3 Post – 163 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I'm guessing he's saying companies are still using the same human written code, but since AI is sexy right now and is being used to describe even simple programming logic, everything is "powered by AI"

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It's surprisingly easy to edit the HTML in your browser and make something like a tweet or an email look legit. Screenshots should never be taken at face value

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Just because you wrote about a topic doesn't mean you're suddenly the authority figure lol.

I work in networking, a job that traditionally has been managed by a terminal and vendor-specific syntax. I used to hate the thought of automation when I was younger, why would something as important as networking be automated? I've made my career on being the clutch guy, troubleshooting complex problems, I love the art of understanding every cog in the machine and being able to visualize it. Then I started learning Python, and learning it was extremely difficult for me. It felt like an eternity between the time I poured myself into learning Python until the time I could actually make things people would want to use.

I was a supervisor working in a NOC. A NOC that had many beaurocratic requirements which got in the way of break/fix operational support, such as having to manually write an email to every customer that had an alarm, and calling every point of contact for that customer, as well as notifying the field techs of outages in their areas, and managing real operational issues. So many times I had to let real work slip through my hands because there were so many calls, so many cases, so many things to do.

Like most NOCs, we viewed alarms from SNMP. When something failed to ping, it would generate a loss of comms alarm. I had this idea to automatically notify the field tech for the specified area when a customer site was downed for more than 30 minutes, and that was a very complex thing to do, it required that I clean a lot of data... I spent days converting things like date strings into proper formatting. Once I presented it, I was told that we couldn't do this, because some political agreement made it to where the NOC was required to provide "positive contact" to other groups. I wrote it, tested it as proof of concept, specd out costs(MRC for the API I was using to send text messages was extremely cheap, it would cost the company about 6 dollars per month). Just like that, it was dead.

My director then wanted me to do something similar for our phone systems. Since our queue depended on user agent availability(your presence status), my boss wanted me to write a program to notify him if someone was unavailable for too long and the reason why. Yes, he wanted to know if someone took more than a few minutes to take a shit or get coffee.

That's when I learned, boomers only care about micro management, not efficiency.

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Love it, the perfect touch would have been editing my username to "this is going well" lol

Salvador Dalí: 'Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.'

I wish I would have heard this quote much sooner... I usually like to flesh out my projects/ideas from the start and it feels unoriginal or boring when it's too derivative of other work... But everything is derivative of something. Being afraid of being "unoriginal" should never stop you from creating, or at least trying. A lot of the time the "unoriginal" work pays great homage to the original work and really does transform the result to something new and vibrant

One of the more interesting things about how these games are advertised (I don't play mobile games but I suspect a lot of people that do are kids) are that it always shows someone playing the game poorly. It's supposed to make you go "huh. Well that looks easy. Wait wth is he doing? No! He could have gotten the powerup. Oh! Looks like he might get this one! What?! How do you mess that up?! I bet I could do that."

One thing that I've realized about this generation of kids and people who didn't grow up on tech but were forcibly introduced to it(millennials, gen x, boomers) is that they don't want the game to be challenging or to reward skill. They just need the game to be flashy and to pass the time. That's why these games are always made to look so easy and like the guy playing is a moron. A lot of people are attracted to games in a different way than "gamers" ... They are not attracted to the challenge or the mastery, they've attracted to the visuals and lack of difficulty.

I believe these types of games are akin to gambling. The last time I went to Dave and Busters, you wouldnt believe the amount of adults i saw playing games of chance (not skill) for tickets. Exactly like a casino.

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Most everyone I know doesn't have a Twitter or Instagram. Obv I deleted my reddit. What are people supposed to do except just not use the platform? Most authors I want to follow are on substack or mastodon.

I think that as the platforms further enshittify, people will realize there are no intelligent conversations happening on platforms like X, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Ragebait content can only captivate audiences for so long before they either abandon it or are brainwashed by it. If everyone on X is a musk dickrider right wing lunatic then it makes it easier for sane people to stay off of it. Honestly it might be better to give them their safespace echo chamber as long as Democrats, liberals and libertarians mobilize and make their arguments where it matters.

They can be pretty common for certain people. I've dealt with hemorrhoids since I was 20, my dad also started getting them pretty young too. They tend to "flare up" if you eat food that irritates them. For me it's something that I deal with every few months or so. When I get them, I gotta squirt a tube of ointment up my ass and they're usually gone the next day. It's a very humbling experience. I came as a poor migrant, no college education and through will and determination I became a self taught engineer about to turn 30 who makes six figures, and I occasionally have to squirt a tube of preparation H ointment up my ass.

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He went with the "it was just a prank bro" strategy, which has in the last decade been very successful

My only problem with it is that it's always on the homepage under recommended, despite the fact I've never watched any streams like that. Even if I tell the site "not interested" it still shows the content. I only get on twitch to watch content for one game and from a small number of creators.

