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Joined 1 years ago

TL;DR touch screen working correctly when wet (ie in the rain, or in my case, the shower šŸ‘€)

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Iā€™m sorry, what now? She stole peopleā€™s money, was ordered to pay it back, then was told she didnā€™t have to pay it back right now because if she did she wouldnā€™t have any (stolen) money leftā€¦? The fuck kinda billshit is that?

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Itā€™s heavy on the D&D 5e rulebook, if you have any level of familiarity with that it will all come naturally.

If you donā€™t, thatā€™s ok too, they did a really good job describing rolls, saving throws, attack rolls, etc, in the guided tooltips.

Drives me fucking mad. Iā€™m convinced that a lot of articles just read other news outlets articles and regurgitate it.

Thereā€™s almost never source material cited. I agree, should be illegal.

First time Iā€™ve ever seen someone say something negative about FF/Mozilla. Care to expand?

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Did he just say he was going to use campaign funds for personal benefit?



Just used this the other day, worked like a charm (albeit a bit slow if Iā€™m honest)

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Wait wtf? You can just reset root password that easy? Whatā€™s even the point of having a password, if all of your data and info is so easily accessed if someone gets physical hold of the machine. I guess so software/remote hackers canā€™t get your stuff, but still. This seems wild to me, I dunno.

New to Linux so Iā€™m sorry if Iā€™m being ignorant, but it does seem crazy you can get access to a machine without the password.

Edit: Thanks for all the comments below! I guess Iā€™ve been spoiled by BitLocker in Windows being enabled by default and not having to think of disk encryption. Appreciate everyoneā€™s time and responses!

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PC upgrade? I play BG3 on steam deck, runs great. I imagine any PC in the last 10 years could run the game well enough.

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I got a quote last year as my furnace is original to the house (33 years old) and we donā€™t have AC.

It was going to be $25,000, $5k of which was installing new ductwork because the existing ducts arenā€™t insulated enough.

Easy pass. Iā€™ll wait for prices to (hopefully) come down.

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What did you find out about hexbear?

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Had a Casper for 10 years, it was great.

When it was time to replace it I did some research and landed on latex, because it holds up for a long time, is organic and hypoallergenic, and sleeps cool (Iā€™m a hot sleeper).

Ended up buying from https://sleeponlatex.com based on reviews and their excellent return policy - best there is for latex as far as I could tell.

Very, very happy with it. It did take at least 2-3 weeks to adjust too, because itā€™s firm (even if you get a medium) - you sleep on top of it, not in it, meaning it doesnā€™t wrap around your body. 10/10 would recommend.

Oh thatā€™s yours? I was just on the map site to try and find an instance near me and liked your name so I tried to sign up and your signup form says I need to know you.

And now Iā€™m sad.

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I have it locked at 30 fps out of habit. It runs pretty damn smooth, rarely dipping below 30 fps on medium settings. I havenā€™t played with any of the settings at all, just locked it to 39 fps and went in my way.

Itā€™s enabled by default when you login to windows with a Microsoft account, which they very rudely push on you and make it very difficult to login with a regular local account.

Beans is tied for second for me. It has the smoothest scrolling but lacks some features of Memmy. I wish it wasnā€™t $30 (going up to$50 next week) for lifetime though. Iā€™d buy it for $10, maybe $15, even as a second app, but $30/$50 is too steep provided Memmy is free and more future rich, as well as Voyager.

Where are you hosting it and whatā€™s the cost? Iā€™d spin one up if it wasnā€™t too expensive.

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Ah nice. I have an Unraid server but thus far have all the apps and shit I run accessible via LAN/VPN only. I have pfsense and know how to mess with haproxy a little to reverse proxy things through, but Iā€™m not sure how secure that is or if that opens the attack surface up drastically, so I havenā€™t really dabbled in allowing external access to my server. Might look into it.

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I donā€™t get to where you are from links you provided but thanks for sharing.

Oh interesting ok thanks!

That was so fun, so cool to see everyone having such a good time. Those opening bars by Juvy were straight šŸ”„

Sweet! Iā€™ll check back after awhile.

Out of curiosity, howā€™s you score a .it domain? I have one, but only because I have family in the EU. IIRC, it was a pain in the pass to get, had to jump through a bunch of hoops to ā€œauthenticateā€ being in the EU.

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That the secure tunnel thing I keep hearing about?

Do you use that for lemmy as well, as in your instance is private?

Not exactly true on Windows. BitLocker is enabled by default when signing in with an MS account, which is what Iā€™ve done for nearly a decade and I think is the cause of my confusion. Iā€™m just use to encryption being enabled by default and not having to think about it.

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So if I understand correctly, I would spin up a Calibre docker (a la https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/calibre) and then spin up a separate Calibre-web docker and point it to the first one?

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but then you lose out on what IMO is the killer feature.

Which is what?