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Joined 1 years ago

Users don’t use adblockers because they don’t want to see ads at all; they they use adblockers because getting a usable web experience requires it.

Users don’t block advertisements; they block annoying advertisements. They block trackers. They block malware. They block privacy invasion.

I block advertisements because I don't want to see any advertisements. They are poison for the mind and I want to eliminate any form of advertisement I can control. Obviously you can't avoid a lot of it - but I can definitely avoid it in my web browser.

I would prefer a subscription based model or a donation based model. For example Wikipedia or Lichess I've donated to because I believe they provide a good service and show no ads. Or for example Kagi which is a search engine that charges a monthly fee.

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You're not their doctor, they arent your patients, what business is it of yours?

ok, so if you're not a doctor you can have no opinion on healthcare now? ridiculous statement. i think healthcare should be free. i don't work in healthcare or health insurance. so am i just supposed to shut the fuck up and know my place?

no, I have my opinion and I'm going to share it and @JasSmith has his opinion and he's going to share it. that's the whole point of having discussion boards. the last thing i want is this place to become an echo chamber

i think kids should be able to transition. but it's also not so simple a conversation when you're making permanent changes to teenage kids - https://nypost.com/2022/06/18/detransitioned-teens-explain-why-they-regret-changing-genders/

kids are fickle creatures and fads catch on - all of a sudden we see a dramatic rise in kids wanting to transition - like 4400% increase in girls wanting to transition to boys. is it because we are now more accepting as a society or is it social contagion? probably both and it's a serious topic we need to address if we actually do want the best for the kids. we need to keep ideology out of healthcare and make sure each individual kid is taken care of with whatever is best for them - transitioning is not always the best option. but sometimes it is.

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yeah reddit is dead to me. i've always felt that social media sites should be considered a commons where companies cannot profit off of the content

this was just the catalyst for a lot of people to be exposed to this idea and now the idea is exponentially spreading. we're still in the early days, but I think this is the future. or at least it's one potential future

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I've been driving for about a decade and a half now, including a few years here and there working jobs with a lot of wheel time. Either pizza delivery or cable technician or driving around a box truck.

I have never gotten as much as a speeding ticket. I typically don't speed more than 5~10 mph over the limit. If it's a 35 or 40 in a city area though I will typically stay the speed limit. Sometimes I go a little ham on country roads in the middle of nowhere. I drove through central Florida once at like 4am and I peaked at like 120mph because I hadn't seen another car for at least an hour.

I think it probably depends on your jurisdiction, but nobody really respects the laws. On the interstate near my house, the speed limit is 65 but it might as well be 80. Cops will pass you and people will pass the cops and nobody cares.

I think the speeding laws are just to give the cops a reason to pull you over if they want you - OR a way to get people that are really being crazy. For example if you're going 110 in a 65 you deserve to get pulled over and given a ticket or worse, depending on context.

this is why everyone needs to edit all their comments instead of deleting them. i edited all the comments on my 14 year old account using a script. i got banned from like 5 subs in the process - but a few days later still not rolled back

remember the API is liable to change in the next few days.. if someone wants to do this they need to do it now while they still can

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I agree in certain circumstances. For example a file manager I don't understand why people use in a terminal. When I need to do like batch deletions or something I can easily just write a couple terminal commands. Everything else I just use the default file manager. Either Finder on MacOS or the Gnome one on Linux.

But stuff like vim, a terminal text editor, is simply more fluid and enjoyable than a GUI program. I've tried using vim plugins for various different GUI text editors like Sublime or VS Code but there's nothing like a personalized vim install. It takes a little bit to get used to the commands, but once you do it's like riding a bike. You just feel faster and muscle memory takes care of the rest. You don't actively think about it

same thing with for example package managers. it's faster to just press my hotkey to open up terminal, type in "sudo dnf install <whatever>" and it's installed. why do we need a GUI here? it doesn't make anything faster. In fact, it just gets in the way.

so some things GUIs don't actually improve. Some they do. It's a per case thing I think

i find the fall from grace amusing. i've been hating on them for years just because they're a chrome derivative. now they do some telemetry and all of a sudden everyone hates them.

This is a decentralized platform meant to be a social media system without the corporate power inherent to all the others. The developers of Lemmy for example have essays on Maoist China being hosted on their Github.

By its very nature, it's going to attract people who are trying to get away from corporate influence. It's essentially why I'm here and not on reddit. I don't want a company profiting off of my content.

