The Real Threat to Free Speech Is Coming From the Right

HLMenckenFan@lemmy.worldmod to politics – 773 points –
The Real Threat to Free Speech Is Coming From the Right

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neither he nor anybody else here has called you a nazi, but if you're so used to being called a nazi that you just assume anything you say is going to get you labeled as one, maybe you should have a think about why. if you met an asshole today, you met an asshole, but if you meet assholes all day every day, either you're a proctologist or you're the asshole.

anyway, to your point, the reason parents don't get to decide how public school educates their kids is because kids need to learn about evolution in order to understand any of biology, they need to learn about american slavery in order to understand anything about why this country is the way it is, they need to learn about objectivity vs. subjectivity and how statistics work in order to detect when they're being lied to, by, say, fox news, and they need to learn about how their own bodies work so that they don't get and spread stds, don't have unwanted pregnancies and drop out of college, don't think they're freaks if their gender or sexuality doesn't fit neatly into one of the standard boxes, and do know what sexual abuse is and what to do if it happens to them. and parents claiming parents' rights on education are always and only ever doing it because they want their kids to be ignorant on all of those subjects, with all the negative consequences that follow from that. and that was also something the nazis wanted, hence why they burned down and destroyed the work of the institute for sexual research, as well as a bunch of other stuff.

so yeah, i'm not going to call you a nazi, but i am going to say that the things you argue for align pretty closely with things the nazis argued for.

A lot of what you stated is subjective. Your definition of ignorance on a subject might be different than mine. Thankfully however, you did mention one thing that can be measured with some absolutes....

they need to learn about how their own bodies work so that they don't get and spread stds

I could be wrong, but it would seem most of the people here think that private education, selected by the parent, would result in luddites that, for example, can't figure out how babies are made. That somehow the parents are incapable of teaching their own children these things. Were that the case, I would assume that the increase in public education, and decrease in private education, would decrease the number of STIs that are occurring.

Huh. How is all that sexual "education" working out? Seems we're in worse shape than before. I think I'll let my kids be ignorant like me and teach them to treat sex as something to be reserved for marriage, like I was.

Educate your kids how you want. I'll educate mine how I want. Seems fair. Problem is, that's not enough for the left. They want absolute power and tyranny over others.

You're free to homeschool your child, nobody is stopping you.

Interesting. I didn't know I could take the funds that my public schools get per pupil and pay that to my kids private school instead.

Interesting, you think you could get your money back for the roads you don't drive on? 🤔

Oh so you agree it's my money. At least we're on the same page there.

Yeah your money gets combined with other people's money to make this thing we call a society, with roads, food safety, and all that fun stuff.

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very little if any of what i said was subjective, and everything i said that was controversial has decades of data behind it. i don't think you know what "subjective" means. maybe you would if you'd paid attention in public school

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