
2 Post – 89 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

i never got into twitter, and the longer this goes on, the more glad i am about that

Guy was my best friend in middle school. We reconnected after I graduated from college, played and beat L4D and L4D2 together. Then he started sending me political memes, and they were all fascist.

I tried to reason with him, but then he refused to engage with anything that was longer than like a page, or any video/audio source longer than about five minutes, but didn't seem to have any problem sending me stuff way longer than that.

I still wonder if there was more I could have done. But I just didn't need that in my life. I'm not some hero, I'm a downwardly-mobile working-class schlub who's pretty good at playing piano and riding a bike. I shouldn't be responsible for dragging this dipshit back from the depths of fascism just because he sat next to me in seventh grade history class, and honestly, with some of the things he claimed to believe, I probably didn't even want him on my side anymore.

That's what I tell myself, anyway.

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that's the kind of line i would come up with in the shower three days later and be so mad i didn't think of on the spot

sending porn to children to own the libs

So did the CNN Trump town hall, but their ratings as a network tanked right afterwards.

most people do have sex sometimes

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"Our side may have tried to violently overturn a fair election and install a fascist dictator in an insurrection that killed five people, but your side holds protests against racially-motivated police violence and some of those protests led to property damage, and that's where I draw the line!"

This seems like a pretty nebulous concept with a lot of wiggle room for interpretation.

Like, am I proud of having been born in the specific place I was and having the parents that I do? I ain't had shit to do with that. I'm American by accident. I'm no more proud of being American than I am of being 5'10": it's just a box I fit into, honestly somewhat uncomfortably. I'm proud of the work I do and the achievements I've... achieved, but nothing I've done would be impossible anywhere else. If anything, there are parts of the world where what I've achieved would have been easier to do and where my preferred lifestyle is more widely accepted (for context, this refers to that I don't like cars, don't own or want to own one, and choose to get around by bike and transit instead) (a friend of my dad's recently told him that I "need a European girlfriend" because "American women don't understand guys like him:" for the record, I've never met this woman).

Anyway, pointless rambling aside, America is just one country out of hundreds in the world, and I don't see why I should feel all nationalistic about having been born in it.

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Hey, the code and servers make the shitpost possible, but people don't come for the code or the servers.

i wish he was half as cool as they make him sound

neither he nor anybody else here has called you a nazi, but if you're so used to being called a nazi that you just assume anything you say is going to get you labeled as one, maybe you should have a think about why. if you met an asshole today, you met an asshole, but if you meet assholes all day every day, either you're a proctologist or you're the asshole.

anyway, to your point, the reason parents don't get to decide how public school educates their kids is because kids need to learn about evolution in order to understand any of biology, they need to learn about american slavery in order to understand anything about why this country is the way it is, they need to learn about objectivity vs. subjectivity and how statistics work in order to detect when they're being lied to, by, say, fox news, and they need to learn about how their own bodies work so that they don't get and spread stds, don't have unwanted pregnancies and drop out of college, don't think they're freaks if their gender or sexuality doesn't fit neatly into one of the standard boxes, and do know what sexual abuse is and what to do if it happens to them. and parents claiming parents' rights on education are always and only ever doing it because they want their kids to be ignorant on all of those subjects, with all the negative consequences that follow from that. and that was also something the nazis wanted, hence why they burned down and destroyed the work of the institute for sexual research, as well as a bunch of other stuff.

so yeah, i'm not going to call you a nazi, but i am going to say that the things you argue for align pretty closely with things the nazis argued for.

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Somehow, every time I think Elon Musk has reached his zenith of cringe, he manages to outdo himself.

hell yeah ✊

i don't see a problem with that

this is the funniest thing i have seen today

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even when the tweet that this screenshot came from is included and shows that it was posted by a woman

go to !fuckcars to learn more!

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very little if any of what i said was subjective, and everything i said that was controversial has decades of data behind it. i don't think you know what "subjective" means. maybe you would if you'd paid attention in public school

I bet if we stole the idea of reddit gold and allowed people to award comments and posts, but 1. no premium membership and 2. make it clear that the money is going to help keep the service running, that would bring in a lot of revenue without harming the community.

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My top three flavors of beans:

  • Baked
  • Refried
  • Fucking

Arguably, the biggest part of it.

we've been saying kissinger can't possibly have much time left for decades now

sometimes i get ads for like maternity stuff or jewelry or cars

i'm a guy with a vasectomy and not enough money for a car

it's very funny

I'm off the bike for a few weeks with a right arm radial head fracture after I biffed it hitting a pothole while checking my map, so I'm using it as an excuse to play the Tale Of Two Wastelands mod for Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Trying to see how much of both games I can get through before I'm cleared to bike again.

More like giving them what they implied you should have given them.

i think the mildly techy sounding waffle is the right way to set it up personally, it lulls you into a false sense of security thinking this is just some random tech nonsense and then bam, porn

And they learned it from watching Trump.

i feel like their comment was largely tongue-in-cheek


this is their cnn trump town hall. ten bucks says traffic spikes for /r/place and then drops below pre-/r/place levels.

i mean, it's probably entirely because of that wordplay aspect


If it was just built into the base software, then every instance would have the option available by default, no? And then it would just be a question of directing the money to the right place and displaying the relevant icon on the awarded post or comment.

I'm no software engineer, though, so it's entirely possible everything I'm saying is total bollocks. Still, worth considering if we're thinking about the long-term health of this place, IMO.

unfortunately as long as they're still subject to the whims of global capitalism, they will never be free from perverse incentives

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i don't think so, they have different shaped faces and bodies and different hair colors

we'll see who cancels who

yeah but then they'd be spending money to be told they might not be 100% right and perfect 100% of the time, and that's just a waste of money

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True, but often times there will be studies and stuff of things that everybody already pretty much knows, which can be useful when presenting arguments to, say, legislative or regulatory bodies that, at least when functioning in healthy ways, shouldn't just be going off of "things that everybody already pretty much knows." Like there was a big formalized study not too long ago about induced traffic in response to road widening projects, with the obvious conclusion being to stop doing road widenings and invest in public transit and ped/bike infrastructure instead, and everybody in that space pretty much already knew about that, but having the formalized study to point to has still been helpful.

what if you lived in a place that was designed right, such that it wouldn't be a massive loss to your quality of life if you went car-free or car-lite?

what if the place you live right now was designed right, such that it wouldn't be a massive loss to your quality of life if you went car-free or car-lite?

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What we had has gone away.