Going on my first super long haul flight - what can I buy to make it more comfortable?

Lenny@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 105 points –

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Tbh, an edible if you are into that and comfortable with it.

Do NOT do this if you are going into a country, such as some in East Asia, that consider presence of the drug in the body as possession of that substance. Japan did this for all but THC, but were changing the law to include it (I'm not sure if they have yet; it was only excluded because of some traditional ropemakers IIRC).

Even residue is enough to get you fucked royally in the UAE.

While this is true, "long flights" can be 8-12 hours in length and you will have to take the edible pre tsa check so you will be very sober by the time you land. No shot they test you without obvious reason

No shot they test you without obvious reason

I haven't indulged in any such substances in well over a decade, but I would not be willing to risk that. One person, one flight attendant, or one random check could fuck someone so hard.

And thats totally fair, to each their own. I might be willing to risk it bc I'm impulsive and hate being bored but I can totally understand if someone is not willing to accept that risk. I should have mentioned the risk of flying overseas on such substances as I'm well aware of them but I'm currently engaging in such substances and I'm not all there tbh. Genuinely thanks for bringing it up.

Unrelated but if you like neolithic and bronze age history you should totally check out histiry time on youtube. Bangers all around