Automation 😄

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Honestly, I'll never understand how Christianity has become ingrained with right wing politics. Modern day conservative churches are at odds with everything that Christ taught and stood for.

Damn, I live in CLT and that video was tough to watch. Looks like an obvious excessive use of force. And the PD already defended the officer's use of force... I have a feeling this will lead to protests.

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This meme is kind of wrong though, because it's mixing the OSI model with the TCP/IP model, which are different representations of the same thing, but in either model the "link layer", ie layer 2 switching would never hand over to the "internet" layer without going through network first. So if you're confused, it's because it's wrong.

Application, transport, session, transport, network, data, physical (OSI) Application, transport, internet, network (TCP/IP)

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EoD is edge of darkness. It's basically the most expensive version of the game which was originally offered and was supposed to include all subsequent dlc, hence the outrage(ridiculous pay to win features and price aside). SPT is a modded version of EFT(escape from tarkov) that let you play the game single player and added a bunch of cool stuff. BSG(Battlestate games, the publisher/dev studio) didn't like that so they would copyright videos that used SPT. It's a whole mess

Totally useless red circle too. I guess it was intentionally drawn to obscure the context

Almost everyone I know that went into the military did it for the experience and to be able to go to college. That was when people believed a college degree would set you up for a stable future. Now that millennials know this isn't true and we're not lying to gen Z, they sure as shit don't believe it either.

The military should add to its incentives. If the military could for example, build you a modest home then I'm sure people would start joining again.

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Played the shit out of tlou multiplayer. It felt like something that got added to the game with little effort or creativity and it came out amazing. When TLOU2 was released I was saddened to hear that there would be no multiplayer yet but that it was coming. It didn't need to be much. It could have been the same multiplayer experience with some new maps. Uncharted3 and uncharted 4 multiplayer was great. The community really made the multiplayer what it was. That's where NickEh30 started making content I loved watching SanchoWest on YouTube going over some of his favorite plays.

Really sucks that companies get away with this "we'll finish out the game after the release" and there's no consequence. It was promised.

You gotta make 100-150k to live comfortably (not luxuriously) in most major cities... Has not much to do with not being "wired to save", agreed

Agree on the better testing for ASD. According to the CDC, autism rates have doubled from the year 2000(1 in 68, vs 1 in 150).

The consensus is that ASD is mostly genetic, however, there is some research going into other causes of autism, such environmental/biological causes. Personally, I think growing up with modern technology(kids being raised by YouTube/TikTok) impacts brain development/connections, so there are people with symptoms of ASD that otherwise would be "normal"

The issue with diagnoses like this is that you arrive to the conclusion by looking at the symptoms. And there's a lot of fucked up things going on right now that could cause more and more people to show symptoms.

i've worked on building better habits such as exercise, maintaining social connections, and working through my emotions instead of repressing them, and I've noticed that many symptoms that I used to associate with ASD were really depression. Like some sort of coping, catatonic state. I'd imagine that with mental health being what it is, there's probably a lot of people similar to me. Surprise, did you know ASD is far more common in males? 1 in 42, vs 1 in 189, for females.

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lmao I was thinking the same. Like damn I gotta start working some on some defense contractor stuff

Thanks ... I totally understand the "didn't get enough beatings" part. I had a hard time until I got into things I liked such as computers, playing instruments, etc. Once I started to work on things that interested me it was magical.

You sound like a very sweet, caring husband. I can tell you love your family dearly. Thanks for your kind words/support

Being on the spectrum and navigating office politics can be a nightmare. I'm not sure why people want everything to be "nice." Now I'm dealing with the opposite problem though. I need to set boundaries and be very opinionated. I've spent 10 years ish dialing it back and now I need to dial it back up.

Yes but the comment i replied to is insinuating that EFT active players are up despite the community backlash

I'd say the American dream exists but the abuse you must take is unimaginable. My family came here with very little and worked horrible minimum wage jobs. I climbed my way up from horrible manual labor jobs, to call center to tech support to engineer. If you have passion and you're dedicated to your craft you'll be well compensated. But it's much more difficult than it should be. For me it took a lot of studying, politicing, and some lost respect for myself. Now I get to complain about my desk job and drink beer at live music bars to forget about work.

Honestly, I used to use self deprecating humor a lot, but it does eat away at your own self esteem if your repeat it enough and it can make others feel inadequate as well. One of the qualities I've admired the most in others and that I try to emulate is unapologetically taking responsibility for mistakes or shortcomings. "Wow, I should have caught that. That was silly of me, I'll do better" is a lot better than something like "now I see why I had to ride the short bus" or "I'm such an idiot" .... At the end of the day, no one is perfect, and we shouldn't hold ourselves or others to unachievable standards. We should just always strive to do better.

wow, great response. thank you. I'll give it a shot!

Mixed feelings here, what is an "inner child?" Feelings of exercising creativity and spontnuity don't have to be "compartmentalized"... Just work that into your adult life. only thing that is different otherwise is obviously responsibility, that will never go away. You might have to answer to your wife as to why you chose to spend a whole Saturday watching cartoons, but as long as you make your needs known, that shouldn't be an issue as well.

