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Joined 1 months ago

Reddit -> Beehaw until I decided I didn't like older versions of Lemmy (though it seems most things I didn't like are better now) -> kbin.social (died) -> kbin.run (died) -> fedia.

Japan-based backend software dev.

FFS. Ohio's officials need to actually face legal consequences for all its gerrmandering and other fuckery.

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I might have to get to them at some point, then; time is the limiting factor now as I work 1.5 jobs and have all the normal home maintenance/work on top of that.

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Indeed, but I still do somewhat keep up with various gaming news, so it seems weird that XVI didn't leave any real impression in my head unless I did somehow just totally miss it

I remember seeing a video at some point but not if it were cutscene/promo or gameplay

I had a similar one that ran windows (CE maybe? I don't recall)

I find this statement to be pretty yeet.

there is literally no correct answer

I deleted mine years ago but, in Japan, it's still one of the main ways small shops communicate with their customers. Some use FB or insta instead. They don't have the knowledge, money, or desire to create a whole website that is far more difficult to interact with and update than the platforms that are free, people use, and are easy to update.

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Same as unfolding them, but in reverse.

Console? You mean Macintosh?

Either way, I'm glad to see it getting some love; I played it on Amiga growing up.

ballcap; I wear one when it's lightly raining to keep the rain off my glasses.

Ah. That'd be a nightmare here, probably. Japan is pretty notorious for low tech literacy outside of a few narrow areas. I also think that this might have reliability impacts that just drive people away. Finally, no average japanese person has any idea what the fediverse is, so that's another hurdle to jump.

I'm torn between "no teeth (just gums) and a mouth stuffed with chocolate pudding (specifically the one that many American buffet restaurants use)" and "crunching jagged jawbreakers (or rocks)"

I don't disagree, but the majority of Japanese are just using whichever device is in their pocket (largely iPhones or Android, some feature phones, the occasional tablet, and much more rarely (outside of official business work), an actual full-sized computer).

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I've seen that same warning for walking. I think it's just Google saying "good luck with that; we're not legally responsible". I think those warnings have shown up more since cars would follow the GPS with zero common sense and drive into a lake or something.

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  • get rid of ridiculous fees
  • get rid of tips
  • pay your staff a living wage with proper benefits
  • set real prices on the menu to account for the above

Which is what restaurants in a number of places that are not the US actually do.

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I mean, I work as a software engineering and if I'm not doing continuing ed, be it about architecture, storage, or new languages, I'm going to be of less value in the marketplace. I've learnt languages I didn't particularly want to in the past for work (though I generally came to tolerate or even like some of them. Not lua, though; lua can go to hell).

If Rust truly is the better, safer option, then these people are holding everything back.

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Circa 1177 BCE. Sea Peoples ruin everything.

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We had a girl in middle school who was raped by her uncle and carried the pregnancy to term and, IIRC, graduated high school. She was impregnated at age 11. The wealthy white girls who got pregnant were all disappeared as soon as it was known.

Rural Ohio, almost entirely white school - mid-to-late '90s. Bunch of kids decided to form kinda gangs. One wore cowboy hats and boots. I forget the other. Apparently, a bunch came armed to a football game for some kind of "gang war". Thankfully, that never materialized, but I do know that some definitely came armed. WTF people. No non-whites were allowed in said gangs. (This brought to you by the town with white supremacists and anti-Semites who would say "that's Jewish" to mean something was uncool).

Edit: both of these public school in the same school system.

Noise-canceling headphones. Eye mask (some planes might provide one, but get a nice one that fits you). A good mask (planes can be very low-humidity so even if you aren't worried about anything else, this can help keep you more comfortable).

Wear loose-fitting clothing (except compression socks if that's something you want to do) or otherwise comfy clothing.

Other than that, get up and stretch every couple of hours if you can and are not sleeping.

I have flown from NY to Tokyo multiple times (which is like 15 hours depending upon weather).

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I have family that believe trump is necessary for Christianity to win and that I and my step-siblings are only safe because they are intervening for us. This is in central Ohio from evangelicals.

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It's really easy to have an alcohol problem without realizing you have an alcohol problem. This is especially true in people with certain personality or mental health conditions. Alcohol cost me a ridiculous amount of money and at least one job and nearly a couple of others. I was drinking to get out of social anxiety and have addiction issues in general, but somehow didn't see how bad I was getting. I would take time off drinking and think I was fine, but I always went back to it. Never start that. Also, never start smoking.

If all you have is a hatchet, I'd imagine a more waddle-and-daub situation rather than a cabin. For a proper cabin, you really need an axe with weight behind it, a hammer, wedges, and hopefully a tree saw (and then adz, draw knife (or similar) and so on for finish work). An ax, depending upon the type and health of a tree, is kinda a terrible way to take it down on its own.