There's space for pro-capitalists as well though. I believe in the open market of ideas - listen to what people have to say and share your bit. Engage genuinely and you'll learn something and maybe teach someone else something.

facebook and twitter are not federated

i don't see why creating standards for less confusion would hurt anyone. i think ultimately the standards should be optional - but standards exist for a reason

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excellent post and something I think people aren't fully considering

wikipedia has survived off of just donations

although some models are going to be more expensive than others. hosting a reddit clone and a youtube clone require totally different levels of bandwidth and infrastructure

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we aren't seeing a 4000% increase in kids becoming gymnasts

it's a poignant social topic. instead of attacking my credibility, aiming to represent me as biased, you should try to attack my argument

having said that, i support kids transitioning. i'm more upset about the "wrongthink" mentality where someone can't even share their opinion without getting pounced on. he isn't sharing hate speech he's just talking

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not open source and based on chrome

why not just use firefox for everything?

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ask "controversial" questions. most AIs are neutered these days. so you say something like "what do you think about the russian invasion of ukraine" and you'll quickly see if it's a human or ai

le narwhal bacons when

lol i don't think i've seen this since like 2011

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nothing inherently illegal about that. his real crimes are using coercion and manipulation (ie fraud) in order to take a bigger cut from the girls. he told the girls that it was 50/50 split when in reality it was like 90/10. even going so far to preparing fake tax documents to justify taking more money from them

he would speak with girls online, convince them that he wanted to be their boyfriend - they would move in and he would then get them on the cam sites. this is enough to justify human trafficking charges. he brought people to his cam house through lies and manipulation and then kept them there through lies and manipulation.

the beautiful thing is he essentially openly admitted to a lot of this in his hustler's university lectures.

it really depends on what

padding the years of experience for a specific skill from 4 to 7.. not really a big deal in my opinion. someone's 4 years could be more valuable than another's 7

if you're making up whole degrees or careers.. then it becomes impractical because you'll have to walk the walk. if you're frank abagnale, maybe you can do it. for us regular folk it'd be hard to convince someone who knows what they're doing that you know what you're doing when you actually don't

100% agree

our social media sites need to be open source and decentralized. any other way will lead to the slow inevitable march of enshittification

Can software written by a piece of shit like that

someone isn't a piece of shit because they hold different opinions than your own. it's OK to post articles even if you don't believe everything in them. I glanced through one of the articles about the death tolls under Mao - https://mronline.org/2006/09/21/did-mao-really-kill-millions-in-the-great-leap-forward/

The guy goes through analysis, cites sources, and makes an argument that the death toll is inflated due to Western propaganda.

Is that really such a piece of shit opinion? Wrong or right, I don't think the author did anything wrong nor the dev by putting it in some sort of compilation. People are allowed to disagree on controversial topics.

Remember Noam Chomsky? He got so much hate back in the day when he defended someone's right to be a holocaust denier. It's as if you are not allowed to critically think about certain topics.

For example the Ukraine nazis thing. Ukrainians are not Nazis - but the Ukrainian military did official incorporate a neo-nazi paramilitary group. Just saying that is grounds for someone to claim you're a Russian shill. I really wish people were more open minded and rational in discussion.

If you believe someone is wrong, explain why you think so instead of just attacking them like you are doing here.

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think of it this way - back in 2008 100% of the users had accounts made on or before 2008

reddit has doubled something like 8 times since that point. after 1 doubling, that 2008 or earlier becomes 50%. after 2 doublings, 25%... etc

at this point it's below 1~2% depending on where you get your figures

majority of people (and an increasing majority) will only know reddit through new.reddit or the app. my gf just joined reddit because of me a few months ago.. and she only know the official app. that is "reddit" to her.

reddit has moved on past us, the original users. they've decided that we are such a small minority that we essentially do not matter anymore and therefore are sacrificing us to raise IPO price

I looked it up and while Firefox has most of the tab features Vivaldi does (tab pinning, tab duplication, moving tabs, muting tabs) it doesn't have tab stacking, which was novel to me

there are a couple firefox addons that more or less replicate this feature in different forms from some brief research

for example tree style tabs is a popular addon

i also found tab stack and simple tab groups although they do not look as streamlined as vivaldi

regardless, thanks for the info. i'm going to try out tree style tabs because it seems like a useful feature for me too that i hadn't considered before

It doesn't need to be said that Meta is purely driven by profit - that is any corporation. But Meta is incompetent and failing - yet still a behemoth. If they want to pour millions of dollars into the fediverse, then we don't we let them? They would presumably just be another site on the fediverse.

