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So, yes a few pieces of land mass tech such as smart road or solar paneling and we hit the theoretical limit of IPv6. And we currently dont need the addresses. So glad that you agree

I'm sorry but how? We have appliances with dockerfiles, micro containers for remote controls, extensive botnets of virtual machines, centuries in the future when we have expanded into the solar system and trillions of humans all having millions of unique applications with addresses, it's inevitable to hit a finite number. When every square meter of smart road has an routable address; we will likely be rewriting networking anyways. The only players pushing IPv6 transition are networking companies because a new standard requires new hardware.

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They really only work on small flies

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I work with Linux for a living and am finding the transition frustrating myself. It feels like every new is just revealing more stuff I have to configure before it works, then usually get hit with the backend of the solution as well. Be sure to check /var/log/anythingrelevant for the system reboots for logs. My display driver kept crashing.

Until you realize that you are paying for access fees/network

It's a play by monopolys. They create a large platform (often free to start), integrate it with a bunch of other stuff, then charge you to use it. They can use the invested cost to leverage anyone on the platform, because it's often an expensive lengthy process to halt processes. The ruling is essentially stating that Microsoft either needs to allow non Microsoft accounts to chat on teams or allow you to remove your word subscription without affecting your email. Both of those are good things for consumers, but Microsoft wants to hold all of the cards on all sides, and start offering bundles like cable companies. All just to limit your options and squeeze you when they want more.

Llms hit memory exhaustion between prompts, each "slide" is an individual generation which is why it feels so discontinuous. This will be really exciting after a couple breakthroughs though, especially when it can reference old generations.

Microsoft has been building the O365 platform to lock out competitors and locking users into an ecosystem that is difficult to leave. They systematically eliminate competition and have pushed to create laws that make competition harder. In embrace extend extinguish, they are in phase 3, which is a massive red flag. They also started putting out spyware and malware into their software and have proven they can't maintain security; making them a bad actor in a position of power. Scale is debatable, but Microsoft is undeniably evil in 2024.

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The game is a heart breaking disappointment and a flagship example of enshitification. But the product managers delivered an amazing hack job. They retooled an existing engine, reskinned it tweaked some colors, and added item rolls and launched very quickly after the immortal failure.

The game delivered because the base design was functional, most of the failures came from the new loot system storing cache between players, not being able to scale mob size, lack of qa, lack of added art. All of which can be explained by the rushed time line. But the game sold ungodly amount of copies, just because of the name. Minimal investment and massive payout means it was a business success, although the players are still pissed that the original game designer had no idea what was fun. After the bad press activation did they try clean house but the damage was done.

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Open source will eventually create viable platforms, I'm not giving up until platforms successfully campaign to kill free alternatives

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As much as I detest nordvpn they do have a 0 logs policy that has been validated. Don't give them money under any circumstance, but this isn't accurate.

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Highly recommend looking up a guide from a hair cutting chain. From the sounds of it you want a crewcut ~20mm 3/4", "blend the sides" so that it transitions well, they might ask what size to buzz the side, you can just say "shorter than the top". Crew cut will give you the longest time between haircuts as well, take notes of the actual length or clip size so you can be more precise next time.

I'll also drop this in case it helps:

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I've been watching a few projects that are attempting to live translate videos. We are very close

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Dynamic pricing is exploitive at it's base, allowing it for any industry is a mistake. Setting precedent for food is extremely dangerous regardless of the source.

Op is describing the early stages of Internet of things

The general idea is that every Device can communicate with every other Device. Bluetooth was added to everything in hopes that we could better automate every aspect of our lives when a critical mass of devices can talk to each other. The Bluetooth receiver in your alarm clock tells your coffee machine to start remotely. But we quickly realized that the overhead isn't worth the payoff. But up until that point we made Bluetooth glasses, beanies, dash buttons, replaced inafred in most devices, power tools and appliances. It wasn't that bad, but there were moments when you would pick up a smart nose trimmer and wonder why they included it.

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There is a reason they didn't offer specific examples. LLM can still scale by size, logical optimization, training optimization, and more importantly integration. The current implementation is reaching it's limits but pace of growth is also happening very quickly. AI reduces workload, but it is likely going to require designers and validators for a long time.

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On point, additionally religion has also effectively associated itself with spirituality. It's also associated itself with caring for others, volunteering, community, togetherness and acceptance. Additionally it's a great place to network and organize communities. Even if belief has faded, tradition is usually important with that group of people.

My understanding is that we will see an appeal before sentencing on July 11th. If that is not successful, then he will get anything from a slap on the wrist to jail time. Sentencing is likely going to hinge on if he remains the lead Republican candidate. Jail time is going to have a lot of custom rules and exeptions that we are unprepared for; primarily secret secret protection. conviction section

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I have 0 sympathy for the studios/distributors but they also did not pay the licensing fees.

