7 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

i'm a pocket trouble. you put me in a pocket and i chew right through it. savvy?

anarcho-daoist political sciences student living in poland.

It's not censorship, it's self-defence.

Disagreeing with someone having the right to exist is not an opinion.

Oh boy, an enlightened centrist!

If you cannot differentiate between people actively stepping up to a literal anti-human propaganda from people posting it, perhaps you should fuck off, too.

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There's free speech in good faith, and the one in the bad. But that's not even about that. If someone's speech is basically "all trans people are a pedophiles and belong on the cross in defence of good christian values" (not a direct quote, just a representation) it's not free speech. It's hate speech and that kind of speech is not protected. Free speech is meant to protect voicing opinions. Thinking some people are not deserving of worthy living is not an opinion.

Should have used Arch instead hon hon.

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Again. Wanting to actively hurt people you think are unworthy of living in peace is not freedom of speech. It's hate speech. And it's a whole different thing.

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I installed birdsite recently and actually saw tankies for the first time in my life.

Sweet Krolm, the Rat God, what bullshit do they post.

Shit like "If it was a soviet 'crime' that means it wasn't a crime at all"

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It's not censorship, it's keeping people acting in bad faith from easily act in derogatory ways actively harming people.

That's exactly why polish national populists and christian democrats want to ban being trans and divorcing your spouse.

Truly remarkable. The galaxy brains behind it are truly enlightened.

The bird is dead!

Elon is literally the embodiment of the enlightened centrist meme, always striking the balance between criticising the left and defending the right.

I'd laugh how his stupid ass doesn't stand for anything but that's not true. He's just a bonafide fascism enabler.

Crazy takes, I know. But I'm new here. Let me speak up my mind.

The algorythms are kinda faulty, but there's plenty of content around.

I'm having a lot of things to do on and

But you do not disagree with someone doing or believing something. By defending transphobia you disagree with someone being one thing or the other. Because transphobia isn't based on disagreeing with what trans people are doing or believe in. It disagrees with their fundamental right to exist and wants to take it away. It's no different from racism or antisemitism.

That's the difference you seem to miss.

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Where there's a whip...

There's a way!

Thing is, you are the one advocating for limiting the rights of someone that doesn't actively harm you. YOU are the aggressor here.

It's a mind-shortcut taking piss out of the blatant centrist mindset of criticising the left and defending the right by saying shit like "you cannot censor people you disagree with!" while talking about people posting bonafide hate speech and mistaking it for freedom of speech.

Something something Popper's Paradox and Nazi Bar analogy.

Considering his politics I'm not sure, he's more of a capitalist enabler.

To be perfectly honest I don't feel like anything is fun anymore.

Well, it's a tragic example on how capitalism really ruins things for everyone. The OceanGate drama should have been the wake up call. But it wasn't and these people are dead. And they get infinietly more media coverage than hundreds of souls lost in Pylos.

What a fucked up world we live in.

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Yeah, I remember back when I had Twitter, I said something like "your mom probably leaves your room every day and thinks 'i should have swallowed' in polish, under a Tweet calling women who died from lack of abortion sluts. He wasn't suspended, but I was. Because apparently what I said is much worse than actively bulling people that lost life because of a shitty legislature and religious values.

Honestly, just give it time. I'll stabilise eventually.

Welcome, newbies!

I didn't know wanting to invite migrants is a communist thing now.
Are you really that dogmatic, mate?

If you haven't left Twitter before, now it's a good time to do that. It's not gonna get better. Abandon ship.

You are, because the guy we are talking about literally chose the appeasement rhetoric. And that's pretty enlightement centrist-y.

Both sides are equally bad bullshit.

I was seriously addicted to Reddit at some point, but in the meantime I got a perma-ban there. So I gave up and here we are.

@DJDarren Oh yeah, Punk never died. It changed me completely.

A common sight in hyperpoliticized world.

Based France. I wish my countrymen reacted like that to any terrible thing the government does.

The more I read about it, the more I think a reinforced metal bathtub would be a better choice for such voyage.

@ernest keep up a good work, mate.

Holy shit the "love them both" poster is genius.

That's revolutionary!

I dream of a world in which people already walking the Earth had their rights to live protected.
Because all we hear about is "protect unborn life!" and yet...

Elon and his righteous quest to kill Twitter.
And it's good. Literally Don Quixote of our times.

@tomve_cz Ohhh no, not people disagreeing with my dehumanizing view on people that are less fortunate than myself! Truly tragic. Thank god it's just internet we're talking about, like, bullying you.

For bullying people trying to find safe haven and actually live their lives in relative peace instead of worrying all the time.

But they can't have that, right? Because you've seen one violent person that happened to be a little more tan than yourself and apply that willie horthon stereotype to, like, half of a million ordinary people.

But it's the far-left that's a problem. Not yourself! It's never your challenged views!


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They don't exist, because everytime someone mistakes hate speech for free speech it turns the community into a giant cesspool., the name is cool and it allows 10 000 long posts. Also, it's an anarchist instance and being an anarchist I kinda like that.

So perhaps you should repent for actively hurting your fellow children of God. Because unless you're not a hardcore old-school christian, freedom of choice on how to live ones life if it doesn't hurt anybody is a God given right. And you actively want to take that away.

It certainly is a way... although I don't feel like we would greatly benefit from it!