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Joined 3 months ago

My best guess would be that Shopify either care about the open Web or had some disagreements with Google.

I can't find anything shady on them, but maybe I'm looking the wrong places.

You do. They can only collect data you allow.

Are you familiar with the Danish system tho?

That's very inaccurate information.

It's basically only the government officials who can't have the app installed on their phones, for security reasons.

That's it.

They often do. Merchandise too, if they are big.

We have this in Denmark, and when it works, you'll all love it.

It's soooo easy to use, and it's also a very secure way it's implemented, because we have 2FA for everything important.

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falls short later

So far.. Next model will be even better, and it won't stop getting better.

Yeah, again it's EU setting a standard and the world is to follow. It's amazing what we the people actually CAN do, if we just stand up to big corporations.

So they did it, but purposely didn't do it well enough. Next time it's a 10% fine.

The malware thing still deserves a headline. They just argue it's stupid so many even have to use the library to begin with.

Amazing. Great job, India, and all other regions who also have passed this.

Really shows that EU hit them where it hurts, when they refuse to do the same other places.

Only good for consumers when forced by law.

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Posts like these reveal how many reads the article.

This is a good thing done by Microsoft. They make sure that 3rd party software can't change the default browser without the user knowing.

They will get prompted with the choice screen showing all installed browsers. And when they make their choice, even Edge wouldn't be able to prey people into clicking a button that makes it the default instead.

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ITT: People who has no clue about EU law and honestly think Apple will get away with this.

They won't and they never had in the past.

It's the whole point. They'll try to take over the AI brand by doing this.

"So what does AI actually stand for? "

"It stands for Apple Intelligence, of course!"

"Wow, Apple really is everywhere, they are so good and competent."

This will happen too often.

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Who cares.

If Apple don't want to compete fair in the market, then others will.

And no iPhone user will miss an AI feature. Most of them don't even understand how to use 80% of the phones features anyway.

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Wild that EU needs to do this. Where's the US in all this? The company is even based there.

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There's so many things wrong with the Americans healthcare system, I don't know how to find the most absurd one.

But also the fact that you can advertise for medicin, and that the patient actually has a say in what they get at the doctor, is insane.

Why would you trust those guys, if the medicin they sell is sponsored?

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Imagine being the one creating the segment for a Mr Beast video. Instantly saved some years.

"be bisexual" ???

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Land of the free.

Wild to read how the US tax system works when you're used to the EU.

Maybe one day you'll also get automatic tax filling without lifting a finger.

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Would anyone expect that they were anyway?

Even if you consider

  • sites getting bought up and rehosted elsewhere
  • sites changing names
  • personal throw-away WordPress sites
  • sites for educational purposes made by the students themselves
  • sites going bankrupt
  • news site, social media channels closing down

Can't see why this isn't very natural, and I'm actually surprised it's not higher if you consider how fast that field is moving.

If it took a decade, it would be the first time regarding these issues.

EU acted at a week's notice last time Apple tried to pull shit about third party app stores.

They didn't hesitate fining both Apple and Google 10% of their turnover in the past either.

No, but that doesn't make it good.

The whole world except a minority moved away from SMS a long time ago.

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Did it though, or did they only react on reports from already infected users.

Sometimes CEOs just get paranoid. You can either flip a switch an remove an app, or risk getting personally targeted by Russia.

Russia won't get to you, most likely, but it's the paranoia that gets you.

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They really won't, and they can't.

iOS supports 7 generations back or something for their devices, which means it's all those affected by the new software.

It's alot and it's fair for everyone.

This seems very weird, as it shouldn't matter at all. Are you talking about eSIM support, or just 5G?

They may be something with different wavelengths for 5G, but I'm not the right one to answer on that one.

Well, yeah, in some places, but there's countries where that's a far worse idea than in Europe.

I think we just need to look at UFS 4.0 as a really well build, and high quality LEGO block.

But it doesn't matter how cool it is, when you need to build a house, and all the other blocks are not that fancy.

But it's still a very nice looking block, so it's better to have it than not.

Makes sense?

Yeah, they will, but I think for this to work and be respected, they need to give companies this period, because it actually could take alot of time to change.

In this case, not so much, but it could be in the future, and the rules are the same regardless.

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You'd have to understand what they are coming from - that they have to build up from a lower standard. You can't just jump directly to super progressive without paving the road to it.

The people in the US are also more right leaning and religious in general compared to Europe. The US left is the EU right in some European countries.

California's also still part of the US, and there will always be problems that they'll share with their neighbour states.

TL;DR California DOES have nice things compared to the rest of the country, and I also believe that's because of the lack of Republicans.

5 people could do it though.

To stop others having the same idea.

It does, because now it's their own thing.

So instead of having what everyone else is having, they have their own and also hijack theirs, because Apple put the company name in it.

Better living standards for everyone is "left propaganda?"

Keep us posted pls.

EU are the heroes we need, but don't deserve.

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And insurance, honestly.

Then the cheap EV's doesn't matter if they are not legal.

And the Volvo was not based on Geely. It was the other way around. They bought Volvo for this purpose exactly.

But I hope they will make better EV's for the world. EV's are generally just better cars, and it's a clear road to less noise and toxic pollution.