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Never. IIRC, I also couldn't upvote good solutions because I had never posted or something, though I may be mis-remembering.

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You are correct and I am aware of that. However, it also seems that they both refuse to learn it and refuse to work with people at that expert level based on the recent drama, which seems very much like holding things back to me.

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I must be really tired because I was trying to understand how one is a candidate to be a lesbian. I think I need a nap.

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I went from super conservative evangelical, even harder right than my parents in many ways, in high school, very nearly got pulled into even further right stuff in young adulthood, and now am basically the opposite of all of that. Had facebook been a thing when I was that age, who knows what nonsense I would have been spouting or doing.

I despise Vance and all the he and his ilk stand for, but I agree this just doesn't feel right to me.

Well that's a relief; I thought we were having boiled Australia.

To me, just that statement reads like collecting something, being proud of it, and wanting to start a conversation or find shared interest in it rather than some competition. Maybe I'm lacking context?

Tbh, an edible if you are into that and comfortable with it.

Do NOT do this if you are going into a country, such as some in East Asia, that consider presence of the drug in the body as possession of that substance. Japan did this for all but THC, but were changing the law to include it (I'm not sure if they have yet; it was only excluded because of some traditional ropemakers IIRC).

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The human diet changed so quickly and the ability to do things about tooth pain and infection aside from dying means that there isn't really evolutionary pressure in most of the world for teeth to meet the current "needs", as it were.

Yeah, as someone who lives in Japan, I agree. Since the opportunities are basically all in the big metros and remote work is far from popular, kids chasing a better future go to trade school and/or uni in the big cities and don't come back. I do have remote work so I moved to the country to farm and live a more relaxed life. My wife's company graciously, though for a pretty big pay cut, let her work remotely. Her job was not able to be done remotely (physical education), but some of her duties involved media and web stuff so now she does only that. We love it.

However, budgets in my municipality are tight. The population dropped severely after the tsunami came and wiped out a lot of the areas up to 2.5-3km inland. As such, this place is somewhat unique globally, but is still a depopulating area. With the money after the disaster, a lot of new infra was built. I got paid some to move us here.

However, even with the infra and programs, the opportunities and even raw numbers of people aren't here which strains maintaining all the roads and nature trying to encroach. We have crumbling buildings from businesses that went under. Fire, emergency services, elder care, child care and more struggle. Except for forestry, farming, a paper mill, construction, and fishery, there's not a lot of opportunity here.

Japan, and many other places, are going to need quite the cultural shift to redistribute the population to keep things from collapsing outside of the metros and to solve the increasing problems in those metros (transport, infra, etc.).

I imaging china and other countries will have the same issues, though I understand a lot of rural china is far more rough in terms of poverty and services than here which may leave them even more cut off.

I guess it's not a bad thing, but I have no idea whom or what a shein is.

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I hope it doesn't come to Japan. We have lots of cats running around the area that I moved to. I hope to start some trap+neuter/spay at some point, but can't afford it now. One of the cats will get close and hang out, but will not be touched. They're all varying shades of feral. On the plus side, they do help keep our rodent populations low (as do the snakes to a lesser degree (though they prefer toads), but I prefer non-venemous farm helpers

Iodized salt was basically that. Soldiers turning up for WWI had lots of problems due to missing things in the diet.

Having a method of distribution that requires no effort and, perhaps more importantly, virtually no cost helps those who are often otherwise missed and forgotten by the systems in place. "Just have a dentist apply it" doesn't work when you're too poor for the dentist and/or have no way to get to one.

You also have to gather all the paperwork from various places, which could be easy if your parents are responsible, but onerous if not. In many places, there is no public transportation to those or between those places (or it's not in a timely manner). After that, they still have to get to the place to get the ID. All of this is time and money that particularly the poor and those in under-served communities cannot muster.

Edit: to add, they also need to get time off of work to accomplish this, which they may not be able to afford. This is why I do not really like voter ID laws as they are often proposed.

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He also removed an option for home battery storage solutions for me.

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I just poked around the Japanese web. If you're talking about "messages from water" or something like that, it's complete bullshit. You can see here for example: https://www.gakushuin.ac.jp/~881791/fs/md/what.html If not, please cite your source.

That ought to be fun with all the border disputes. Some islands are claimed by 4 (well, 5) nations:

  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • North Korea (because they claim the south and all their claims)
  • Taiwan
  • China
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As someone older than the public internet, these people and positions always existed. The difference in my opinion is that the 24-hour news cycle and online echo chambers combined with less in-person meeting, particularly with others in the community different to oneself has just further isolated and polarized people. There's also an argument that heavily-biased cable "news" (which is oftentimes more "opinions" and sometimes "outright lies") going unchecked has further polarized and divided people.

Citation needed (grew up on those shampoos, thick as ever in my 40s). I think genetics plays the bigger.role here, right?