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My understanding is that "persons" refers to people in discrete groups, where what separates those groups is pertinent to the topic being discussed.

For example - 'indigenous persons' refers collectively to indigenous people, but acknowledges that there are separate subgroups of indigenous people within that. You could equally say "indigenous people" and it would be correct but you lose that nuance by not acknowledging that there are internal divisions within the group you are referring to.

Not saying that's the dictionary definition, but that's how it's generally used in my field.

I don't think the comment was appropriate but I also don't think it was really necessary to cancel the tour over it. It was a joke made in poor taste. Worth an apology? Sure. But this seems like an overreaction.

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Screw these guys. Whatever your position on the matter it's not the tourists themselves who are culpable, but the national and local government for allowing their economy to be so reliant on tourism.

It doesn't justify assaulting and harassing people in the streets.

Barcelona is not the only city in the world that attracts a large number of tourists. Many cities attract more. Yet Barcelona is the only place I see with so many of these xenophobic nutjobs.

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Least psychopathic lawyer

I don't know anything about the guy but it must take some serious balls to do a job like that in Mexico City.

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May one shoelace be permanently tighter than the other just enough to be annoying.

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I always buy an aisle seat so I can stretch my legs and get up whenever I need.

I've also learned that most airlines (at least here in Europe) fill their seats from the front back. So if you sit near the back and keep an eye on the back row, sometimes it's completely unoccupied. In which case I move there and can practically lie down.

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Not in Europe. Everyone just uses WhatsApp, even with an iPhone.

So, is he...

  1. Fundamentally misrepresenting homosexually as self delusion and a choice, or

  2. A closet homosexual in denial, like so many other homophobes

I guess they're not mutually exclusive.

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Tbh I kinda get it. The below is my immediate thoughts but perhaps there's another angle I'm not considering.

If you're a professional player at that level then the sport is your life. You've probably been training since you were a child and you've completely dedicated yourself to it. Training almost every day, not doing things that other people get to do so as not to harm your performance, which probably affects your relationships.

In any sport where physicality is concerned, you have an expiry date. You will inevitably age out. It's just a fact of life.

The Olympics is arguably the most culturally significant and important sporting event in human history so far, or at least one of them.

I can see why someone who has dedicated their life to their sport would make this decision to play in that event, even if they've already done it before, because they WILL age out of it sooner or later. And really, is one missing finger going to be that much of an impairment for the rest of his life? I'm guessing it's not a thumb so... Probably not.

I think the decision is understandable and rational. I wouldn't choose it myself, but I'm not a professional athlete who has dedicated their life to what they do.

I know all cats like to get under your feet but mine is an absolute jedi master at knowing exactly where to be to inconvenience you the most. I don't know how she does it. She just knows exactly where I'm going to go so she can be directly in the way. You'd think she'd learn after being accidentally kicked a few times but nope.

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To you, sure. The world is a big place.

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I don't think he's saying either are okay, just pointing out the double standard. That's how I read it anyway.

These people will come round when nobody wants to work for them. Same thing happened/is happening with WFH and hybrid jobs.

It was neither the stabbing nor the vigil.

It's uneducated white thugs who have been told for years that immigrants and Muslims are the reason they're struggling.

I went to a state school in the UK and remember being taught media literacy, this would've been just over 10 years ago now. I don't know if it was part of the curriculum or just something they decided to add (while it was a state school, it was a very good one in a wealthy area).

We were told to read headlines and guess what the story was about, then we were shown a neutral article that objectively described what happened to highlight how misleading the headlines and pictures were. Among other things, but that sticks out in my mind.

I honestly think it was a fantastic life skill to teach.

I'm not American but want to be in the loop. Media here is saying Kamala Harris is the likely successor. What do people think of her? Is she liked? I assume her actual politics are more or less the same since she was VP.

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Isn't that kinda the whole point of them? I'm more surprised they hadn't done so already.

I do. Comments like his are actively contributing towards the racist violent disorder taking place right now. It's disgusting.

TIL it isn't pronounced Jizz Lane. I've literally never heard it before (UK)

Would it be worth reaching out to them on social media? Something like this would be great PR for them.

Also, was this his grandmother saying that she knows that SHE'S straight because she wants to suck dick?

Worst theme park ever

It really feels like the grown-ups are in charge again. With a healthy sprinkling of life experience and working class backgrounds.

I'm more thinking "see, we DO prosecute war crimes, that proves that all that other stuff was fine".

They get incurable cancer

Where's the line? Because controlling men force women to cover up all the time with all sorts of pieces of clothing.

Fair enough. Well hopefully it helps some Europeans out! I only noticed it by accident because I sit by the back toilets due to IBS anyway.

Edit: I've done this with easyJet, Wizzair and Vueling - for reference

In fairness the scale of these games has increased sharply, and they have released other equally big titles in between (namely RDR). I'd rather wait until they're satisfied with the product than play something unfinished.

Not OP but I've come over because I accidentally commented on one account on a subreddit where I was banned on an old account (for a dumbass janny reason) and got an IP ban for ban evasion. I just forgot I was banned on an old account and I regularly make new ones for privacy reasons. Really stupid. So I thought I'd give Lemmy a try (I still don't fully understand it but it seems good enough).

I don't know if perhaps they're stepping up IP bans and that's why you're seeing more? Just a guess.

He's answering the question of why it's not more popular. And he's right.

In fairness, this isn't massively new and I was taught similar back when I was in school. It was genuinely a really good life skill to teach to kids and it was politically neutral.

I'm not in an appropriate position mentally for a relationship. One day I want to settle down and do the whole wife/kids thing but now's not the time to get into anything.

Wtf did I just watch haha why the hell haven't I seen that before

Yeah I'm potentially moving abroad next year and will have to find a home for her, and I'm cautious to give her to certain people for that reason.

Not including work devices - probably my old university files. I intentionally wrote about topics relevant to the career I wanted (which I now have) and they're genuinely useful for going back and referring to.

IMO it's KFC but that would be a controversial choice (UK)

Yep our country is screwed in many ways but at least we haven't so far dabbled in that kind of madness. It is fundamentally a properly functioning democracy.

I'm not sure about that. Adblocks have already been around for a very long time.

Honestly - I'm quite a well travelled person and Barcelona is absolutely notorious for these groups. They are famous for it. So I stand by what I said. I'm from London and now live in a tourist heavy seaside town. I get it. But it doesn't justify assaulting people.