AI nowaday is like Bluetooth 20 years ago: they put it everywhere where it's almost never useful

VodkaSolution to – 689 points –

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Op is describing the early stages of Internet of things

The general idea is that every Device can communicate with every other Device. Bluetooth was added to everything in hopes that we could better automate every aspect of our lives when a critical mass of devices can talk to each other. The Bluetooth receiver in your alarm clock tells your coffee machine to start remotely. But we quickly realized that the overhead isn't worth the payoff. But up until that point we made Bluetooth glasses, beanies, dash buttons, replaced inafred in most devices, power tools and appliances. It wasn't that bad, but there were moments when you would pick up a smart nose trimmer and wonder why they included it.

And in the mid 2010s it got worse where everyone and their mother put bluetooth in anything and everything. IoT became accessible, only to be used in the dumbest way to try and get rich from Kickstarter.

I got an oral thermometer with Bluetooth.

It doesn't have any sort of a display on it. The only way to use it is with their app.

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