3 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

When you’ve done everything that’s reasonable, and no one in power listens, so have to become unreasonable. And people say, why can’t you just be reasonable?! 😕

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I know I’m going to get downvoted to oblivion here, and people love to hate on Apple. But this was in response to older phones with old batteries sometimes not being able to keep up with the demands of the latest iOS and features and unexpectedly shutting down. So they would “dampen” the demands to keep them running.

We want to keep our old phones forever but we also want them to do the stuff that the latest phones can do. Something has to give.

This is litigation culture run rampant.

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This is a troll comment.

Let’s review: has “had a couple of Garmins”, but doesn’t know that both speed and lap speed are default data fields in the bike activity. And can be trivially changed to average speed or essentially a bazillion other types of data (HR, power etc) in a highly customisable way.

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Or you could tear the Dyson hand dryer off the wall and carefully jimmy the door open with it

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It’ll be back. Star Trek made a historical documentary about it.

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Yeah I don’t think that piece of cardboard has ever managed to get an emotion out of me. But his post made me laugh pretty hard. Well played.

One of mine is called “download virus” to stop my neighbours accidentally trying to connect.

Nah you’re right and this person has obviously never used a Garmin.

The Apple Watch is a great smartwatch though and solid for sports. My wife has one and loves it. I’m on the Garmin side, so we’re always comparing.

Didn’t we just finish one circuit of this merry-go-round 6 days ago?

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I remember playing Alien Isolation on the original Xbox one(?) with the spy camera thing. Anyway, you could activate the mic on it and the Alien would react to sounds in your (physical) room. So tense when I’d be hiding from the Alien and my toddler kids would come in making noise and I’d be ripped to shreds. Good times.

I thought we were just basically training google’s image recognition AI by selecting the squares it asks etc. Nothing to do with security (in practise).

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They are saying they do not use language that makes judgement, because that is not what they do. They are a neutral reporter of what is happening in the world (ie the news).

Everyone laments that “news” has been overrun by opinion journalism that tries to influence left or right. This is what “just news” looks like.

Who remembers the Sinclair ZX-80 with a massive 1kb ram?!

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Probably not. Just wanted the bot to know I appreciated it.

My wife types with her fists when I’m trying to have Zoom meetings.

Video games and heavy metal I found is good for my mental health

We’re going to need a bigger boat

Good bot

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Need more video evidence. Perhaps some kind of sniffing.

I don’t know about the OP, but our first computer was a TRS-80 clone with a tape drive, 16k ram, and stunning 64x16 B&W graphics. Every month dad would drive us to computer club, we’d copy as many games as we could (onto tape), then spend the rest of the month trying to get them to work. Rinse and repeat. It was awesome.

Also typed in basic games from the computer mags which needed lots of debugging. How I learnt to program (before being taught Pascal in high school).

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I remember when IFLS first appeared (Facebook?) and it was this great edgy place to hear about cutting edge science. A few years later it had turned into a clickbait ad agency. Not sure what happened.

Dark Souls. Makes my own life feel not quite as hard 🤘

Yeah me too. Have they even read the bible? Quite the horror story. Including the final chapter (spoiler alert: we’re told the apocalypse will have a very high body count).

I’m surprised this doesn’t have more votes. MASH was just full of great episodes. Including probably the greatest series finale of all time. Just incredible.

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These conversations bring the weirdest people out of the woodwork. I remember talking with a guy who explained to me how crap Apple laptops were because you (according to him) can’t customise them. Turns out he’d never owned or even used an Apple laptop. I was like, why do you care?! Especially about something you have no experience with!

Did we not just go through the single largest pandemic of the century where 7 million people died? Saved by vaccines. And the lessons learnt from that are equal to “live in an antiviral bubble filled with bleach”. Wow.

We all want to get back to normal life. And are by getting vaccinated and not blowing off the concerns of those who are not quite as lucky as you.

I agree. And if I’m being honest, I don’t want 100 million people from reddit suddenly appearing here. Same for Mastodon from Twitter. That would be awful.

Please make them stay where they are.

Just want to say, thanks for making such an awesome and well run place!

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It’s 3 plus/minus 1 sigma

Thanks. So like Mastodon. I even got the notification. Very nice!

Did you have one of these phones? Because I did. I was one of those that experienced this controversy first-hand.

Most people complaining I’m guessing have very little direct experience with Apple products. Although maybe you do and just have different expectations that 5 year old tech should work the same as a new phone. We still have an iPhone 6 and the original SE in the family. My high school kid uses a 2011 MacBook Air with no problems and I have a 2014 MacBook Pro as a backup laptop for work. These devices last a long time.

Where they did fuck up is not explaining what they were doing, and the slowdowns were probably more impactful than they expected.

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Wasn’t it headed by David Spergel who is an astrophysicist?

Could you please share your complete list so I too can block these disgusting NSFW instances?

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And colostomy bags

My wife says “Blackbird” and she is right ❤️

Loved one in serious car crash

This. And if you have kids that just want a large catalogue of random games, it’s perfect.

Doesn’t seem many people commenting here like the idea. But for me personally, and my family situation, saves me heaps of money.

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My teenage kids love Outer Wilds so much. They speed run it on the weekends when they’re bored.

That would be the multiv♾️rse.

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My experience is the more things “just work” the worse people are with the tech.

Those who grew up with computers in the 80s are typically the best at problem solving / hacking / debugging.

My kids literally don’t have a fucking clue, sadly. I thought they were going to grow up super geniuses with the amazing technology they inherited.

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