2 Post – 200 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

If you go over to astroturfed reddit, there is no shortage of topvoted comments cheering the IDF for bombing children by saying "they're all hamas."

The same rhetoric Hamas probably used to justify killing Israeli civilians. But it's okay if Israel does it, because you know.

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Sounds like terrorism.

Sounds like they need to update their system.

Maybe it's just me, but in the digital age I don't think there's an excuse for systems like this to be too difficult to change. Heck, if you designed it like an idiot, then you deserve to pay the costs to fix it.

I know Japan lives in the stone age when it comes to governing, but that's simply not an excuse. Do better. Take money from your ruling class to fix these issues.

It's do-able. Let's get off our fucking hands and do it.

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How did we ever survive without them?

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Texans are some of the most delusional people on the planet.

For some reason, even the democrats there think it's better than states like Florida. It isn't.

The only state that is objectively worse than Texas is Louisiana, and that's saying something.

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I believe, wholeheartedly, that governments pay people to astroturf reddit.

They've gotten it down to a science at this point. Something I always notice now is people arguing against arguments that don't exist. They'll be like "I can't believe people are saying x" when nobody is actually saying x.

It's that kind of manufactured outrage, the kind that makes people feel like they're missing out, that causes them to pretend to understand what's going on in order to fit in.

It's sad and disgusting, but I don't even bother with reddit anymore. It's too obvious that everyone there is either a shill or an idiot.

Lemmy appears to have gotten all the high-quality posters that reddit used to be good for.

Eh. They deserve it.

Always funny seeing rubes be like "it's on this streaming service" or "I don't have that streaming service."

You can stream pretty much anything for free here:

All you need is uBlock Origin.

Seeing the discussion always center around paid streaming services just shows me how stupid the average person is these days. They're proud to pay more, for less. Lol. I guess that's why they're called useful idiots.

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I don't see people saying that.

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Anyone else find it weird how it's not okay to be anti-semetic, but it's okay to be: anti-Chinese, anti-Russian, and anti-muslim?

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No. It's not even a legitimate democracy when there are any representatives. Just look at how often Congress goes against the will of the majority.

A legitimate democracy would be direct voting, but most people who support democracy don't support it.

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Japan is a very regressive nation.

Racism, classism, sexism, transphobia, xenophobia, you got it all in Japan and most of them are proud of it.

Not even 'oddly enough.'

While you can't own a bomb factory without proper authorization (because its only purpose is building bombs), something as general-purpose as a 3D printer would absolutely enjoy first amendment protections.

Interesting tidbit: it's not illegal to make your own guns in the US. You don't even need a license.

So... they could've done this the entire time and striking was never necessary?

Fuck anyone who thinks the ruling class can't take a hit.

Honestly looked like it was someones goal to turn it into what it looks like now.

Ding ding ding. Moderators have only become less impartial as time went on with reddit.

A public modlog is absolutely necessary to hold mods accountable, which is why reddit doesn't have one and none of the mods advocate for it.

I have no idea what you mean by that, but okay.

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Yes... they've been doing it for years.

It does make sense because the average house price has gone up for everyone.

Really shitty article.

Just give us the facts without all the dramatization.

She was sentenced to five years of probation and ordered to pay $5,000 in restitution.

That's the penalty for subverting American democracy?

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Whichever one works best for you.

Now that's an experienced user.

Are they brown? Yes.

Are they white? No.

Go to reddit and you'll see the modern JIDF in full force. They're actually claiming and having top-voted comments (>1000 upvotes) where they say all Gazans are terrorists.

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They might vote for neither.

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Forgetting the biggest cause of murders for women in the US: it was someone they knew, probably a lover.

This is so fucking moronic is makes my head hurt.

The more I'm on the internet, the more I notice comments that start off like this are usually wrong and the poster is insecure.

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Are you ready to put aside our differences and go after our real common enemy, the for-profit insurance industry and climate deniers?

Nah. Republicans never admit when they are wrong.

Maybe stop trying to manufacture outrage.

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I have experience selling psychedelics, and some of the stories I've heard are pretty shocking.

I thought fonts always looked better on QT DEs.

Just use the heat to power the machine.

The ability to easily resize scrollbars, KDE.

We had them right for so long.

I dunno. This just seems like one of those stupid talking points that sounds clever on the surface but when you actually think about it, it's dumb as hell.

Like, are you really stupid enough to believe Hamas would sabotage any legitimate chance of getting Jews out of Israel because they prefer Gazans to be oppressed? Nah. They'd rather be in control of Israel.

Unfortunately, the snowball effect has already taken hold, so those who can't think for themselves will just parrot what you're saying without second thought in order to fit in.

Where did they say who they were voting for instead?

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Gonna block you now. Sorry I gave you the chance, lol.

Just like with the Ukraine-Russia war, both sides are going to be lying and we won't have a clear picture of what's going on for a long time.

Pretty much anyone who 100% believes one side is an idiot that doesn't understand propaganda in war. I don't think that's most people, though.

I agree, but I'd rather live in Mississippi than Texas.

At least they have cheap housing.

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Thank you for clearing that up.

That's not what I asked.

Let their parents do it.

That’s so fucking stupid.

The more I’m on the internet, the more I notice comments that start off like this are usually wrong and the poster is insecure.

Your arguments should be able to stand on their own merits. Insulting as though you're already correct just makes you look weak and unsure of yourself.

As you get older, this becomes clearer.

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