App or service to self host ebooks? to – 72 points –

Does anyone know of a self hosting option for hosting ebooks? I keep hoping there is an open source library type app where I could add my ebooks and host them for myself and others.


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So if I understand correctly, I would spin up a Calibre docker (a la and then spin up a separate Calibre-web docker and point it to the first one?

I believe you can, but I just copied the calibre books and database from my PC and run it from calibre-web without maintaining any link to calibre.

It's not perfect but it works well enough.

I do it like this. Manage calibre on my PC, and copy the 'Calibre Library' contents to the server through ftp.

That's correct! I can share my docker-compose if that's helpful. I'm on my phone, but I believe they just have to share a volume.