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Joined 1 months ago

They are waiting for a tangible response, and building.

There was just a news article about US corporations hiring North Koreans for remote work unintentionally, and the north Koreans then did a sabotage and stole secrets... Strikes me as HR is freaking out across the board and they were looking to confirm you aren't actually based in a foreign country. It is very easy to hide where you are(phone numbers can be forwarded, addresses can be false). If it's a 1 time thing, not racism, if they consistently single her out, is there anyone else of her race being singled out? Did HR maybe get a derogatory report from someone that doesn't like her and they wanted to see if she was sober? That's happened to me.

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If DeJoy could just get fired, and Congress could undo the asinine retirement fund the postal service is forced to fund that pays for retirement of people the post office will hire in the future. This wouldn't be happening. They could expand service. That's right! Georgie bush Jr and the republicans forced the USPS to pay retirement so far ahead it covers people not old enough to work there yet. Prior to that the post office had money left over and they had a good retirement plan. Plus FedEx an ups said they ain't gonna fill in for the post office, they are not capable with their infrastructure for the prices charged. Postal service is required and a good service when it's being run properly, and not being forced to look incompetent by two faced politicians claiming to be business savy.

Until you ask it to do something never done before and it has a meltdown.

I came here to say something but then I saw a shiny. The shiny has my attention now. The words above no longer have my interest.

Israeli spokesperson had this to say "When we forced people to live in slums and ghetto's we thought they would act like our ancestors, and we could just slaughter them. I guess that's not how genocide always works. But we with will keep trying no matter how many innocent children die! Because when the victims stands up for themselves, we lose, and the Zionism cult doesn't allow for that."

My user name on all my PC's(non root) is literally Master, my PC's are all Slave, slave1, slave2. I will fight to keep them that way. I am also extremely anti slavery for sentient creatures. Words matter in the context of their intent. Dumbing down of the language by forcing alternate uses of a word to mean something other than its obvious intended use is evidence of dilusional minds. Pure and simple, they don't deserve a seat at the table.

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Once you have acquired a certain amount of money and power a cult shows up at your front door with a clone and a video from the grassy knoll. You get in line, or the clone does... That or something about power corrupting, and absolute power corrupting absolutely.

MLK was reincarnated on another planet to complete a new task. Racists are reincarnated as a member of the people they were racist against. Life's about growing, if you devolve into a racist, it has to be made up in another life, or go straight to hell for refusing to grow as a sentient.

Get a degree, get a dog, make art not friends.

Misandry check! Let autocorrect finish the sentence: Men are...?

I bought a jsaux dock 6in1. Here's the catch, buy it off their website, not from amazon, it will ship from China but it's actually tested before hand, and amazon has been accidentally sending back out returned units of tons of electronics, so buy directly from manufacturer, dock works flawlessly, has an L cable included, then just hook up a controller and play it on the coffee table or on a box in front of you.

Bought a wired eswap thrustmaster pro. Refuse to use anything else ever again. Been a default controller that came with the console guy for most of my life before that. An actual game changer. Button pushes always register, the joysticks are damned responsive, and it feels quality with internal parts being made of metal. It was pricey, but it was damn worth it.

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Rent is more than a dollar a day. Without a place to code, he never would have been able to work on PayPal. If he slept in his car and worked in an office, gas is still more expensive than a dollar a day unless he moved his car only on the weekends. In short. No he didn't. Someone else footed the bill and he only paid a buck a day for maybe food. Not as tough as doing it on your own, which he's never done.

Apparently THIS is where he and other Missourians want to be for the second coming. Noted.

THC has made my PTSD bearable. Why are kids told to stay away? I didn't touch weed til 23, and it changed my life. I should have been high my entire teens,life would have been more manageable. Newsom can eat a bag of cow crap. People like him REQUIRE replacement.

Dollars to doughnuts they are both working to close the loop holes the 1% are abusing through both of their organizations to infinitely short the stock market. Fight on you radical monkeys. Fight on.

