Main road to Grindavík (Iceland) is covered under lava to – 1313 points –

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I want to go to Iceland because I hear it's awesome plus I like the added danger it might blow up at any moment.

It's also fun how massively expensive it is. And their currency makes it feel even more expensive. Want a loaf of bread that'll be 23,000 krona.

But it's got hot spring and a surprisingly vibrant nightlife so it's all worth it.

Wasn't that expensive when I went last year, actually felt relatively affordable. Actually, all of Europe felt affordable compared to food prices in the US...

1 EUR = 149.307 ISK. I highly doubt a loaf of bread to be 154 EUR

If it is, I'm going to move to Iceland to grow wheat and bake and sell bread. This software engineering thing suddenly doesn't seem all that lucrative.

The problems start when your wheat field gets covered by lava

I thought lava was Icelandic for fertilizer