Do you think millennials who grew up with the early Internet and home computers will be as bad with future technology as boomers are with current technology? to Ask – 566 points –

My wife and I started talking about this after she had to help an old lady at the DMV figure out how to use her iPhone to scan a QR code. We're in our early 40s.


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My experience is the more things “just work” the worse people are with the tech.

Those who grew up with computers in the 80s are typically the best at problem solving / hacking / debugging.

My kids literally don’t have a fucking clue, sadly. I thought they were going to grow up super geniuses with the amazing technology they inherited.

When the internet got big I thought “oh, finally, now the average person will have to learn how to use computers”. Instead, they ended up installing Windows viruses and having computer repair people come to their houses for like 10 years.