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Joined 1 years ago

Imma be honest, this 100% looks like xorg.

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Any distro is better than windows or macos, so I won't pick any sides. Anyways, it is manjaro.

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My dumass thought op meant programming language, and I spent 2 minutes thinking of some sarcastic reply.

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I advise him to stfu

Yea no shit, idk if it's just for my region or what, but Spotify does not manage their subscription through the play store. Makes it more annoying to cancel it too, which the execs at Spotify probably see as a plus.

I mean, it is not a fault on Linux's end. We have all the tools we need in the form of wine and dxvk, it's the game which fails to work due to some obscure dependency or a mandatory rootkit. One great example is genshin- the game itself works flawlessly, but it has a rootkit which obviously does not work on Linux and you have to patch it out.

I like his content, he covers open source tech pretty well imo. I don't agree with his opinions on guns, but I live in a country where any sort of weapons are pretty hard to get and violent crimes are very low. I won't understand the fear/anxiety of Americans living in open carry states, so take this opinion how you will. I don't really have any opinion on anyone's political opinions, including his. I do think it's cool how he has a chicken farm, a step towards self sustaining ig.

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I trust that windows viruses won't work on Linux. Plus I don't pirate software, unless I can crack it myself using binaries provided by the software. I just see pirating software as supporting a company I hate instead of supporting an open source project I like

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It shouldn't matter if the user is leaning or jumping or whatever. If the variable says "is_person_standing" then the only information I get out of it is whether the person is standing or not. It would be much simpler to use enums to represent the state if there are such other options. If you don't have enums in your language, then use constants.

I won't be pirating manga if I can actually pay for them. Some apps exist, like mangaplus, but they pale in comparison to something like tachiyomi. And then there is webtoon which shoves an ad in my face even though I purchase content weekly to read. And webnovel is atrocious with how I have to wait 5 seconds for an ad before they show me yet another ad every time I open the app. I just use koreader now for novels. I do buy physical volumes to show some support back. But a Korean series that I am reading does not have a novel published overseas, kind of a bummer.

I don't really like emojis, not the default ones anyways :)

Tmux + nvim for editing code and bspwm for a fully keyboard only workflow. I have some keybinds in tmux to open a new pane and run cargo or whatever command is necessary to run the code.

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I was afraid of exactly this happening. So I just deleted my partition when I fully committed to Linux a few years ago.

My biggest productivity booster is tmux. I constantly ssh into my pc to continue my work. I even restart my window manager sometimes if I wanna play games or something, but tmux is always there in the background. And being able to get up, go to my living room, open my laptop and continue the work I was doing on my pc has definitely saved me from a few mental blocks.

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I use kitty. I don't use its multiplexer features, but I do use its emoji picker a lot.

I was writing just writing some code one day. I then realised something, I needed to press " key twice. I thought my keyboard had died, but the behaviour was consistent so that's unlikely. Then I realised what happened. Windows had installed and set English international as the default layout, and I was unable to switch it out in settings. Even if I manually switch to English us, it would eventually go back. And editing the registry to remove it just made all windows system apps shit themselves.

Now at the same time, I had a laptop. It had an update pending for a few weeks, but the update kept failing and hence I had not allowed it to update this time. But as I open up my laptop to code on there with the right keyboard layout, I see the update screen. THE LAPTOP WAS NEVER TURNED OFF, and it was plugged in. I waited and waited till it finally failed yet again.

Also shortly after one more of these attempts was made my windows which wiped my encryption keys and made my system unbootable or recoverable.

I had used Linux on a Chromebook before with custom firmware, all my dev work happend in wsl, and I had did a lot of projects on the raspberry pi, so for me the logical step was to completely wipe my SSD and install Linux mint. That happened about 4 years ago and I have not ever thought of leaving Linux. I did switch to arch though, so I use arch btw.

Insomnia, or if you really love the command line and dont need to document or save your API requests, curl (don't recommend this for anything beyond simple testing).

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Your best option would be to use onlyoffice. Not sure what you mean by copilot. Copilot is available in vscode, vim, jetbrains, all of which are cross platform. You can also try using bavarder if you want something like chatgpt.

I personally use a small tool called mods to access gpt 4 using an openai API key in my terminal, but this option is only great if you have a terminal heavy workflow.

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I hope it gets fixed soon

Neovim. Nothing interesting, but it gets the job done way better than anything else I tried. I had my own config until a week ago, when I switched to nvchad because of my unwillingness to port my config to lazy.nvim plugin manager.

Using your device to do whatever is op's right. From reading the post, it seems to me that the problem is that they disable other forms of auth. This is for sure intentional, or at least a low priority bug for obvious reasons. I had the same issue, but it was failing to pull up the menu in my stock nothing phone 1. It got fixed later, but why are my backup emails or phone numbers not being used as other forms of 2fa. That is when I realised that despite my efforts, I have ended up relying on Google too much. In the process of changing that, even if it costs me money to host the servers.

Fish shell. I switched to fish ages ago, back when I didn't know much bash scripting. Now I am just so used to it that I don't wanna switch back. Plus it just works.

