11 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't like brave because Brandon Eich (CEO, formerly with Mozilla) doesn't support gay marriage and was pushing anti-vax stuff on twitter. I don't look for this shit to titillate my tits like some folks, but when it hits me in the face I can't ignore it.

When fact checking myself I found even more controversies, but I'm not wasting time reading articles that feed a confirmation bias.

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I doubt society will even make it 50 more years. Hell I'm expecting the quality of life for the west to plummet with the decade.

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I'm earnestly asking any Indian folks why I've seen too many articles like this coming out of India. Why is it so unsafe for women in that country? Sexism? Regressive beliefs around sex?

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LinkedIn is an aggregation of everything wrong with social media. I got laid off and tried to use it to find a job, never again.

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Well my night is ruined

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I'm not to worried about AI. Isn't the next iteration of GPT closed source? Technology is made best as a research or passion project, but once profits become the focus everything goes down hill. That and when you consider the global supply chain required to manufacture the chips that AI depends on, well things aren't looking too great in that department.

Tl;DR humans will shit all over the prospect of scary intelligent AI well before we get there.

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I'll buy 3 more, thanks for the advice

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Why the fuck is there a debate? Why do we care? Just watch the movies you like and don't fucking gate keep maybe?

Is anyone really surprised by this? Or am I just so deeply under my rock I can't relate to normal people anymore? :(

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Lol I love cat themed shitposts, the rest of these comments don't make sense though


This isn't a good alternative either. From reading the article it looks like this service is meant to screen less serious issues, and if those less serious issues need an in person doctor visit, you'll need insurance.

The deeper problem is that if our personal data is gold, our medical data is diamonds. It may not be tomorrow, or a decade from now, but I guarantee any sort of contact non-medical corporations make with our medical data will result in a darker dystopia.

Targeted ads will be more invasive. Insurance premiums can be increased for "unhealthy" purchases. Medical coverage can be denied based on economic decisions. The list can go on. We would pretty much get a more perverse profit driven medical system if companies like Amazon start wiggling their way into medicine. Also regulations won't keep us safe, you can thank lobbying for that.

To anyone suggesting karma is a good anti bot tool, remember there is karma whoring. Nothing is stopping a bot from spamming useless things, and interacting with other bot posts to build karma. This is already happening on reddit when you navigate to weird subs where all the content is coming from one account posting links to the same shitty tabloid site. Yet this content is getting upvotes from something.

Karma is security theater, I think the mods were the true anti-bot force.

You explain it so simply, and yet I was so confused before hand, thank you so much, why is life so hard?

I feel you, I've been using an ad blocker for so long I've lost count of the years. I'm always obliterated by how vapid and meaningless modern ads are, its all psychological hacking which is a violation of our mental sovereignty.

I also feel like the "happy young people, living their best life with our product" style ads help keep people delusional about the current state of the world and where we are heading. Like that "Everything is fine" meme, but the dog has a vr headset on and sound cancelling headphones that constantly chant "The heat you are feeling is good for the economy. Everything IS fine!".

I agree, it is 100% dystopian.

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Its not just pedantic semantic, word choice matters. Language is fluid and mutable, acting like the meaning and context behind one phrase is the same as the other is ignorant to the current state of the US and its history.

For example, each of these sentence read differently depending on each word you emphasize, but the all say "the same thing".

I have a cookie, not you.

I have a cookie, not you.

I have a cookie, not you.

I have a cookie, not you.

I have a cookie, not you.

I have a cookie, not you.

Back in the Jim Crow days there were plenty of "Colored People" signs, but no "People of Color Signs".

Word choice matters.

I'm not reading the responses. Sorry not sorry.

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I'm not surprised, Arkansas is home to the most racist city in America, Harrison.

There are plenty of videos like this:

A number of homeless are indeed are victims of our terrible socio-economic system. However I have heard many homeless outreach workers say the same thing "The ones who stay homeless are the ones who stay addicted". Addiction is a serious issue and the challenge of beating it is nothing we should dismiss, however it is clear some people end up homeless due to drugs and stay homeless due to a refusal to get clean. When your life is centered around just getting high, you won't care much about anything else. All the horrors of living on the street disappear once you get your fix, and some people are okay living like that.

I guess I'm writing all this to say that homelessness is a very complex and nuanced issue. They aren't all victims, they aren't all criminals, they aren't all mentally ill, they aren't all addicts, and for some its the only life they've ever known.

This is why the conversation around homelessness is so difficult. People just latch onto their idea of what being homeless is then build their argument from there, dismissing the remaining context of the concept.

I highly suggest doing homeless outreach to broaden your perspective on the matter (look up a local Food Not Bombs group if you live in a city!). If that isn't something you'd like to do, there are plenty of videos on youtube that give you more insight into the homelessness experience. Obviously watch out for the videos that treat living on the streets as a spectacle or oddity, I absolutely hate these videos because they serve to shock and entertain, not educate.

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I love Margot Robbie, she even commented on one of my comments here!

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Whoever explained this to me originally reallllllllly sucked at it

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I hate how idiots become the representation of what people want to control and destroy.

I can't read the article but,

Joseph Emerson, who was off-duty at the time, was restrained by Alaska Airlines cabin crew after he tried to open an emergency exit

This headline is straight up propaganda then.

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I think one huge issue is that edge is fine, it is a browser that works. There is nothing competitively interesting about it to make people consider switching, plus there is the infamy of IE and Micro$oft's reputation to contend with.

They should just develop a lightweight browser installer and bow out of the browser wars.

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Follow up question, could the same metrics be captured without a network connection? An alternative might not be as user friendly as an IoT device, but for the last what decade? It seems like investment in IoT is investment in security vulnerabilities.

That is wild, so many salary jobs act like you should work more than 40 hours. I even had a manager that said upper level employees should be willing to work more than 40 hours per week. What a cock wart.

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Oh here is my strategy:

Friend: "I really like X, I hope they don't die"

Me: "Oh they go hard in the final episode its great!"



The character dies in episode 4


Lol crying during sex can be cathartic

No I don't want to be in management. I just enjoy talking to people and making genuine connections instead lip service fueled networking. This isn't a self assessment either, its something I've been told enough to believe it.

Interesting, interesting, I appreciate the perspective that wage theft can be committed by employees, although I'd be comfortable committing wage theft against my company, if I was paid hourly, they fucking suck.

I really like your response, you seem like a kind warmhearted person, I wish you the best,

I think the replies to this post really captures Lemmy's energy and I love it.

Oh I know, I was just living in a better world for a second.

This is a much more legalese take, I feel like some folks would disagree in terms of the spirit of wage theft vs the letter of the concept. I like it though, I appreciate it, I appreciate you.

Jesus Christ could walk there indeed.

Thank you for this!

From the article:

The researchers gathered training data by pressing 36 keys on a modern MacBook Pro 25 times each and recording the sound produced by each press.

In their experiments, the researchers used the same laptop, whose keyboard has been used in all Apple laptops for the past two years, an iPhone 13 mini placed 17cm away from the target, and Zoom.

Now they should do this under real usage and see if they get anywhere close to 95% accuracy. Phones are usually in pockets, people listen to music, not everyone has a MacBook.

I think it will be difficult for the average person to use this attack effectively, but I think this will become some sort of government spy thing for sure.

I was thinking in general for Lemmy, but this now seems more appropriate for an unpopular opinion community lol

Anyone know the source video? Or the account that tweeted this?

I'm so jealous I want to cry, I fucking love birds.

Ooooooooooh this is a great explanation!