
0 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

I hate the anti-pattern of "Not Now". How about "No"?

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I like how homie to the right of Trump is reloading his finger gun

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Wouldn't this be a great opportunity to flood that hashtag with content that talks about project 2025? Or the Epstein list?

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A politician who can admit when he's done something wrong? No wonder fox hates him.

What if we make it illegal to own more than 2 residential properties. Yes, 2. Why 2? Because it won't pull votes away from assholes with a summer house.

AND let's make it illegal for corporate entities to own livable units, and force them to sell via eminent domain within 180 days.

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Please get fucking vaccinated

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Maybe it's because the Cybertruck is a piece of shit, and so is Elon

I call bullshit.

This just in: Trump poops his little baby diaper because he's a whiney little sissieboy

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Just declare loan forgiveness as an official act, then claim immunity

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Whoever can resurrect and tame a T-Rex wins the dick measuring contest

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Search was solved in 1998.

How's about you do something about carbon emissions, fatal disease research, or food accessibility?

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No shit Sherlock

Well that's obviously bullshit

I think Jon Stewart and Bill O'Reilly would be interesting moderators.

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Wait until you see what Misty says about her Pokemon

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Harris and Buttigieg #HarriButt2024

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Under his eye

I'd pay big money to see a prosecutor debate a criminal.

Even if he did, SCOTUS just ruled he would be immune to prosecution.

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It's a gender reveal

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We ought to listen to him. He knows a lot about exaggerating size.

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I phone bank with the DCCC and had a conversation with a woman last night about how she's morally against abortion, but still believe people should have access to abortion if they so choose.

I thought it was really heartwarming that she wasn't imposing her beliefs on all of America. It gave me hope

Nazis gunna Nazi 🤷‍♂️

He should pull the plug on the iron dome

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I'm not a Republican, but I was genuinely curious to see Nikki Haley as the primary.

I was so giddy over Buttigieg in '20. Followed by Elizabeth Warren. Biden was my 4th or 5th pick, with Kamala just before Amy Klobachar at last place. She's just unlikeable.

I'll just side load it. Fuck you Google

That can be applied to pretty much everything I do.

What did Grant say?

Their job now is to serve governments surveillance data.

Greg Abbott didn't earn the nickname "hot wheels" for nothin.

I'm not the gambling type.

I'm not endorsing O'Reilly, but he and Stewart have good chemistry, one's a Democrat and the other is a Republican.

I have, and still believe, that Bill O'Reilly belongs in the depths of hell.

Their job now is to serve governments surveillance data.

You're probably right, unfortunately. I'm shooting for Andy Bashear (KY) or Roy Cooper (NC)

I did Nazi that coming

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Here's an idea: elect supreme Court justices by popular vote. By the people, for the people. This way, they can't strategically do shit to pack it their way

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