US support for genocide, regardless of the country of origin. Is going to end badly. Trump supports Russia, The dems support Israel. No matter who you pick, some defenseless group of people is going to pay the price for your vote. Atrocious.

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People are literally running out of money. This is expected.

Make your own bot account that randomly(or not randomly) posts something bots will reply to, a system based response preferably. Last I was looking at bots they were simply programs, and have dev commands that can return information on things like system resources, or OS version. Your bot posts commands built in from the bot apps Dev, the bots reply like bots do with their version, system resources, or whatever they have built in. Boom - Banned instantly.

Instead of creating a law. The supreme court creates precedence. So in Democratic republics the judicial branch can do as they please? No. Their whole damn courts unhinged. Apparently the whole damn judicial branch is crooked. Why does the supreme court of Brazil have to get it's nose involved in silencing citizens on PLATFORMS!?!?!?!? JUST ARREST THE CITIZENS!!!! BUT APPARENTLY THEY WANT TO ATTACK CORPORTATIONS AND LEAVE THE PROBLEMATIC CITIZENS ALONE! Throw musk in a deep pit, but do it for a damn good reason like he doesn't pay a living wage.

Democrats are limp wristed when it comes to Israel. Expect more death, they won't raise a finger to stop it. Republicans aren't any better.

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If he was doing it for Republican's and Democrats in order to identify the Traitors to the Republic, it would be more in line with reality.

All right, this is gonna sound absurd maybe, but it works. Act like you lost something and ask people nearby if they can help you find it -contact lense, key, library card, etc, then strike up a conversation while they help you look. If they are rude then it's not a person you was to be friends with. You might want to drop something so you aren't meeting them on a full lie.

Wiccans name men incels, the name itself, involuntary celibate indicates they are there of some one else's doing. They do this to ugly men, quiet men, and men they see as a threat. So why do you think they made themselves some thing involuntarily through not having knowledge? Are you trolling, or genuinely confused how the wiccan rape cult has destroyed society? Or are you just looking to attack men you think are less than you? Word matter, so how does a shy or fat guy deserve to be incels for how they look or act? Or do you not care about your victims? This misandrist sexism you're pushing is tired and out of date, it's literally what broke society. You need to rethink your entire thesis on society, because you're deadly wrong, and society is changing with or without YOU.

The wiccan rape cult also finds its roots in Nazism as it came here after the fall of Germany. Men aren't the problem, but if you feel they are, you're definitely part of the problem.

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So Nazi's eh? I hate Nazi's. Let's unravel this knotted beast a bit. If the Brazilian citizens are posting illegal content, arrest them. Forcefully cut off their internet, -snip snip- done, seize their bank accounts, works on Russia. It should never be the job of a privately owned corporation to enforce the law when the law is perfectly capable of neutralizing the offending entities and enforcing the rules it's own damn self, are they going to make it illegal for Walmart to sell them a cell phone? Couldn't they just create a new account with a new email over VPN? Wouldn't it be easier if the citizens are breaking the law to arrest them rather than take away their Twitter account? I am not a fan of that fat musky sum bitch, but there is literally no reason that judge has to go after X(I really hate that name), other than he's swinging his dick around and doesn't like to be told to put some damn underwear on. Arrest the citizens if they are breaking the law, if they aren't breaking the law then what gives anyone the right to silence them? Just an egomaniac judge with no actual laws backing him and a tiny shvance facing off against a megalomaniac with a tiny shvance that consistently protects only the free speech he agrees with. There. Unknotted. If the people of Brazil want Nazi propaganda to end in a prison sentence, it should be law, and then all Twitter has to do is the same thing it does with other illegal content, turn over the user to the authorities and wash their hands of the mess. Not some judge unilaterally making free speech decisions(even in Brazil)

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Unfortunately the Democrat, and Republican parties, are both Traitors to the Republic. As much as I've liked her positions on issues I care about. AOC needs to sit down and shut up. She's in a party of Traitors.