I totally support them joining on assuming it doesn't change the fundamental structure of the system.

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One one hand it reduces the total # of characters needed to brute force which is bad. On the other hand, like you said, it makes it so dictionary attacks are weaker - which is good

Although I think you could just get a regular dictionary, remove the vowels, and it would probably work just fine

So ultimately? I think stupid decision

in case anyone wants to know how to do this

Yall, remember to mass edit your post history at least a couple of times before deleting your account. It will take a while (it took various hours to nuke 8k+ comments from my history) and time is getting shorter as we probably won't have access to automated tools once July comes.

Remember that Reddit complies with GDPR by anonimising your comments, not deleting them. If you want to nuke your post history, you have to do it now that you have the chance.

PowerDeleteSuite, Redact.dev, shreddit should all do edit+delete.

I personally used this fork, is slower but gets 100% of your comments and you can deselect the delete check to do more rounds of editing to reduce the risk of rollbacks (I've been doing a round every few days for a while):


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Nobody ever directly engages the devs on the articles that created this whole affair. They simply accuse them of some vague "human rights denial" "genocide-supporters" "tankie" without any real substance. Go ahead and search out the articles. I read through some of them.

Yes, they are leftist essays. The devs didn't write them, they just compiled them together. I skimmed through a couple and read the titles of the rest. Some of them deal with topics such as Maoist China and the number of deaths from the Cultural Revolution. The article puts together an argument, with cited sources, that the common death figures are overblown.

Maybe the author is wrong, I don't know. I'm not an expert in this field nor do I have the energy to do as much research as I'd need to feel comfortable leaning one way or the other. But from reading the article, at no point does the author condone genocide.

Is this what we've come to? Someone can't post an article challenging one small piece of the narrative without all of a sudden being totally disavowed? I think it's absurd. Wrong or right, people should be allowed to discuss and share reasoned analysis.

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was in the article i linked

between 2009 and 2019, children being referred for transitioning treatment in the United Kingdom increased 1,000% among biological males and 4,400% among biological females.

i guess it's too much to expect people to read things

I vote Fedora

I've tried lots of different ones. Arch is cool if you really wanna set up your system how you like it. But Fedora works well right out of the box and updates don't break the system. Keep in mind.. I'm a Gnome-ist. I think it's the best WM for Linux.

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there's an argument that it's better to know rather than not know. i understand the ideological stand against Meta and everything it stands for, but it's easy to judge from the outside looking in. we don't know what he knows

very short term memory span so have longer conversations as in more messages

Really, this is a function of practicality and not really one of capability. If someone were to give an LLM more context it would be able to hold very long conversations. It's just that it's very expensive to do so on any large scale - so for example OpenAI's API gives a maximum token length to requests.

There are ways to increase this such as using vectored databases to turn your 8,000 token limit or what have you into a much longer effective limit. And this is how you preserve context.

When you talk to ChatGPT in the web browser, it's basically sending a call to its own API and re-sending the last few messages (or what it thinks is most important in the last few messages) but that's inherently lossy. After enough messages, context gets lost.

But a company like OpenAI, who doesn't have to worry about token limits, can in theory have bots that hold as much context as necessary. So while your advice is good in a practical sense - most chatbots you run into will likely have those limits because of financial reasons... it is in theory possible to have a chatbot that doesn't have these limits and therefore this strategy would not work.

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debate bro and own you online

don't worry this is the type of stuff i go on reddit for I'm glad there are people willing to go into long form discussion here

so ultimately I think we have to agree to disagree a bit here although I respect your opinion. You're absolutely right that there are organizations out there, both governmental and billionaire funded, that astroturf the shit out of the internet ( and you didn't mention AI like chatgpt, which will make this problem exponentially worse since it will become increasingly cheaper to astroturf).

I agree that I'm not personally going to debate a holocaust denier - they can more or less get fucked. I just don't think they should be sent to jail or otherwise censored. And this more or less lines up with Chomsky's beliefs. I'm a huge fan of him and I am 100% behind his free speech absolutism.

