any better latency

15 more...

It's a lot easier when there is infrastructure to support people and their health regardless of their employment status. Solidarity doesn't mean shit when you get fired and replaced by scabs, your family loses it's healthcare, you can't afford rent anymore and get evicted. But that's all by design.

Yes, so they could discriminate her based on her looks sooner?

Sincerely asking, do people actually go browse the stores to try to find apps? Like, I've literally never done that and I've been using Android for over a decade. If I have a problem that needs an app I'll research the problem, the apps, compare and contrast, and then go follow a direct link to download the thing that does what I need.

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Lol as if people have a choice and there isn't a monopoly on ISP coverage

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It's for the person paying for the hosting and maintaining the server to decide what they want their server to do

'mate', 'wankery'...

I take it your country is totally free of any atrocities and has since Its inception been fair and impartial in all of its international dealings.

I, too, have had the audacity to say WSL is useful on this community and it was also met with down votes. Purists hating and gate keeping, and then they wonder why Linux isn't more popular.

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Idk, great question. Maybe it was the cult leader?

[Twice impeached, ex] president donald trump repeatedly said he wanted his supporters to fight Congress on accepting the electoral college results that showed Joe Biden won.

“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women,” Trump told his supporters shortly before the Capitol assault. “We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

The words Trump used to urge his supporters to show up and “fight” on his behalf Jan. 6.

'We will stop the steal' 'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen' "You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can't let that happen." 'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

“Let’s have trial by combat,” said Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, warming up the crowd for Trump.

Hmm. Who was leading this failed coup?

... They said, on the ad free, FOSS free, free as in beer free, constantly updated and sustained platform.

Posted from my free, ad free, constantly updated, 'fairy tale' Android App.

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Where was that implied at all?

Half my feed is filled with posts about Sync so I decided to finally respond to one. It was a popular app on Reddit for a reason, I'm sure, and I'm simply expressing my opinion on inviting ads and intrusive tracking to this platform.

I'm happily using Connect after using Jerboa for a month. Both work fine and Connect isn't perfect but it's been developed quicky with a lot of changes for user feedback, collects 0 data, has no ads, and offers the most important feature for me - the ability to filter keywords and block instances.

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I agree with the sentiment that his actions should preclude him from running, but felon disenfranchisement is something that isn't talked about nearly enough and I think it's absolutely insane so many people lose their RIGHT to vote.

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The global pandemic, rise of fascism, the active collapse of global ecosystems, climate crisis and wealth gap are probably less of a problem there. But I bet they're still stuck working in offices, so we have that going for us.

I, too, love intrusive tracking permissions and ads.

Oh, wait... no I don't.

32 more...

Fuck prisoner disenfranchisement. Adult citizens should be able to vote, full stop. Even a treasonous scumbag fascist racist felon like trump.

Sounds like it wasn't that good of an air defense system 🤷

How much do you want to bet kids generally make less tips than adults too, because 'what do they need my money for they are just a kid. Not like they need to pay rent'

Yeah, but if you aren't being sold subscription services, then there's no stream of recurring revenue, and if that happens quarterly earnings won't show a graph going up. Which means shareholders can't go afford their backup vacation house and CEOs yachts will be a few inches shorter. Honestly, think of the yachts next time.

"the cloud isn't tech it's a rental company" is a pretty dumb take tbh.

Like, if you're trying to argue that AWS (or gcp, azure) services don't provide technical solutions that aren't available otherwise you just don't know what you're talking about. Is it expensive, yeah it definitely can be. But cloud is much more than server rentals at this point. Want a host that gives you bare metal? Great there are 'rentals' to choose from. I can see arguing SaaS hasn't really 'tech', but PasS and IaaS provide technology and solutions to problems. I hate Daddy Jeff as much as the next guy but AWS is very much 'tech'.

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This man literally killed Hitler

I think this might not be a selling point for the target audience

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Client: "How much is this disaster recovery plan going to cost me?"

Me: "A hell of a lot less than when you don't have (valid, tested) backups and need them"

Overall, older voters have tended to be more Republican than younger voters in recent decades, but this is not true for Black voters. While 7% of Black voters 50 and older currently identify as or lean Republican, 17% of Black voters under 50 are aligned with the Republican Party. This is not new, as younger Black voters have tended to be more Republican than older Black voters over the last 25 years.

Coincidentally, lemmygrad and hexbear users can indeed imagine being that stupid.

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The age old tradition of cultural appropriation.

To what end? Probably every eula/tos you click through has concerning shit that is against your best interest. Either you use the product or you don't.

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cries in proprietary

OSX offers both case sensitive and case insensitive filesystems

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Heh, I had a similar reaction when reading a similar email. There certainly have been "Horrific terrorist attacks". Except from all sides.. for many decades...

That's what stuck out to you, not her face looking like a Sim?

Cruz' Razor: "Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice."

"those who aren't rich, old, and white can get fucked"

-republicans, definitely

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Hey, don't forget women.

This cop is completely and entirely to blame for his death.

They shouldn't exist

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From that pence quote.. I highly doubt trump knows the words 'legislature' or 'determination'

Then do it. You even get pro rated back for what you've already paid for the month. Literally go do it right now in like 90 seconds.

Yeah but they're extremists and terrorists who want to control all aspects of the media, stop women from having rights over their bodies and return to their place in society serving men, criminalize everything that goes against their religious beliefs and restrict voting and democracy to preserve their 'values', carry guns with them everywhere and fanatically praise their leaders.

Err, there's some differences somewhere I'm sure..

conservatives should not be

Is sufficient enough

When it stops being viable. They have no commitment to the company. They'll suck it dry and move on to the next project.