I'm sensing you have problems communicating your desires(ideas, inspirations, etc) ... other than that, you might be feeling nostalgia. But nostalgia is mostly ignorance. It felt like good times at times because I was ignorant to how my parents struggled.

Imagine if the DNC gave democrats a worthy candidate. Then we wouldn't have to strongarm democrats to vote for democratic candidates.

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I bought a laser printer years ago(Brother brand) and have printed a few hundred pages, I've never had to worry about toner. Ink printers are a total scam and the only reason people buy them is because the initial cost is much cheaper or they don't know the difference between inkjet and laser.

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The comparison is pretty poor, and I'm afraid you are not familiar enough with the topic. If I make an application with a subscription service, it must be sold on the play/apple store to reach users. Google/apple get a 30% cut of any subscriptions I sell, meaning if I make $10, they get $3. Since iOS/Android own 99+% of the smartphone OS market, there is no other alternative. So you say, "I understand they're processing and facilitating the payment, but 30% of my earnings is way too much! I can process my own payments and have people sign up on my own website. When people go to purchase a subscription, I'll just redirect them to their browser to complete the transaction..."

That's what Apple/Google are doing. It's a monopoly.

I haven't yet no, but I highly suspect it. And a lot of my teachers in school told my parents I had ADHD/some form of autism but they brushed that off because they thought it meant there was something wrong with me or that they were suggesting I was incapable. Not sure where to start really. Do I go to a primary care doctor who refers me to a specialist? I haven't had health insurance for most of my life, so I'm not sure how this works.

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I love that Aaron Swartz is mentioned anytime Spez is mentioned. Aaron will always be a hero to me, and Spez is the antithesis of everything Aaron stood for.

I imagine if your book got translated into hundreds of different languages, eventually people would add numbers to the verses. Sometimes the translated version is not a great translation to the original languages intent, so it's easy to reference the verse number across other translations or compare it across languages

Thanks, that's pretty helpful. I'll save that because there are a lot of useful comments. I feel like my brain is an operating system with a highly powerful processor but it has a defect where it accidentally kills processes.

Source? There's no publicly available info on player counts other than BSGs word, so I'm calling BS

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That's usually true at first, showing users content they like is gratifying to the user, but satisfied users don't stay on the app. So for example, I like motorcycles, humor, tech, dog content, and poker. Tik Tok could show me relevant videos and I'd maybe browse for a few minutes and then go do something else. But the algorithm kind of slows down the dopamine hits/relevant videos and starts inserting more content that is depressing/irrelevant... The algorithm uses the same logic that makes gambling so addictive, they'll make you feel like the dopamine hit is just around the corner, except it takes a bit longer to get there every time. "One more hand" ...>

Facebook was at its worst in 2014-2018 or so. The algorithm became incredibly rage-inducing and pervasive. Facebook would intentionally show you content that you dislike(like right-wing bullshit) and if the more you interacted with it(especially if it was dislike) facebook would show you more and more of that. I was getting bombarded by extremism ideologies on Facebook and at the time I didn't understand that this was the algorithm.

The Internet is no longer just "likes cat video, give more cat videos", and pushing that notion is uneducated. Tik Tok is the worst of all the apps by far, but all of the social media companies use sophisticated algorithms that intentionally fuck with you just to get you addicted to their apps.

I think more people need to be informed on how these algorithms work and why they are so dangerous, especially to kids. Speaking of kids, there's a lot of content on TikTok which sexualizes underage teens. Also, I would block literally every thirst trap on TikTok that showed up in my feed, because that is simply the last thing I want to see on TikTok, yet the algorithm is so aggressive, it will continue to push content that you dislike so you are unsatisfied for longer.

I've deleted Tik Tok a few times in the past but I haven't used it in about 2 years or so. Imagine how little the average person in this country knows about these algorithms.

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I think you're right. Despite my bandwagon fandom, I Believe Go is more appropriate for my needs. I think a compiled language with more intuitive parallelism is what I need

You would think 10 years would be enough time to see a groups increased risk to associated illnesses. If I made a study group and made them smoke daily for 10 years there would definitely be poorer health. The science is pretty clear, but the WHO doesn't want to admit that vapes are net neutral, whereas tobacco is bad, so obviously that would make vapes "healthy" in comparison.

Nicotine in the body acts much like caffeine, it increases your blood pressure, giving the effect of a "calmer" feeling, and headaches when in withdrawal. No one is lobbying against coffee/caffeinated drinks, even though it's understood that too much caffeine can cause health risks. That's really where we're at. Alternative methods like nicotine gum or patches have existed for a long time and while there can be dependencies formed on these, no one would dare say nicotine gum is as dangerous as smoking cigarettes. The associated cancer risks from tobacco come from the carcinogens that are created when burning tobacco, not from the nicotine itself