Anyhow, if you want more detail about the whole thing with Chomsky.. there's a page on Wikipedia that goes over it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faurisson\_affair

Here's what he had to say to critics of his decision to support the holocaust denier

Let me add a final remark about Faurisson's alleged "anti-Semitism." Note first that even if Faurisson were to be a rabid anti-Semite and fanatic pro-Nazi -- such charges have been presented to me in private correspondence that it would be improper to cite in detail here -- this would have no bearing whatsoever on the legitimacy of the defense of his civil rights. On the contrary, it would make it all the more imperative to defend them since, once again, it has been a truism for years, indeed centuries, that it is precisely in the case of horrendous ideas that the right of free expression must be most vigorously defended; it is easy enough to defend free expression for those who require no such defense. Putting this central issue aside, is it true that Faurisson is an anti-Semite or a neo-Nazi? As noted earlier, I do not know his work very well. But from what I have read -- largely as a result of the nature of the attacks on him -- I find no evidence to support either conclusion. Nor do I find credible evidence in the material that I have read concerning him, either in the public record or in private correspondence. As far as I can determine, he is a relatively apolitical liberal of some sort

I think the line that sticks out to me the most is- that it is precisely in the case of horrendous ideas that the right of free expression must be most vigorously defended

If we give up the principle, we lose everything.

“Even Nazis deserve the right to free speech” thing

I'm sure he would say this. But in this specific case it's more of a question of not having any topic be off limits. I know there's a lot of emotions towards the holocaust and anyone who questions it is immediately labeled some sort of neo-nazi (and 90% of the time, that's what they are). Chomsky firmly believes in the Holocaust, because like you said, he experienced it. He's a Jew in his 90s.

But consider a world where you canno make an academic or scientific inquiry into a topic because "the issue has been resolved". What kind of world is that? He was defending a researcher who did an analysis into the Holocaust and came up with significantly different figures. Basically claiming the death toll was inflated. Which is, to the best of the research I've read, entirely incorrect. Something like 6 million people died in the Holocaust and there is plenty of evidence to show that.

But again, the point isn't whether the researcher was wrong or right. It's just that we can't set the precedent that certain topics are "finished" and can't be modified anymore. Because at that point we're not doing science or research - we're falling victim to ideology. Keep in mind the guy he was defending was getting charged with a crime since this was Europe and they have certain laws about Holocaust denial.

So we bring it back to the Lemmy devs. The article I read (I didn't read them all) was an analysis of the death toll of the Mao period and claims the figures were inflated. Does someone posting a link to this or otherwise sharing it make them a "genocide denier" and a "CCP tankie"?

This immediate lashing out when experiencing "wrongthink" is something I think is so toxic and dangerous to having serious discussions about sensitive topics. The more you study these things, the more you realize things are never black and white. There aren't good guys and there aren't bad guys. Or rather, maybe everyone's a bad guy. But I think you get my point.

Regardless, I appreciate your comment.

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since reddit API is gonna die in 9 days, are there any plans to do anything else?

it's good in the short term but realistically this news is a canary in the coal mine moment

we are decoupling our economies from the global system - increasing the chances for cold and/or hot war

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he's doing what the board of directors want. ultimately he's gonna become the lightning rod and then they'll replace him like they did ellen pao

you should be fine. gaming is dead simple with steam + proton

if you wanna torrent games, it'll be a bit more involved but still doable

the AI stuff should work just fine, you just wanna make sure you go for a distro with good hardware support

i didn't delete my account or my comments. i figured it'd be better to fill the thousands of comments i've made over the last 14 years with stuff like "no more centralized social medias, join kbin/lemmy/fediverse" spam

a) makes old pages look more cluttered and spammy so reduces quality of reddit

b) still removes all the content i generated from reddit so they can no longer profit off of my labor

c) it seems they can roll back deletions but it's harder for them to roll back edits (citation needed)

Fedora. I'd avoid Ubuntu and its derivatives like Pop! or Arch derivatives. I think Arch is fine, especially if you know what you're doing, but Arch derivatives in my experience are much less stable than for example Ubuntu or Fedora.

But seriously. Fedora. It's the best. Ubuntu is actually fine too but Blue > Orange

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i have food but i still need it too

i think there's merit to sarcasm depending how it's done. satire can be a powerful tool to poke holes into ideas.

but like many things in life, you need tact and a bit of self awareness

i appreciate the strong passion and education about the poll on everyone's favorite beverage