Reddit Communities Switching to NSFW as a Form of Protest to Reddit – 194 points –
Reddit Communities Switching to NSFW as a Form of Protest

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yeah reddit is dead to me. i've always felt that social media sites should be considered a commons where companies cannot profit off of the content

this was just the catalyst for a lot of people to be exposed to this idea and now the idea is exponentially spreading. we're still in the early days, but I think this is the future. or at least it's one potential future

reddit was amazing a decade ago. dunno what all happened but it became a cesspool of toxicity and abuse of power that i was just waiting for another alternative to come along and save us OGs from.

Reddit's always been a mixed bag of good stuff and cesspool toxicity. A decade ago it had subs like r/jailbait and r/coontown.

Nostalgia remembers the good stuff and forgets the shit.

It's not that I don't remember all the trolling that has happened since the Internet's inception (I was there) it's just that it used to have its time and place and people used to respect that, Reddit included. If you didn't want to see the toxicity, you just didn't visit those subs. It only started bleeding into everything else within the recent past.