I got my license at 18 before I moved out, but my parents made the entire ordeal a nightmare. It was more anxiety than it was worth to get my required miles in with them as the instructor. People living in large cities often never get the opportunity, it's high stress and taxis are readily available. Car ownership is expensive and public transportation is available, as well as biking. In uni I taught several Asian students how to drive because countries like Japan often have expensive training programs, and insurance is painful for testers. European cities are often designed for micro mobility and bikes and smart cars are preferred just because of size.

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The horizontal display is meant to reflect our natural vision which is also a horizontal aspect ratio. There are niche scenarios like skyscrapers but the vast majority of the time it's correct to stay horizontal and frame the shot properly.

It generally means big beautiful woman. Synonymous with curvy or more direct overweight.

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Or they felt confident that they would get a free win, and delayed it until the election news cycle. It's likely a bit of both.

Any recommendations for a voice tool? It felt like I would need to setup a room microphone on my orange pi when I was reading the docs.

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The list is growing: Utah, Florida, Kansas, South Dakota, and West Virginia, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Virginia all have legislation in progress Looks like they actually solved it a while ago, this video shows multiple base languages. Sorry but I can't speak to specifics, but I do know my next project.

COVID hit and they released "play safe" features like remote raids and increased spawn radius. Then they started enshitification and striped features, raised prices, started starving players of resources and new features were pay gated. It's still mildly popular but you need to join discord groups to raid.

Dennis is a specifically assaultive character from the fantastic TV series It's always sunny in Philadelphia; that invented a system of picking up women using an acrostic of his name.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

The TV series is crass but hilarious. Highly recommend watching

Dudemeister, went to school with a German guy with the last name. They also used it on scrubs

I use this in my bash profile in case anyone else finds it helpful. Usage is:

gao fixing a typo

function gao() {
    git add .
    git commit -a -m "$*"
    git push origin `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`

I'm holding a 25mm moissanite that I bought for fun because it's the roughly the same size as the hope diamond and it was $250 without a certificate. There's a ton of competition now so prices have started dropping. A 10mm is ~3.9ct and the loose gem is < $100 on the first link. The rest is just the cost of the ring. Adding silicon to the carbon makes it slightly softer, but significantly less prone to cracking which was a common failure point.

Regarding OPs original question, it's very hard to verify things online. I'm barely a hobbyist so I can't make recommendations, but be aware a lot of glass is shipped from India. The best you can do is be sure to read reviews and try to do your due difference. A lot of gems can be grown in labs but if you are investing in hardware, you are going to grow diamonds (moissanite) because they have the highest value. If you do opt into a traditional ring, certificates for moissanite are not the same as diamonds. They are closer to receipts to verify what it is, and you typically want to see the certificate id engraved into the stone.

Utilities, healthcare, debt, education, foreign aid, environment, tech spyware, freedom of the Internet, insurrection. I got depressed and stopped listing things... I am happy for any kind of a win, but I stopped giving ticketmaster money in 2007. This is so overdue, it's only becoming a priority because Biden thinks he can win over swifties. It's hard to pretend that this should be a priority, at least free us from cable monopolies first.

Full agree on tiring. I work as an SRE, my job is administrating Linux machines (containers these days). When I need to use a computer, I just want it to work out of the box and Linux doesn't offer that yet. I don't want to spend time getting it to work

Mostly no, which appears to be the minority so I'll share. Adding exercise is adding stress, you need to find time, expend energy, you are physically tired afterwards, you feel guilt when you skip, muscle aches... It's all just terrible, but your body typically rewards you with endorphins to make it feel worthwhile, and more importantly it gives you a lot more opportunities. When you are in shape your perceived charisma goes up significantly, mostly because you are more attractive.

Reward needs to balance with effort. You'll have a lot more fun with concrete commitments, or if you actually enjoy the activity and want to do it. Going to the gym is depressing, but showing up for the weekly sportsball game will make sure you run a little every week and you might make some active friends that will introduce you to more things. Pickleball and indoor rock climbing are two entry friendly activities. He's a horse named pot-8-"o"s and I love it

Iirc in the Netflix documentary: that was a marketing gimmick to appear playful and improve their image since ph is the public face of mind geek.

Tipping is a exploitive behavior used to underpay staff with a high variance system. Employers need to pay a living wage.

ProtonVPN, NordVPN and Private Internet Access (pia) will pass pretty much every privacy requirement, but if you have a specific requirement there are plenty of comparison charts.

Private Internet Access is capped at 10mbps but it's the best client and user experience.

ProtonVPN: cancelling was a terrible experience, their client was okay but regularly kill switched. Proton also offers a bundle with email that could be worthwhile

NordVPN: I can not remotely recommend then. In my first 3 months I leaked my IP twice because their VPN client will auto disconnect itself if Internet is disconnected and retrying fails. So if there is an outage, when you reconnect are not protected. You do not want that, because their virtual NIC is insanely unstable and disconnected on 2 separate devices twice a day. In order to cancel you have to talk to support who has a 3 day turn around for tickets and will try to do anything to extend your service past the 30 days they offer a refund. Their entire ToS is fuck you, we don't refund, guarantee uptime, or security.

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Former lurker and exclusive mobile user, I'm mildly surprised you guys have profile pictures; but I suppose my investment is low.