House Republican Immediately Accuses Biden of Having ‘Sent the Orders’ to Kill Trump in Bizarre Post

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House Republican Immediately Accuses Biden of Having ‘Sent the Orders’ to Kill Trump in Bizarre Post

Collins followed up with another tweet calling for the local county prosecutor to “immediately file charges against Joseph R. Biden for inciting an assassination.”

Someone didn't get the memo from SCOTUS.


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Even if he did, SCOTUS just ruled he would be immune to prosecution.

They ruled in a way that didn't really define what an official act was, so if I'm not mistaken, any act could still be up to SCOTUS to ultimately determine if charges were brought and prosecuted.

This so what I was trying to argue elsewhere: people keep saying it made the POTUS a king, but if I were POTUS and wanted to do something questionable, I know who I would be running it by first.

Or at least it would have to be shown to not be an official act. And since taking classified documents home with you and showing them around to people after your presidential term is over may or may not be an official act, all bets seem to be off.

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