The closest I got was by just using avalonia. I had to use winforms for my uni and convincing my teachers to allow my team to use avalonia was not easy. Avalonia is not even remotely similar to winforms. You can try setting up a VM, but I understand that it is not a real solution. I found some docs for an old version of mono which referenced some of the winforms API, but I had no luck running it.

Luckily most of the small inde games always support Linux. Most of those devs don't have a need or time to go out of their way to botch the support.

I use arch btw. I am waiting for vanilla os v2 for my laptop though, I think it would be great for a device which I want to "just work". Rn it has Ubuntu with some dell repos which have not been updated since Ubuntu 20.

I try my best to look for open source alternatives. If a company does not support Linux, they don't deserve my support as someone who has only used linux for almost 5 years now. Luckily I am not dragged all the way up into many of these ecosystems which don't work on Linux

Maybe a pretty popular food should not be used as a racist slang. You barking up the wrong tree bud

I used Linux on my jailbroken Chromebook during school before and I slowly started using more and more of wsl when that came out.

Then one day a windows update which started automatically on my laptop ended up wiping the encryption keys, I lost all my data including a lot of organised financial documents. This happened while I was having trouble with wsl where it would just delete itself on my pc. Then there was the issue of my pc having an English international keyboard which I was unable to remove and windows kept switching me to it every 2 minutes. Which makes programming harder due to how it handles inverted commas. I ended up doing some regedit to remove it, but then all windows system apps stopped working, including settings. And guess what, there was now an update ready which I could not skip because settings won't open. And did I mention my laptop wiped itself again?

I did not have a single issue since I switched about 4 years ago, I never looked back. Not even for gaming, I exclusively use Linux and I am proud of it. And this is saying a lot, because I always mess up my system when doing random experiments for fun, but there is also always a clear way out. (I use arch btw, and rtfm really helps a lot)

If you are using davinci on your system a lot, you can try their pre-packaged iso. They recommend rocky Linux nowadays and also provide an iso for it.

I mostly use shell-gpt and ask it trivial questions. Saves me the time for switching to a browser. I have it always running in a tmux pane. As for code, I found it helpful for getting started when writing a functionality, but the actual engineering part should be done manually imo. As for spending money on it, depends on how you benifit from it. I spend about 50c on my openai API key, but I know a friend who used ollama (I think with some mistral derivative) locally on a gaming laptop with decent enough results.

It's like installing Linux, then Microsoft not allowing you to access GitHub from any device.

Affinity designer is a great tool if you are looking to use it. I can't say for the newer versions due to reasons, but some 4 years ago that I tried it, it absolutely blew me away. Easy to use, lots of advanced features, stable, great pricing. And they got a v2 as well, unfortunately v1 customers will need to rebut though at a discounted price.

Yup, I understand that people are going to search for an installer and install it that way. What I am saying is maybe they should direct users to the snap store or something if the package they are trying to install exists on there already. Pretty non intrusive way to make sure they are doing it the right way.

Edit: this is not me advocating for snaps btw. I don't care what package manager anyone uses, as long as its not bricking your system.

Arch and endeavour should fall under the same category. You are more likely to break your system, but tinkerers love how barebones those are. I have not broken arch in the 4 years that I used it, but I did dodge a few updates which would have nuked my system. Fedora will be more stable, and it will get fewer breaking changes due to it's point release schedule.

Yeah. I use quite a few windows exclusive programs. I know it is a long list but can't be helped. Good support and stability beats ideology and these apps provide me that. Here is the list:

I hope this list is helpful to others as well ☺️

I put lineageos on my old OnePlus, which had started to lag so much that even the password prompt would take a minute to register my key presses. The moment I put lineage on it, it started working as if it was new and finally had security updates for the first time in 2 or so years. I now use it as a backup device, and also as a webcam for my pc using scrcpy.

I use Google cloud with nautilus, and before that I used google-drive-ocamlfuse on my Chromebook with custom firmware. All this just so I don't have to use their stupid website.

  1. Jetbrains toolbox is proprietary and I can still run it. You do have to explicitly state that you want proprietary software. You can even run random binaries if you setup nix-ld.
  2. The preferred way to do this is by creating a shell.nix for each of your projects with the dependencies defined within.
  3. Not sure about passthroughs, but qemu worked fine for me.

As for nix Vs arch, I still prefer arch. This is not because nix is bad, but because I have used arch for a long time. I use nix on my laptop because I want that reliability, but I will probably never switch to nix on my desktop. I still find that I can debug my mistakes easier on arch, but with nix I can just git checkout oldcommit. With that being said, I do have a distrobox container with arch in my nix machine, if I really wanna install something quickly.

Oh this looks interesting. I will definitely give it a shot.

I can 100% back this up. I never had any issues with any of the games I play. The most effort I put in was get dotnet for assetto corsa using protontricks, and that is pretty much the only game which required tweaking from me. I mostly play metroidvanias, and all of them work for me. I can also vouch for 99% of the games out there. Warframe and csgo also work really well.