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Joined 1 months ago

I want to go to Iceland because I hear it's awesome plus I like the added danger it might blow up at any moment.

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Even though not ai related it reminds of the time when kids were told to microwave their ipods to charge the battery. My niece did it. She's a moron.

Nope, propaganda is propaganda. Sorry you're dumb enough to fall for it.

How do you think electricity gets made for your electric car? And how about them batteries. Your position is hypocritical.

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Solar power isn't there yet. You're depending on a future dream for you delusional thoughts.

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Who goes there anymore. The only reason to go in the past was the price. That's been jacked up so fuck them.

She is a horrible person but for this one thing I agree.

Not even close to true. Propaganda talk. Also, good luck when the power goes out. Just stop the nonsense.

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You're believing propaganda. Simply put, full EV time is not now. Sure if you want it, go ahead. But it shouldn't be forced.

Creepy as F.

Nok, kids these days are just lazy. My first job was BK. It was fine. Not horrible at all.

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Weird reply.


lol. Got live in China. Tell me how that works out for ya. So stupid.

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You're fired. lol.

Crazy but true. Keep being a follower. See how that works out for you.

I'm guessing driving the other way around would help and boats. But I'm not an expert.

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I'm cool in my 2009 with no payments for what I do.

I don't think it. It's true. The reason is because they were pushing his agenda. They've already admitted that. They removed it because he was getting too many. Just because you disagree doesn't make me wrong because that is straight truth.

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Go live there.

They got to him

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Are you saying Musk isn't AI?

The fact you don't know this means you clearly just get info that is fed to you. You're not worth talking to. Not my job to do your research. It's there. You don't want to find it.

Either you're dumb or playing dumb. Either way, bad look.

Fuck no. You must have misread what I said or you're stupid and don't know what that is. I do. If you think Trump is behind it then you need to turn off the news.

Lowest iq reply ever. Being the son of a veteran is taking credit for doing nothing. I actually am a veteran. You shouldn't speak soft little dipshit.

I wouldn't say that if that wasn't what you're doing. Be smarter. Think for yourself. Take in all viewpoints and then decide what you think. All I see is idiots spewing what cnn and msnbc tells them to say. Same way on the other side. There are plenty of morons spewing their shit too. People need to think independently. It's a lost are and is literally why the country is divided. By design.

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You deserved what you got. Hey, Go have a nice memorial day. I will. You probably don't know so I'll tell you. It's the ones that died to give you the freedom to have any view you want.

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McDonalds in NYS is $20 an hour and they struggle to fill the jobs. Just saying.

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You just proved my point but you're too dumb to realize it.

Those are your success stories? Fucking laughable how stupid you are.

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How is defunding the cops and courts not prosecuting going?

The people shooting people will not be paying these taxes. Another law that punishes law abiding citizens.

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Your time is done. Shut up weirdo commie. Nobody likes you anymore. Maybe online but that's not real world shit.

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Shows how stupid you fucking retards are. I didn't say I was a Trump supporter. You made that leap. Go fuck off. People not online but in the real world are sick and tired of your thought process. It's over.

I totally agree but I see it reversed. Trumps policies had the economy going well. He's a douche. But times were better. They ain't getting better under Biden. But fuck me. I've never voted for a dem or republican. Wrote in Wu Tang last time as a protest. Doesn't matter either way. I'm in NY so they go blue with or without me. Fuck em all I say but if I had to pick one (I don't have to and won't) gotta have Trump just to change up from Biden. It'll suck but suck less. We need more and better options. People seem to pick based on one issue. I say the economy is the most important thing even though I believe women should have abortions. But step one and then push real reform to the system so we're not dealing with these dumb choices. I think I'll write in Donald Duck this time.

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I reasonably giving my thoughts. You're parroting bullet points from the media.

The source would be your brain anfter observing all viewpoints. Not just the ones you're told to believe in.

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Media talking points is all yo have. Pathetic.

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Not calling them illegal makes you the problem.

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More media talking points

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